U"b>A% Hira9ana #> « \ \ •> y « ^0 0 > Am 7 sm f- -7: to* V to we > fa? ( ra u - fare ro wa kj n \ L E S S 0 N ................1 (Refer to "Japanese Writing System" on pages 18-22 for more details.) n) Hiragana Practice A. Choose the correct hiragana. i- y<> £ X 2. /?« 4. »« i; -f 5. & 7. //z 8. ro B. Match the words. 3. we 6. chi 9. * Person's name Place name • Akai 9. • Gifu • Nakamura 10. • Beppu • Takahashi 11. • Sapporo \i I & £ • • Tanaka 12. • Osaka fzfrli I • • Morikawa 13. ' Kyoto b • • Sakuma 14. • Kanazawa • Yamamoto 15. • Nagasaki 3 < i • • Hashimoto 16. • Chiba C. What's wrong with the hiragana below? Rewrite the correct hiragana. (1) 69 C» (4) (5) 1* & i J $> 25 I D. Write as many hiragana as possible which contain the following parts. (1) (4) 7 1 (2) (5) t (3) (6) E. Put the hiragana in the right order to make sense. Example: tz Z i> % ~+ E&fcMk i. bAsX- 2. r^x. 3. Llll- 4- Utit 5. /t-a-tfVN 6. *?/-*VN < ® Reading Practice Read what the following people are saying and answer the questions. tz & VP i z (i b tz 0 j: "9 8S1IM 1* 4 i5f i - £ 1. Who is an office worker? 2. Whose major is Japanese? 3. Who is a high school student? 4. What is Harada's major? 0 Writing Practice You received a letter from a Japanese friend. Read it and write a letter introducing yourself. % L < fc&a*^ L ii" is more polite than £**) ■¥ X % L { . L E S S 0 N ................2 «11 C *f Katakana T a ka / ku y sa shi v—' se y y* / chi J te P to / MS ' ni 1 ne ^ ^ ha h <— hi 7 & > fee fa, A™ v-— mo » _Vrt ~— 3'0 y n ro 7 (Refer to "Japanese Writing System" on pages 22-24 for more details.) 0 Katakana Practice A. Choose the correct katakana. l.o ^" T 2. nu 7 7 4. cW V »y 5. ku 7 7 7. V )V 8. to if* B. Match the following words and pictures. 3. sa T "9* 6. »za 9. v*< X 1. ( ) y vS/xl-X 7. ( ) t>hM7f 2. ( ) 774 K*°T h 8. ( ) Xf-^f 3. ( ) 7-^r 9. ( ) X/^y-y r 4. ( ) 77 7 10. ( 5. ( ) f 33|/-h/\°7x 11. ( ) h-x h 6. ( ) 3 —b — 12. ( (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (8) (h) (i) (J) (k) (1) litEUM 259) Match each country with its capital city. Capital Cities t77 7 y \ y DC D Countries 1. 71/--/7 2. ^"7 >7 3. T / 'J 77 5, —X h 7 'J T • 7. > K Word Search—Find the following country names in the box of katakana. *< r- -f A (Vietnam) v > 75' —/L- (Singapore) 7T7/V>7—71/ 7* jr. 7 X T 4 I/ X 77O Xh;7 * ^ A fi3 (Czech) A y K % T A ;v 7 y Y T J 'J 77 (America) 7 -t 'J 7" 7 n 7 -7 7- a X"?x-f/ (Sweden) h 'J T A x77 hVV (Ecuador) — X 7 ■3 a. y^r->3 (Mexico) 7 7 7 T 7 7 7 •7*7 V/t- (Brazil) > 7 7 ;v h 'J X — T (Bosnia) r l 7 IV 77 7- r 7 h ?}- 7 > 7' (Holland) 77 If X T 7 7 «f > K ^- -> T (Indonesia) 7 y if — y 7* il -f- 9" (Canada) 7 )V7 > 9' (Rwanda) 7 4 'J 7 7 T K % 9 a (Thailand) % — X h 7 ') T (Australia) E. Put the katakana in the right order to make sense. Example: *t ~ ~* *T —% 1. h J—___2. ^a/ — 3. >-<__ 5. 