I1HM 2<>» ^16"l 1 E S S 0 N...........................16^ ^h1f \ K^X/fc/uJ The Man9a Doraemon 2gL (companion; offer) -tr-f i (world; generation) (world) (all) (part; section) (to begin) (week) ■fig (;t*4) child (tiC) together (•?-4'x.'5) to offer something to the spirit (7--i*atr) offer i 1- f" F f£ (-fe#-f) the world *t£ (-fe1?) care ■ftft (-fe^-f) generation .=.-& (-f^-fe-f) the third generation tt-«0+ (i«4-*>) the society + + ft ■ftlf- (-t: # 4) the world $t# (V>M) visibility PMr- (yy*^) limit i&lf- (-t -f * -<) political world (9) * ?L 3ft (-If^y) all 4c£ (T>-t£>) safety (iofcO entirely (-b'>3^) whole country (6) ±$\S (Hy?) all §P-1 ('Vf) room T-X&P (t-Z.7) tennis club oP-ft. ("7"-?- a ">) department manager ill iai i> (!i U i 3) (something) begins ibthZ (BUftS) to begin (something) i'y'^y) first train »U J 4 ** & it 46 4& •$® (.-?-i i/s.'fy) every week TfcS. (■&>->!■>) last week —SB (—i^aL^to) second week fi^C (^i">vy) weekend (by means of; compared with) ) n n n IB G3 B] *1B B3 M .« R ~W._t (-f i-5 3 "7) ... or more ~W.T (-f *)... or less Wlitr (-f -fe* >) before; formerly VMk (4 3) hereafter (5) 1 yj pa (264)j>-K2>»SSJi (to think; idea) (i'/viitS) to think (i^***.) idea (3*3*7) archeology ^jtf- CIJ-V 3 -7) reference (6) - + *■ ^ J* # 1 M i (to open) Bflttli (afe Ct -S) to open (something) Fffl < (£> <) (something) opens M < (t>£ <) to open (something) Hfl^S (A-f T» opening of a store (i»i r r r r n n n h m m m B (shop; house) $p,g t^) room ('SA»J?>) bookstore §M (**"M0 fish shop S.X (.*?~S3<5) rooftop Sl*l ) indoor (9) 'fFf^f^I (direction; person) "•^.■Tj ( 5 iptz) person on one's side (i.fofrtz) way of reading f% («>^*sfc) evening (!) a***) both (4) ' "J HZ (transport; luck) itf* ('JVF')) exercise Sfs driving SL&«V^ (■)>4HH>) lucky a# (t-t) fate stJ: (t££-K) to carry (12) ' "~ "** r P W 8 B f 'f 3? i -(to move) (> H ) exercise f# < (-5 C < ) to move UVlM- (yF'Ji't) automobile (Y*?-?y) animal II' * f s# M t f t* ^c£5 (*5txl>) to teach fcS (* a 1>->'^) classroom (to teach) ffc-fe- (* a *m -f) church + 'J X Mic (* ') X 1- * 3 •» Christianity fJcf4# (#a<'*S'3) textbook (11) - * * ^ M I f f * It (room) Mk.'M. (^ra^'yy) classroom SftfES (^>*i't'^'y) professor's office *&T$ ( + * S^'y) basement f^o-!^ ^ abv> J^'y) waiting room o) ' '' r*~ "** "j" ^ (In this chart, kataktma indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kmi'yomi.)