(256 ►RütftiSH ffeX5Sl 1 E S S 0 N SxÄW'S^äpJfMy Favorite p|ace 15 ?1 ft L •> (death; to die) (tub) to die O) death 3?$&t (7>9 7 S') euthanasia (6) ~" *" f f F' ft (mind; meaning) 0?%. (A S) meaning ;~±S1"3 (ta'J-ftS) to watch out it JL W1r» opinion H Itt 5 (3 "f *) to prepare (flavor; taste) (-f S) meaning (yi;) hobby 3 S) interest °^.°f (5V) soybean paste (£>C) taste (8) 1 " 0 »" °= °f ^ (to pour; to shed) iijti" 3 (fa^-ftS) to watch out /±3C1~& (^a^O-TSi) to order /I (* to pour (8) ' • ) T f" )t )T )± # (summer) M_ (&o) summer JO^.^ (&^>J?>°t"&) summer vacation Wl (S' a *) early summer (,»)-- r TT ft w w ^ y X (fish) ,#, fish Sr|Ti# (9 > % S) fish market goldfish HI) ' " f ft ft ft & y (temple) (*5ti) temple ( r- ^Toji (the name of a temple) (6) - + * * * * (t)1?)^) wide; spacious ^A*# (t>5lfl square; open space lt% (TMLi) Hiroshima lt.% (3<>3*) advertisement (spacious; wide) (5) ' f~ )Z &. K10M T > (to roll over) lifef- (PTfisir) bicycle WfctZ (?>T>-fZ) to drive L (*-f T>"f L) rotating sushi fsJf (C 5 £) to tumble; to fall down (11)- r f> « » a | $" f= $f |s it -> * 7 -> -V 7 (to borrow) ft1) i> (**♦>*) to borrow it* (i>l'?^) rented land ri& (J'^y+V) debt M' f {- f T f* fl* fit « ft * lit (to run) £■5 (BLS) to run 1 # 5> (t* t 9 #*) hasty writing (y y V ">) escape from a prison (7) - + * + + * £ * /it tz T> (to build) 3t$& (tTtffl) building <"C5 (fcTS) to build 5to (fc-o) to be built 3tB (fya?) founding a nation (ground) JtbT (^"#) underground i&fik (J-iiT'V) subway *&H (*X) map *fc& (f - =f a ■>) earth; globe fcfclfE (5> ~> >) earthquake (6)' + * ^> i+ Afe li* (place) (l>5ii*) square; open space JfFfr (-tfS'B) place Si-MI (fi'Ji'ty'aW parking garage (12) - + * i' tn in ie i3- 3P- 0$ i% t§ (foot; leg) S. UbL) foot; leg 3.1 & (tz 9«) to be sufficient —(-f 'yV?) one pair of shoes sjcp& (*T^V?) lack of water (7)' " ° Y ¥ ,Y j?. si. (to pass; to commute) 3.5 (k&%>) to go through; to pass (A>J;9) to commute 54^ (•y^H7) going to school 5§jt# (Vfy^y) going to work (ie " " r f\ ft ft fi "I 5! S| {In this chart, kalakana indicates the on'yomi and Iriragnna indicates the kuu'yomi.)