7t- 4. >i/ — X 6. J- h - fl) Name Tags Write your name in the box below and make your own name tag. Jxample: )l •J 3 1 r ® Reading Practice Mary wrote about the things below. Find out which item she wrote about. 1. ( ) fcfcLOIIUL'vft'lH^ 3. ( ) 4. ( zHli i•>i;^$^co c L i ft. (0 (f) (8) (h) ¥50,000 ¥8,000 : iv) Writing Practice Write about the things you or your classmates own. Use Mary's sentences in HI as a model. ^incscDmwo Dai|yLife 002 V3 4: m (one) (two) (three) XL X$ X i 1/ (four) Of (five) O.7.: (six) (seven) (eight) — (^-/-) one —8# (!•/■>) one o'eloek —-^4 (-f -f- * >-te -f) first-year student —^ (A v~fy) one minute (Ofc'J) one (1) — — (-) tWO —B# (—V) tWO O'dOCti —(— ^>-t-f) second-year student (Afco) two — BFa] (^'JA>*^) two days (2) - - =.(*>) three three o'clock (*>*>-t i) third-year student =.0 three 13 ua.) four E3H% uv) four o'clock (A * >-tr -f) fourth-year student ISO (J; -jo) four raH April (5) l n n a _£. (3') five £b| (=fV) five o'clock io (V^oo) five (4) - T S Ä * (ii V) six Aaf (a ?S?) six o'clock ( a ■•/ h v ? ) six hundred ^t-tJ- (a-/7» six minutes t'cO (tfoO) six (4) -t (>-^/&#) seven -fcB# (S"-fv0 seven o' -to (4'4-o) seven (2) >\ faf} eight '^af (^f-^) eight o'clock -\W (/v./.e* 'n eight hundred 'Vjs§ (^'y-y--f) eight years old A-3 (^-5) eight (2) ^ (nine) (^a.^) nine ^LH# (?->') nine o'clock JLik (^ra^lM) nineyearsold (.C £.©0) nine (2) ; yi7 an (ten) -+- (v^/) ten (y'l^v) ten o'clock -f-j^ (i^i-y-if-f) ten years old + (tio) ten (2) — t + 7 h>7 (hundred) W (t*?) hundred £1 (*Vb*-\r?) three hundred (D7fc>» six hundred t> ?) eight hundred (6) — r ?f W ■f -tr > -b*> (thousand) ■f- (-trX thousand H-f- (+r>-tf>) three thousand /Vf- (;n-y-fc:>) eight thousand (3) "* -f" (ten thousand) —7? (-i"-/-v>) ten thousand -f*^ (S'a^yV) one hundred thousand ~§7; (ti'??y) one million (3) — "J ^ (yen; circle) WF) (t a- 7 jc>) one hundred yen P3 (x» circle (4) ] n n r (time) —Mf ("f-f-S-O one o'clock -J-f£?)B$ u if *j O fc §) in one's childhood h##f" (2) -y-zi-f II+P5 (¥ 150) (3) H» (4) fl'f (¥__) (5) "7 > ■> 3 > i-i on crag (¥_) □ o anal □ □a aa• □ HQ aa □ □aarj ^53S (¥__) B. Write the following prices in kanji. Example: ¥5,120 -* J5.-f-E3W~-t-P3 1. Y30 2. ¥140 _ 3. ¥251 4. ¥6,070 6. ¥42,500 8. ¥3,200,000 5. ¥8,190 7. ¥168,000 9. ¥57,000,000 % 3M< An international exchange student writes about his daily routine. Read the passage to find out about his schedule and fill in the blanks below. htz Iii J: W;t>-bH# Ufr J i-fo 1 ^X'h $ rjä/^£ tz^ 7:00 ( ) go to the university 9:00 _ ( ) eat lunch 4:00 _ 6:00 ( ) watch TV ( ) ® !t<#f H (Writing Practice) if ft/uUl>5 Write about your daily routine. Use the above passage as a model. XT71J—tlk>CDbfyZ)£0 Mary's Weekend B%- (-*>) japan bib C-'^S^r/) Sunday H (day; sun) %S every day #0 0 OittWOO Mother's Day