Presentation Q&A – Week 5 When is the presentation? Group A: Tuesday, 18th Oct. Group B: Monday, 17th Oct. What to talk about? One of your friends has been missing for a few days. You were seen with the person before he/she disappeared, so a police interrogates you and asks questions about your activities at certain time periods. You help him/her find some hints for the case to assist the investigation. You should use the following words and phrases in your dialog: 正在, 除了…以外. How to do the presentation? You will come to the front of the classroom to speak. PowerPoint presentation is welcomed, but not required. Your presentation should be around 5 minutes. Try to keep eye-contact with the audience all the time. Reading from your script word after word is NOT allowed. Please speak loudly and clearly. Pay attention to the tones. What to do as an audience? You should keep quiet and listen carefully to the speaker during his/her presentation. You are supposed to prepare a piece of paper and write down responses to the presentations of your colleagues. Please see below the required format and an example of what it should look like. Format: (time),(person) (activity)。 (time),(person) (activity)。 … 我觉得/想/认为(your guess for where the missing person is),因为(your reason)。 Example: 前天晚上十二点半,王立和张丹一起去酒吧。 昨天下午三点五十,王立回家了,张丹自己在酒吧喝酒。 张丹的家人给警察局打电话的时候,王立正在家睡觉。 我觉得张丹现在在酒吧后面的小路上睡觉,因为他喝得太多了。 The underlined parts should be customized, using your own words according to the content of each presentation. You should have one response to each of the presentations. The response should be written in Chinese characters and submitted to me at the end of the class. During the presentation, you are free to ask (in Chinese) the speakers to repeat something they have said or any questions in order to complete your response.