AJ15001 US Literature: 1865 to 1910 Suggested Secondary Readings Available at the Faculty of Arts Library (UK FF) Allen, Paula Gunn, ed. Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. New York: Ballantine, 1995. Anderson, Charles R. Person, Place, and Thing in Henry James’ Novels. Durham: Duke UP, 1977. Bassan, Maurice, ed. Stephen Crane: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1967. Berthoff, Warner. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature, 1884-1919. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981. Edel, Leon, and Dan H. Laurence. A Bibliography of Henry James. Oxford: Clarendon, 1982. Freedman, Jonathan, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Henry James. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Griffith, Clark. Achilles and the Tortoise Mark Twain’s Fictions. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1998. Kaplan, Justin. Mark Twain and His World. New York: Simon, 1974. Klimasmith, Betsy. At Home in the City: Urban Domesticity in American Literature and Culture. Durham: U of New Hampshire P, 2005. Laitinen, Tuomo. Aspects of Henry James’ Style. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1975. Mixon, Wayne. Southern Writers and the New South Movement, 1865-1913. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1980. Pizer, Donald, ed. The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: From Howells to London. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. Putt, Gorley S. A Reader’s Guide to Henry James. London: Thames, 1966. Robinson, Forrest G., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. Smith, Henry Nash, ed. Mark Twain: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963. Sundquist, Eric J., ed. American Realism: New Essays. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1982. Sundquist, Eric J. To Wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1993. Tanner, Tony. Henry James 1, 1843-1881. Harlow: Longman, 1979. Tanner, Tony. Henry James 2, 1882-1898. Harlow: Longman, 1979. Ziff, Larzer. The American 1890s: Life and Time of a Lost Generation. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1966.