SIE diary HB (S-y#) three days (4) j n r b in (book; basis) .book. .0^- (-*>') Japan B ^If (—/fttxSf) Japanese language Jj^^ (fltihSW Mr./Ms. Yamamoto (5) — T ^ (person) B^fc-A Japanese people —Af (t>t «J"C) alone d «0A UcDt> t) this person J2.A (-t^V —>) three people (2) J A (moon; month) f^B (##3&ta.Monday — H (A,tM%) January $ moon (4) J /] 71 ^ 1 (fire) ■^"Ma (HavV) Tuesday (t» fire (4) • " ^ * (water) 'wb (Xf -BvXFi Wednesday (Äf) water (4) M t i *< (tree) t-"fa (**3>}tf) Thursday ?K (■*) tree (4) " t t ^ irHga (*>3<5tf) Friday money (gold; money) (8) / ^ ^ K ±uf B (K3>>OT Saturday i. (Ofe) soil (soil) (3) - + JL 3^ 3"IB (--/-a^t/) Sunday (weekday) (18) 1 11 B B B1 r B* r ff" B33 Bf3 Hf If If If Hf B| 1 I V3^ Ji (') x.) top; above _t^& (^aS'Xft) good at -!_t (t#ya"W rooftop (up) !3) 1 r i T Ltz i] T (Lfc) under AT* (^*r-y) subway (fs|£*) poor at (down) (3) - T T + (*A>) inside +11 China + ^ (^-ir>*'7) junior high school —-if - + ('f ^ > a. ^) all year around (middle) ID , r> x=i 4» =.B%i£ (•9->j//i>) half past three {/\>yv) half i (half) (5) • " " « f (In this chart, kataknnu indicates the on'yami and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) 268) CO M¥(DBWl (Kanji Practice) A. Match the kanji with the English equivalents. 1. *Mf s 2. &nffB 3. 0BIH 4. flBlH 5. ±aaa 7. 'Xms Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday B. Look at the picture and choose the appropriate kanji for the blanks. ± T $ 1. ii £^li!7)__. (building) 2. a^ififféíáW X r- 7 3. x-^-íáUX h 7 "Čte 4- pfí^ST Read the memo and answer the questions. 2. l^^^iJXf'^'^Wfe 3. Hsfr^x •) i t*>0 [269J Read the following passage about Mary's weekend. * 0 á Čte, < Y/JH^t L/Co A-fcb store Í /C L* tf> "7 sweet bun Ý < late Arrange the following activities in the order Mary did. ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) -> ( ) 1. studied Japanese 2. bought sweet buns 3. went to a restaurant 4. watched TV 5. went to a park WS mountain [;.' 0381 JS/v& -£r£)A (fe^4©t>fc) woman ■ffiJi (7 i?*)->) Mt. Fuji * y 3 ■£■'14 a -fe-f) woman (mountain) <3) i o. a. (woman) (3) A. A HI (frb) river 039 1? CO A C8 t £ »t> t) man n] ¥h 'WU>& £/U Mr./Ms. Ogawa ?"y 1H± (^V-b-f) man (river) (3) ) ;i ;i| (man) (7) i rr m m h» rs |* 'r> yt%fX (Y>*K) fine 040 1 Jfc;$ (#■£) to see A# (->">-7" 7) sightseeing 7C (origin) '■» "* - r 7C (to see) ,7) 1 n H B a jl £ 1 'G^ft (7";i#.$) fine HA weather 041 \ % *f< (Vl<) to go 1fc'& (f7+) electricity If 3 7 f 37 SMf (Zy^'y) bank — iff 8 (4^ ¥. a first line (spirit) (6) ' " ° n ?