AII SEMINAR 7 Crime & Punishment– Answer Key Task 1 1. f 2. e 3. a 4. g 5. i 6. k 7. c 8. o 9. h 10. m 11. n 12. j 13. l 14. d 15. b Task 2 1) 3% of the Australian population is Aborigines; 51% or the federal prison population is Aborigines. (#5.4) 2) 22,723 people (#2.3) 3) 2:1 (#3.2) 4) Russia (#1.1) 5) 14% black; 8% Hispanic (#4.3) 6) 92% (#4.3) Task 3 1. Hijacker 2. Witness 3. Smuggler 4. Shoplifter 5. Murderer 6. Kidnapper 7. Forger 8. Vandal 9. Pickpocket 10. Burglar 11. Blackmailer 12. Hooligan Task 4 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F Prepositions: 1. about 2. from 3. from 4. at 5. at 6. by 7. of 8. in 9. of 10. of 11. as 12. with Task 5 – based on class discussion Task 6 – Listening 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F Task 7 1. If / when I get home tonight, I’ll cook dinner. A: probability; if would mean you are not sure (for example, your flight home is delayed). 2. If / when I was a child, I once stole some candy. A: simple past activity; not conditional. 3. If / when I win the lottery, I’ll buy you a coffee. A: If is a remote possibility; you’re not sure, you’re doubtful. When indicates that you are more optimistic and really expect to win. 4. If / when I reach the age of 60, I’ll retire and move to Costa Rica. A: either: if = pessimistic, when = optimistic; both express attitude. 5. If / when I don’t see you, have a nice journey. A: possibility; you are not sure about the future. 6. If / when I get out of prison, I’m going to go to college. A: either: if = pessimistic (for example, life imprisonment), when = optimistic; both express attitude. 7. If/when you put ice in a glass of hot water, it melts. Zero conditional 8. If/When it rains this afternoon, I´ll stay at home. Probability 9. If/When I get old, I´ll probably have grey hair. A: either: if= pessimistic, when= optimistic If and when can reflect attitude. If = possibility; when = probability in conditional sentences. Task 8 1. that/which/none needed 2. who/that 3. who/that 4. which/that/none needed 5. which/that/none needed 6. which/that/none needed 7. who/that 8. whose 9. who Task 9 Burglary is one of the most common crimes which people commit. Some figures show that up to one in six crimes which are reported is a burglary. Therefore, many people will be burgled at some point in their life. Some of those who are burgled will find it devastating, even if none of their possessions are actually taken. People who commit burglary should realize the effect they may have on someone else’s life. In my opinion, if someone who has already been convicted of burglary offends again, they should receive a stiffer sentence.