9th/ ninth. 10th/ tenth. 11th/ eleventh. Uli« 111 I Ii two fliird six eighth. 13th/ thirteenth. seven twelfth. 12th/ twelfth. three sixth. B. Write in persian: 1. the first day 2. the second day 3. the third day 4. the forth week 9. the first season 10. the second season of thj 11. the twelfth hour of thl 12 the seventh kilometer 5. the first month of the year 13. two fifth of (a) book 6. the third day of the week 14. one tenth of a centlnif I 7. the tenth person 15. one hundredth of a kill 8. the third table C. Write in English: 16. one sixtith of hour half wi^ / / third fourth fifth Ma • Exercise A. Write the name of the following ordinal numbers in persian letters like the example: 4th / fourth ^ yly-* / rv W 20th/ twentieth 5th/ fifth.... 6th/ sixth... 1st/ first.... 2nd/ second. 3rd/ third... 7th/ seventh. 8th/ eighth.. 21st....... 22nd...... 23rd....... 27th....... 100th..... 121st...... nine tenth,