\ ^ (to go) (6) ' * ^ f f If I-r-y-lf) weather 042 i (fc^-5) to eat ^BD (f-ysty) heaven -&T<$7 (&$%®) food "it's: (^>h7F7) cafeteria (heaven) (•i) - - ^ x IF (to eat) (9) y y fA (*>*;l>) I IfefcTC^ (Sty-??4■#2) private university 043 CO -f > flK& (®ts) to drink VkAtyt (©&&©) drink ffc3|5t$K H >i/i1)>T>) drunken driving i (I; private) (7) ' - f -f $ ft ft (to drink) (i3''*4-«-tffff'1B'ffc 7 % (V>$) now ^0 (Sj;')) today -^Bjfc (3>/\*» tonight (In this chart, katukana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) (now) (4) 7 7^ ^ Ac 7c ffl+^/v Mr./Ms. Tanaka JjS^/v (^*fc'3X) MivMs. Yaniada IB/LI J (fc>U£) rice field (rice field) - 'si \ n m m m 0 M^COB^ (Kanji Practice) A. Using the parts below, make up the correct kanji. Example: @ —> Jf^ L. f '2.X 3. A 4.^ 5.77 6.^% 7.^ 8.fi Q.jt 10.© B. Match the following sentences with the pictures 1. ( ) z.^fr'ifLii-o 3. ( ) ^>;<-Jf-£t:-1&t) i-fo 7. ( ) mrr-n^ito 2. ( ) 3-h-£fltA£-f0 4. ( ) ^«^t*«A*-uif0 6. ( ) ^a (ivN^xn-e-fo (a) (b) (c) (e) (f) (8) I 6AN K"f\ o a o a C. Match the kanji with the reading. 1. ( ) -a 2. ( ) ^a 3. ( ) = a 4. ( ) eh a 5. ( ) ia 6. ( ) 7. ( ) -ta 8- ( ) as 9. ( ) iLB 10. ( ) + a 11. ( ) -+b (a)\,NO*» (b)ZZcr>fr (c)-3i>/;t id)H&fr (e) fc<0*' (f) (SUv^ (h) *o 4' (i) tfVN*' (j) 1 t (k) j; M < ft J t TO 8 # L t * u» v\ 4 * f X tu # V- £ 1? Ti t= * ff A a ic -c- % fa 5 # ? r* £ ^ £ & u» A » 0 v* L ^ 70 ^ V£ v> *f IC L* R i* # Jj mountain /i^^/v tough Tii, fi76*,-C Take (.'arc. (■) »byG))\7-7 ^A©~^$Öb7shMy Favorite Restaurant 044 jfC (ÖT^Ur east~ T Üt'ö' (£Ö*C <•*>). east exit jft^ ( b >7^ 3 ■>) Tokyo (east) (8) - r r> ^ © ^ jj* j| 045 5 (K L) west SD (fcl/<*%) west exit itS (*?-b-n northwest F*1ffi (#>-|7-'f) Kansai region (west) is " r n fi ft fi 046 + > f£ south P?qO south exit fft^t (t^h'» southeast (south) «Ii ' + r ft ä i 047 it ( i £) north ihD ( 5 ti <* 5) north exit &ifc ( h ^ * ?) Tohokn region Jfc&it (*>?5M f*1» Hokkaido (north) i - -i ä &* it 048 PI ito (34 <•*■>) north exii D (<%) mouth (->'>n7) population (mouth) (3) ( n o 049 size* -> i 7 £S (?*) to exit t±iD (T-<*Ü) exit tH(4""f) to take something out Oa.-y-fc#) attendance (J-i^i-y) export (to exit) (5) 1 + + tt * 050 "& right '-frfft right turn (+t-3l'>) right and left (right) t5) y /- ^" ^ 051 £ (040) left £# (+t-fe'y) left turn (left) (5) - J- P P £. 052 7> "/> 7*> S.^ (zfyy) five minutes •f~Sr: (">'i'?'/» ten minutes (Vfy) oneself ¥ft (^>7>) half (minute; to divide) (4) ' ^ i; 053 ^fk. (-fev-fe-f) teacher ? ^ ifcil (-ir>W>) hist week ^tc (3 3tc) ahead (ahead) (IS) > >- * j*. p. jfc 054 ¥± (tf^-t-f) student ^± (-fev-fr-f) teacher 1 -/37 jtJcftS to be bom £t (l- -y v h 7(C'f K) once in a life time (birth) (5) ' 'f i£ £ 055 9 1 *#§L (¥4) tough (*5fcfc) adult (big) (3) - ^ A 056 if9~ if"/ $ *£ ^ (y ftf?) university (Ty^-fe-f) student 9Mfc iiJvzi'J) school to study (learning) (8)'"" ^ f ^ 057 Z- £ ?M3 (^-fa^) foreign country ?M1A (*'{3?y» foreigner ?h (*fc) outside (outside) (5) l ^ ^ ^| ^r 058 rr ? a'-? >"hSl (TT-fa^) foreign conntry < C + 13 ('f^^i') China SI (< C) country (country) i n n m m m m m (In this chart, katakana indicates (lie on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) ■ 278) ►ig»:JFSffl Ml 6 UN (ij H?