■ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ľ* »A« Dl BÄ KE Lesson 8 sfkM Shěngcí New Words xiaojie cídiän (£) (š(k!lí§íj) yäo (it) nä (80 zhöng jí běn p. *& (45) zázhl 9. $9* (£) liánxíběn 10.*^ (£) zhuözi U.fc (*) zhöng 12. $ (ft) Häng 13. #f* (#-) yízi 14. & (Ä) bä 15. & (£) chuáng 16. W (45) guizi 17. ^ (Ä) gě Miss, young lady dictionary to want, will which a measure word , kind, sort (in a question ) how many, ( in a statement) several a measure word for books , magazines , etc. magazine exercise book table, desk a measure word for tables , paper , etc . two chair a measure word for chairs bed wardrobe a multi-purpose measure word -,Ä& Kěwén • I tJZ&E&.Jftßio fföJSI—^1ljnjn(shöuhuöyuön shop assistant)o 45 Li Danian is in a bookstore, speaking with a shop assistant. ^^J^-. /J-'JtlL žj|~"JšJjfe-hSj? Li Dänián: xičojie, you cídiän ma? H 1ť Jí : 'Ü" ^--Jc'H' ^* "^ •$>-? Shouhuôyuán:You, nín yáo shénme cídiän? £4: *-^0 Li Danián: Wo yáo Zhóngwén cídián. ShôuhuôyuámNín yáo nä zhöng? Li Dänián: Yáo nä zhöng. Shôuhuôyuán:Nín yáo jí běn? Li Dänián: Yáo yi běn. =j& Tihuán Substitution mít nxmu -t* huäbäo Déwén huäbäo qí běn /u ± mx&M tu* zázhi Fäwén zázhi jiü běn M RXfä +& báo Riwén báo shí zhäng m** %xm^* M^ liänxíben Yingwén liänxľben liäng běn II Li Danian' s family has moved to a new house. One day Li and his mother go to buy some furniture. Jš. 'hjüL ^^kvü^Sz. LT: xiäojie, wo mäi zhěi zhöng ■%- zhuözi. "8"1ř JU : &-JK/L3&? Shôuhuôyuán: Nín yáo jí zhäng? 4tföfco Li: Yáo liäng zhäng. #jft Tihuán Substitution «f? raíE yizi si bä * -K chuáng yi zhäng p# -4- guizi yí ge 46 afp Zhiishl Notes l./Mä "/hfi"^í*íl¥g^ŤW^nfig0 1%fil&l&,%!&£%ZJ5o miß: /hJEL is a title placed before the surname, given name or full name of an unmarried young woman or a girl. For example: When used independently, it is a form of address for a female shop assistant, waitress, etc. For example: 2. "n"ítriC ~ (ér) and M (liäng) both mean 2, but are different in usage. — (ěr) is used in counting and reading numbers; M (Häng) is always used in combination with measure words. Therefore Wíŕfé If (liäng zhäng zhuözi) can not be said ZäK^í (ěr zhäng zhuôzi). 3. iL In questions, JL is used to ask about a small amount while in statements, it indicates a number between 1 and 10. Ev i^W Yüyln Phonetics 1. "-"W3EiP3 The tone change of yl (—) The numeral —- (yi) is pronounced in the first tone in isolation and in counting and numbers. When followed by a l8'-, 2nd-or 3rd-tone syllable,.—■ is pronounced in the 4' -tone. yi +" yi zhöng zhuözi yl+' yi pán CÍdái (magnetic tape) y] + v yi běn shü 47 When it is followed by a 4' -tone syllable, — (yi) is pronounced in the 2" -tone. yí+v yígěgulzi • 2. §S)-Sj>uang The final -uang The letter a in the final -uang is pronounced louder and longer than U. 0>Í^JŽ Yüfä Grammar m Ír] Measure words it),*ÍB]M:iišJo In Chinese, there is a special part of speech known as the measure word. It indicates the measure of unit of things or persons. Every noun has its specific measure word. In modern Chinese, a numeral, demonstrative pronoun, interrogative pronoun may not qualify a noun by itself; there must be a measure word between it and the noun. «45 «^ fc*^ m*m& iP*i^Ä &*m& m*m%* iip*^* a*^^* «Uli? Iß^iM íŽ^liíR Ü M? jittiMT »j!í «jií w&mt &&^iť m ji^fä »^ »že «*s &&£k íi ii&m mm »$ %mu &M iul «ffijL mmmji «iul »iul mm)L 48 & ff JljßföT H«í !9PÍE^Í iPÍE^í iŽÍE^Ť ^ 4~(gě) is a multi-purpose measure word which may be used to replace other mea- sure words. & A* fif řt "#"; iiplHft* :^ # .Af A ^*itI,^*#^,#Äo ±ffi?'J«£it)o ^^ňTffl*^ m o íť (zhöng) is a collective measure word referring to categories or styles. Most of he nouns listed above can be used with CT (zhöng). 49 3i> !&>I Liánxí Exercises !./£■ Tones 2. 1) M^PiM The four tones ZÖ d zá cí zä cí zä ci suän suán suän suän chuöng chuáng chuäng chuäng 2) '+ - chuángdän fángjiän guójiä hángkông '+' cháhú cónglái hóngchá j f s h ľ '+v chuántong cídiän niúnäi píjiu '+v chéngshi cídái fúwú guóji V bízi háizi fángzi míngzi íl h1 Sound discrimination: z—C—S 1) zai cai sai zang cang sang zen cen sen zong cong cäice song 2) zäizuô slsuo < zôngzú cücäo sôngsán • 3) zäocäo cáozá sôngzí zäusí zicóng cízu suzáo zTcái 3. it JÜ % >\ Build- up exercise zhuözi yi zhäng zhuözi mäi yi zhäng zhuözi Wo mäi yl zhäng zhuözi 50 cídiän liäng běn cídiän yäo liäng běn cídiän Wo yäo liäng běn cídiän zázhi wo de zázhi shi wo de zázhi bú shi wo de zázhi Zhě bú shi wo de zázhi. guizi tä de guizi shi tä de guizi yě shi tä de guizi Na yě shi tä de guizi Fill in each blank with an appropriate measure word and mark the tone of yi ( —) as it is actually pronounced. yi chuáng vi zázhi yi zhuözi vi cídíän Vi bäo vi huäbäo vi huár vi liánxíběn yi yizi vi shü vi guizi yi gěge vi yiwusuö vi didi yi shítáng vi měimei yi iiěiie yi laoshl 5. xifiSťfiJŤ Complete the following sentences. 1) shénme, cídiän A: Ní mäi________________? B:_________________________________. 2) jí, yízi A: Ní yöu_________________? 3) shénme, Zhongwén zázhi A: Nin yáo____________ B: _______ 4) jí, jiějie A: Ní yöu Go to a shop to buy something you want. 51 .