1. Etkös ole, ihmis parca, Wretched man, are you not made aiwan arca, Sore afraid Coscas itket ylen öitä, Since you weep thoughout the night Coscas suret suuttumata, Since you sorrow patiently, puuttumata Helplessly Coucon mustan Murha-töitä. When black Death reveals his might? 2. Tap’on wanha tappawalla He well knows, the killer foe, Wierahalla Where to go Luojan laitoxen perähän: When God’s creatures must be found Hywät, huonot Langoinensa, Good and evil with their strong ones, lapsinensa, With their young ones - Syöstä, sullo’ maan powehen. To be stuffed into the ground. 3. Syöstä, haasta, särke, sorta, He casts, wastes, he crumbles, smashes, Mullax murta Wrings to ashes Hirmu Courilla Cowilla; In his stern, his dreadful grasp: Eij ole toiwo toiwotuxis, Hope has fled from the beliefs Woiwotuxis, And the griefs Parcu-suilla pelcurilla. Of the mouths that scream and gasp. 4. Parcu pojes paneminen, Let us put away their cries, catzominen Let our eyes Caiken mailman menoja. Turn to where the world’s ways tend. Catzo caicki catzeltawat, Look at all things worth our stares cuunneltawat, And our ears: Eikö löydy loppuwia? Is there nothing that will end? 5. Eikö cuulu cuolewia Do we know of non that die Catowia Pass away, Paitzi Ihmis parcaisia? Other than humanity? Tuules, Tähdis, Taiwahalla, In the wind, the stars beyond, Meres, Maalla, Sea and land, Cuolewil on cumpania. Mortals have their company. 6. Mitä maasa Matelepi, What upon the earth goes creeping Käwelepi, Or goes stepping Maaxi muuttua pitäpi; Must to earth change after all; Mitä Puussa pijscuttapi, What upon a tree to whistles cuiscuttapi, Or but rustles Puusta pudota pitäpi. From the tree at last must fall. 7. Lennä lindu mingäs lennät, Fly, bird, but how far soever et sä lennä You will never Cowan Cuoleman Käsistä; Pass Death’s hands; for he will bring, Se se Linnun lendäwängi, Merciless, his flying quarry riendäwängi, In a hurry, Temma tuulettelemasta. He will catch it on the wing. 8. Kell’ on Ruumis raittihimbi, Where’s a body sturdier, rautaisembi, Hardier Cuin on Calalla Meresä? Than a fish’s in a lake? Surma toki surmelepi, And yet Doom will slay, will slaughter Turmelepi In the water Wetten Carjangin Wedesä. Water’s brood – make no mistake! 9. Haut’on walmis Wähäisillä Little fishes quickly come Calaisillä, To their tomb Hauwin hirmuisen Cuwusa; In the grim pike’s gaping jaw, Hauwin Haut’on cuohuwasa While the pike’s tomb is the hot Cattilasa, Cooking-pot Toinen puhuwan Powesa. And, again, the speaker’s maw. 10. Ruohot raucat raukenevat, Slender grasses lose their power ehkä owat Though they are Coreana cukasansa; Handsome in their blossom-time; Puut eij pääse paxu Juuret, Trees have, whether slight or stout, Pienet, Suuret, No way out Caatahan casotesansa. But are cut down in their prime. 11. Kiwet cowat Callioilla, Solid rocks in mountain chains Cangahilla Or on plains Ricki mullax muretahan: Crumble finally to soil, Rauta caicki rewäisewä, Iron that destruction brings raatelewa, To all things Ruostehelda raadellahan. Rust at last will wreck and spoil. 12. Eij niin wähä woimatoinda, There is no small thing so faint, Wäetöindä, Impotent, Jota Surma säästänepi; As great Doom may let it slip, Eij nijn wahwa wäellistä, There is no strong thing so forceful, woimallista, So resourceful, Joca käsis kestänepi. As may long endure his grip. 13. Jossa cannell’caiken Ilman If to heaven you cast your gaze heität Silmän, For his ways, Hänen tiedustat tapansa: God will show you in reply Käändy, culke, wäändy, wyöry, Turning and returning, whirling, poicke, pyöry, Twisting, twirling Taiwas kircas Tähtinensä. Stars in the resplendent sky. 14. Kerran käändy käändymästä, One day they will turn from turning wäändymästä, And returning, Käändy käändymättömäxi, Turn until their turnings cease, Käändy käskyllä cowalla, Turn at the imperious word Caickiwallan, Of the Lord Tyhjäxi, tawattomaxi. Into void and waywardness. 15. Täm’ on Tuoni tulisella Thus the heavens will expire taiwahalla, All on fire Tämä tähtein pesällä, In the stronghold of the stars, Täm’ on ikä ihanalla Thus at death the beautiful Auringolla: Sun will cool Tämä wahwuus wahvudella! And the warrior with his wars. 16. Sijs ei ole olewata, So there’s nothing that will last pysywätä Or stand fast Tämän mailman Menoissa: On this world’s fast-moving road: Caicki caatu, caicki muuttu, All things fall and all things alter, caicki puuttu, All things falter Luojan Luotuin seasa. Where all things were made by God 17. Hengelliset, hengettömät, Animate, inanimate huolettomat, Do not fret Menojansa muuttelewat; But to nature’s law they bend, Hetki hetkeld, Päiwä päiwäld, For as hour and day and year Wuosi wuodeld, Disappear Loppuwansa lähenewät. They draw closer to their end. 18. Tätä aina ajatella, Let this be your recollection, muistutella, Your reflection, Sinun sundisen pitäisi; Sinful man, by day and night, Tästä otta ojennusta, And from this too take your bearing, huojenusta, Not despairing Surman sua säikyttäisä. When Doom comes and fills with fright. 19. Luodut caicki catoawat, To its death goes every creature lopun saawat, With its nature Laatuinensa luondoinensa. Irrespective: is it then Ongo ihmet jos sä caadut, Such a wonder that you must jossa maadut, Come to dust Syndi säcki syndinensi? With your sins, you sack of sin? 20. Mik’ on ilo ricastua, What’s the joy to have a carriage racastua, And a marriage Caupungisa catowasa? In a city doomed to die? Mik’ on ilo oleskella, What joy to be permanent asuskella, Resident Täsä turhasa Tilasa? In this state of vanity? 21. Etzi muuta elandota, Seek another way of living olendota, And surviving, Pyydä taiwahan Talohon! And on heaven set your sights! Etzi meno muuttumatoin, Seek a way that will not alter puuttumatoin, Neither falter, Pyri taiwahan ilohon! And aspire to heaven’s deligths! 22. Siell’ on riemu rickahambi, There is joy more plentiful, runsahambi, Prodigal, Siell’on Ilo loppumata: There delight that will not die, Siellä laulat Lapsinensi, You will sing there with your young ones, Langoinensi, With your strong ones Woiton Wirtä wäsymätä. Tireless songs of victory. 23. Cosk’ei coskan cuolemata, But because mankind must die, catomata, Pass away, Sinne tääldä tulla taita; Or he cannot there alight, Sydän on sull’ syndis-parca, Your poor sinful heart is made aiwan arca, Sore afraid, Ettäs suret surman Töitä. Sorrowing at Doom’s great might.