Social Stratification of (r) in New York City Department Stores WILLIAM LABOV William Labov Is known for,.. o Attention to dialects o "Logic" of African American English o Reduce reading gap for African American Children Tape recorded interviews Speech is formal Alternatives o Natural social context o No explicit observation Social Stratification "The product of social differentiation and social evaluation"—Bernard Barber Labov's Classic Study of New York City Department Stores Speech corresponding to that of their social class Speech Continuum o "Standard" American English o Predictable, Quantifiable, and Explainable Preliminary studies led to (r) (1962) Hypothesis Differential use of (r) directly corresponds to ranking in social stratification Fine social differences as well as gross ones Three Large Department Stores Differential ranking o Location o Advertising o Price of goods and emphasis on price o Physical plant Saks Fifth Avenue (Highest) Macy's (Middle) S. Klein (Lowest) Stratification of Employees Prestige of store Working Conditions Not wages lu. 6WE yeO 8FnefccoWiTioi*&... Artist^ — .. j ... ^ 3eprod^idion*f ig hts obta.mablrom www Ca rt ot»n Stock c nm The Method Interviewer is customer "Fourth Floor" Ask to repeat Data entry o (r-i) o (r-o) Variables Independent o The store Floor within the store o Sex o Age Occupation Race o Foreign or regional accent Dependent Casual: fourth floor Emphatic: fourth floor Overall Stratification of (r) Three Categories All (r-i) o Some (r-i) o No (r-i) Results o 62% Saks o 51% Macy's 20% Kleins Emphatic Results •(r-i) is most appropriate for emphatic speech •Linguistic security The Effect of Other Independent Variables African Americans o Kleins o Lower use of (r-i) c General pattern of social stratification k.PifaMfeliBt'ik Si 14 r i • Floorwalkers • Sales people • Cashiers stockboys • Elevator operators Differentiation By Age of the Informants Estimated within 5 year intervals Expect a rise in (r-i) in younger sales people Compared with Lower East Side Data The explanation Which generation are you? rrotlins-edft Experiment Limitations More systematic sampling Data not tape recorded Method used to elicit emphatic speech Sources of error offset by o Three subsections o Size of sample Availability for rechecking Future of Rapid and Anonymous Studies Control the interactive effect of the observer Nonreactive experimentation Most important experimental method OBSERVATION POINT ELEV . 9430