(£>$ili (Kanji Practice) A. Combine the following kanji and make compound words. You can use the same kanji more than once. Example: + % £ n & f= ^ a B. Indicate where each place is located on the map. 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( 1 le] LbJ [al m [dl | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | ! i | 1 | ; M | | | 1 | [ | 1 [■!■ i N 4 Z. $ station iH Z to exit iotf straight CO ~€hj^h)\£h (Bulletin Board) Look at the bulletin board on the next page and answer the questions. 1. If you want to buy a bicycle, who are you going to contact? 2. Where will the party be held? Are you going to bring anything? 3. How do you get to the concert hall? 4. What can you do for the winter break (from December to .January)? I II H ¥20,000 (£3,7 a*— 11 n#) AS 597-1651 Pi ; 280J Mary writes about her favorite restaurant. Read the passage and answer the questions. ^ T _ 'J m ') b í, ■t L y T o I O ŕi á ľ- $ v * ■? (T) *< b" -f ■c _ Z cO V ir a i L o i- ií T X < -Ť 0 t > h £ O -c > x * > V 9 i- *< y tá _ y 'N. i/ X < i o -v X x» £. o -f 1 < I •f & 1 "7 0 d o •) L A/ ° <- > (i X' T f > 0 h < -> h "C tit i -í tit \ \ i- \t \ i- -r t X K o 7 -ŕ* t. o c d > 9 > I x X' lá t x. f "C tz 'J í) -f > O \ ■J ÍĚ t < I líc n o f h T 0 1 l ') cooking v^t. always A Íl' $ A- everyone A. Where is the restaurant? aŠ6fI«iÍ28l} b. Circle the food or drink the writer has at the restaurant. h*if X/vy-yŕ-r T -fx 7 'J -A 74 > h*-/ľ xť-í C. Choose the correct answer. 1. v>-»-Ki ^h^tM4. 1 bi< Jn 3, r > i> ^t^fi /v-etc 4, -7yV^ — U-Uí'hSA** ®^<$lll (Writing Practice) A. You are organizing a party. Write a flyer about the party. Be sure to include: what kind of party it is, what time it starts, where it is held, what to bring, how to get there, and so on. B. Write about your favorite restaurant. ■2 • ►^*#sa fm^Jm IL E S S 0 N.............................. X7U—izfaCDZftfe Mary's Letter r (capital) (child) (small) (l-^f ?!■>) Tokyo ÄiSSß (-+H ? h) Kyoto 5jC-f (*3>>w) Kyoko (8) -Tift) UlTfc) child £-r (^3.^-) Kyoko ■A-CO-f (*5A,£©£) girl l?«0-T (i-JfcCOC:) boy V&r^—^ (f>^/-^) e-mail (3) 'J<*V> (C,l>Jl») small 'J'^Mft. fe»Wf3!>l elementary school d^it (^ 3 "^A'^-cr 4) elementary school student (3) J /J * (to meet) C&jJ to meet £-f± f>r> company £4AM (# -f ^+ -f » office worker (6) / A. X> A- 5C (company) IHA (#-f ä'-H company (ä/>^*-f) shrine (7) $ ?