L19part2  –grammar  ©Yen-Jung Chen 2013       1   L.19  Exercise2-­‐3   2. Question Pronouns as indefinite references ✯ the same question pronouns repeated in two related clauses, to express “ whoever” ,” whatever” ,“ whenever” ,” whichever” . ✯if these two question pronouns play different grammatical role (subject, object), we need to use “ 就 ” in second clause.( “ 就 ” could be omitted) e.g. 谁 知 道 那 间 公 寓 怎 么 走 , 谁 就 走 前 面 。 ⇀ 谁 1 : 谁 2 : e.g. 哪 儿 的 冬 天 不 冷 , 我 ( 就 ) 去 哪 儿 。 ⇀ 哪 儿 1 : 哪 儿 2 : e.g. 谁 喜 欢 打 羽 毛 球 , 我 ( 就 ) 找 谁 。 ⇀ 谁 1 : 谁 2 : e.g.___________________________________________________________ e.g.___________________________________________________________ 3. Chinese four digit set please try to rewrite the numbers below into Mandarin characters. ex. 340,876 (34’ 0876) ⇀ 三 十 四 万 零 八 百 七 十 六 。 ○1 4,7921 ⇀ ________________________________________________ ○2 10,350,001 ⇀ ________________________________________________ ○3 6,000,020,097 ⇀ ________________________________________________ ○4 250,060 ⇀ ________________________________________________ ○5 984,380,243 ⇀ ________________________________________________ ○6 3,030,030,322 ⇀ ________________________________________________ L19part2  –grammar  ©Yen-Jung Chen 2013       2   4. ( 1) A 比 B adj. ✯ Since that“ 比 ” refers to the comparison of two things already, do not use an adverb such as“ 很 ” or“ 非 常 ” before adj. to form another comparison。 e.g. 他 很 帅 = 他 比 其 他 人 帅 。 That’ s why we rarely use “ 他 帅 ” to indicate he is handsome. We need to form a comparison to show the listener how handsome he is. ✯ But if you want to add some descriptive complements behind adj. , please use the descriptive complements which can show the different level of A and B. Or use the level adverb“ 更 ” . e.g. 今 天 比 昨 天 冷 多 了 。 今 天 比 昨 天 更 冷 。 e.g.___________________________________________________________ e.g.___________________________________________________________ e.g.___________________________________________________________ ( 2) A 比 B adj. + Numeral + Measure Word + Noun ✯Using this pattern to show the differences of quantity, number, and amount between A and B. e.g. 我 的 运 动 衫 比 你 的 便 宜 一 千 块 。 e.g.___________________________________________________________ e.g.___________________________________________________________