± (father) 5C (*>%) father H X ? ^ (331 3 § A,) father X# (7*) father and mother (1) iff (mother) # (dti) mother fc^S/v A,) mother #lf (tfs*) mother tongue (5) L Q $ $ ^ (high) * i/:/j'i>> expensive; high itSfä, (3^ 3'';) high school i3ft& ( 3 ''' 3 -V-L' f) high school student (111) \ rj ra rR7 rs7 lit 7 SM (school) ^ft {it'/^p). school Sft (3->3^) high school (3 r> 3 >> -t i) high school student 41 *r & (favJ'ya1)) junior high school do) - j * * r r f ^ ^ «. * 'm (every) ^rH (v>f— -f) everyday ■^tS (v>f j/i^) every week •^fc-aft (V'f /<>) every night (6) ' " c 5 * * £2. (word) s^Io ( —3*) Japanese (language) %M (Jy-f 3*) English (language) nil - - * t t * t r tr us a a a g U-l/ , rt a P P P O PI PT? WO y> (sentence) Jt^ (7>tf7) literature i*fX composition j •) >r r r r 'P *f # X X5 0£V»2>) to enter Xo (V^Hfe) entrance ■X;fl£ (v^l?>) to put something in fiJX (i^a.'?) import 1 (to enter) (2) y X (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. __ 2._ a. 5C £ 4. _____(ii < fr,UhK___________0 £-f0 X rsj B. Which new kanji from this lesson include the katakana below? Example: X. —» i. 3 -> 2. ^ M 3. A -> i. n C. What's wrong with the kanji below? Rewrite the correct kanji. i. 777 2. 4. VX3 3. 6. fx ii4 l-4 ^v ^ T1 LIii -vjini ^7 0 7 '7 ■ 7 m 0 $ ?• f :« ; i*/ 0 T'7 ^ -f % B ? b. fx L t [ * JO L r 0 U U v s In ! h >j a. 3 0 r x; 71 n : i 1 it; i^ + c L a Utile 0 troni . . . cram school literature to take (a class) (—£)/: «0 LAl:t 5 to look forward (to) to take care of oneself V___x Summarize what Mary wrote about the following topics in Japanese. 1. Japan:____ 2. Her town:__, 3. Father:__________ 4. Mother: ______ 5. Sister:________ 6. Brother: _, 7. School: __ fir iikCvzt A. Write about the following topics. i. a^ii/%<7)mi£_____ 2. &<0 ?,. fr? < !i l. _ h £*•_.{_ B. Write letters to your Japanese friends. Describe your town, host family, friends, and so on. (287) f mQm 11 e s s o n..............................8^ 0^©^i_;B Japanese Office Workers 080 *3_ •f > (member) htzh yy (new) (to listen) 0<; (to make) (to serve) _ _ y (thing) zHAit (A-f v-fO) office worked (fy-fy) store clerk i n n 3 ft L V - new #*rM (v->7'>) newspaper (->>*>-_V) Bullet Train U3) * * m h rf Rf] < (SO to listen $ffFtfl ( j> > 7*> ) newspaper (id i r r r r n n ri ri m h m w fH'Ss (•£> < S') to make fiF~- (■)7-^"7'>) composition fiFoo (t?t» artistic piece (-) ' M f f- IT it ft 0__) job (5) i i- ft ft t y (electricity) •y x (car) f±3£ (->__> job :£(__) thing >k1f fire Os*.S>) meal (8) $J_ (r>> f) train . "_^t. (x>*) electricity _$_ (x>V) telephone 113) f- (< _*) car (Jf>->Jf) train ('Jy-yy^) bicycle (7) 081 !" (to rest) i^ts KJ"f to) to bo absent; to rest i^flfe) holiday; absence frB (.^jL^'J-y) holiday (6) > \ i- tt * y> H"-) (v>-) ) to say Tlo^r (?>m'S) linguistics (to say) 1'' = r b s m (to read) <-*&') to read tjkli ( K 7 v 3 ) reading books III) ' - * J f * s t- =+ t* J,* #* *A f* 1 " 1 V P P P P P P -0) Ujli tit ~> (to think) ,1:^ (iib -;) to think T\^5f&& ("7 ^+'4') mysterious V3I i ,vj^ iVii V (next) Jfc ("2^) next .fcic (y v' 3) one's second daughter nil n * y ^ m» m» TO 4 i 4 47 /A. (what) M (-j--(c) what r^ff (4Vvi;) what time r7A. (4/v —>) how many people '(7) / \ f f : ff -{ST (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) A. Using the parts below, make up as many kanji as possible. Example: x ~> 5C I. *£" 2. Tfv 3. Q 4. © 5. >f 6. D Match the following phrases with an appropriate verb. 1. MB! ■ 2. 7 ->'7(--J: • 3. f±-|i i • i. a&miitii L3.VSS • 5. 7^7 i> — i 7. 77X' H < 0-5 Read the following questionnaire. Tv*r- h 4. fc&litz^X\^£ I Jci-*>o T y'r — \- questionnaire X Y V X stress Ti%% (j'/vj'l 1) overtime work ~<0^ (~"C about; regarding to (C 7c z. 3) to answer jt.^l"Cvv5 (-3>Wl "tvij) to be tired 'r-}- Zliltzfr h81m 291 2. fJA^I Lfci'. (b) l < (c) e ^ ^atsts. At: |l| A A A A A (j)m5 Make a questionnaire and ask several people the questions. Then, write a report based on the result. ■ i fmi)m | L E S S 0 N..............................9] x-^©HISSue'sDiary Co 5 087 -f 1ft (^-tf>-) a.m. (:''3) p.m.; in-the'afternoon -Tfll4' (3'-fe'>-7uitV) in the morning f •noon) (■1) ' *=- if 088 ^P-fS. (3"^) p.m.; in the afternoon ~«0tlt («*fc) after . . . (fetC) later OUj) back; behind ft&i: rfC) lastly (after) o) ' > * r r # -a 089 #f (ii) before: from ^ift a.m. m gift (4-*x) name (before) 090 1 gift (.&£*.) name 'fr^gfr 0->y*/<"f&) famous gf'J (^-fy) name card (name) (6) 7 7 % %, %, 091 m f3VN (Lo^) white ("J'y) blank sheet (white) (5) ' i fl H H 092 hah .jifij (J546) rain '-> 3) dictionary (to write) (10) ~" * -ia" S * ifr A * A 094 *: m fel^ (fci>/L:*>) friend fa*! (Vi«*?) best friend £A (3.7 V » friend (friend) (4) - * 095 -hv $$$$ (">'*>') time "Bffnj (—i^i') two hours fa] (£>l>fc") between /xTbI ( — >"7S>) human being —SPh] (fyya^AV) one week (between) aa 1 p r r r n n n ni m ihj m 096 ^ (t/^x.) house il (*Vf) family (7 tj) house; home (house) (10) ^^^f^tW^- 097 t£i~ ((£&*) to speak % (tt^L) talk; story 7 ^Lii (-7'y7) telephone (* -f "7) conversation (to speak) »..; * * * ? 1 1 v ¥■ ¥- w u 098 td '>l Of £,£-.) little t < ys-) ^&l> ("f <4'W few Oa^S^a?) a little (little) (4) J 'J 'J'" ^ 099 (,i,5i>) old (for things) + (f-.*.\>3) secondhand (old) (5) - + # 1C0 L S (L -5) to know toA (^-Jy>) acquaintance (to know) (8): ' *■ *v" >'* * &2n 101 * < 3 i 7 A (<-£) to come (S*"f) to come ^.tC V ■> (C 4 v5) not to come ifciS (7 -f V i next week (to come) (7) - r- TT sz ^ ^ (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. zco__^T-> + -y(ii_____nx-itz, & 2. 3. — b# 4. Lít, B. Choose the most appropriate word for each blank. 2. ^-B fcV^^ -t^roťíito 3. ZC0$ t 0!i*VN*-b, 4. ^B tivu- 5. /T'l -£7)£3Ci /u-í ® X-ti/uCDBfg -1--H-fiB (±) ffi Šg9Il«í(295 '111 '] L'ji f IJX diary in the morning host family excellent food V1Z> \ 17} ti. various ■ft % IX to have a talk and A. Put the following pictures in the right order according to Sue's diary. ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) -> ( ) B. Mark T if the following statements are true. Mark F if not true. 1. ( ) X — iAyli^^^tffy&ih-otzo 2. ( ) Asint&n < < 3. ( ) ^r^tt-fji %i\-5>,&? 4. ( ) x$ ^«oHa**«r 5. ( ) TcSU'l < Kfr-otzo 6. ( ) /r')-^«*XF7r = ')-««flUffl/:'0 Read the following letter. ') X 1 the other day dormitory to show someone around A. What did you do yesterday? Write a journal. B. Write a thank-you letter to someone. Useful Expressions for Letters and Cards: ^%V^fe*jfj|:4 •) 4 L7co (Thank you for everything.) ICJl i "3 tf "C < 7c $ V ^ (Please take care of yourself.) 6*V">-CJ 5«£ife.L'*fCL"CVvi'-f0 (I am looking forward to seeing you.) ~ & J6 "C £ •? ( j" V n I -f) „ (Congratulations on ... ) H fc ^ L' J: TV'^AtiTo (Happy Birthday) ti^tliy^'D The Folktale Kasajizo 102 fit.' (tts) to live 110 ff '(8>_) snow it i_p/ř (y-'^^-j) address i)ttl (->>■_">') new snow (to live) (7) > \ f f" ft -ÍÍ. (snow) ((J) ~" i r^* rF» rF» HF» nF» r3-» ^ »^ 103 •> 3 "7 fiiEfl (ii-V a 7tf'y) New Yeas 111 i iuO (fco) to stand IE „Iv . (fc/_U>) right ÍL @ __:£.=£ (3 ? U "7 1" *' ?) national university ^Ai-^fö (J/1J73737) private high school (right) (5) - T T .T iE (to stand) (5) ' f" "fr A. 104 («->*> --Í) third-year student (5 -Í %>) next year (- t U this year 112 > V (->*:/>) oneself g t$_f. (v K 7 v +) automobile ikl) year (^"f->s>-T) bicycle (year) (fi) ' " 1 f= £_ 5£ (self) *6) ' r n fi m s 105 7l v_ _ O- ) to sett 113 J; 5 R (_k 5) night _= («*-ÍŤ» stand; stall I T (_SVt») midnight 4% (='>Jr) tonight (to sell) (7) - * ^ f- % (night) (si • " r f # # a 106 SKiO) to buy 114 #j (*S) morning "^$j (ttS) this morning >Tv^ f>V*_CT>) shopping f37 jfö'fe 3 7 «V 3 7) breakfast (to buy) (12)' ^""•-fffffffH (morning) <_ - + * * * * » * * m m m 107 'aI (S.'e) towii it J-,BT (§>_Jř*f- a 7) Kitayama town fflT-ft_ (^ a 7-f 3 7) mayor of a town IIS s (_-_>) to hold ^-o'C< -5 (_-oT< _) to bring Fit^tm (y jyty) belongings (town) (7) i n m m a ur bj (to hold) Ol - t * r r- # & 108 ^_>7 ftv> (_.-*») long (fa 7 + >) one's first son (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun'yomi.) (long) (8) ' r r p jl ^ _g- 109 At, K7 ;tt. (A <_.) way: road #3t (^3 K7) calligraphy HMt (S^7K7) judo itjiSit (* -y >5"f K 7) Hokkaido (way) aa • •• * * f « s t t t it it 0 H^CO^if 1th 0 tlAjLQi f. v A. Add strokes to the kanji below and turn them into new kanji from this lesson. Example: J__ —> __ 1. J_ -> 2. ffl ~> 3...jft 4. ft -> 5. „ -> 6. __ -> 7. I -> 8. I -4 B. Write each antonym in kanji. !• K-5 ______ 3. AL'*'^ 2. -fhi <=* 4. |t » c. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji from the list, and add hiragana where necessary. I f ii I ^ i ~ l# ' 1. hj-c _ L _ L fc. 2. a» $ _ shopping 3. ^/tt*(i^____rEvvit, (are) sell(ing) have 4. i < ') _ to snow 6. 7-K-r h l: was long live 7. #.COh\Z-kh^tf o was standing • . ",. ■/ @ "S v 1 (tl) A. Answer the following questions. 1. B^1?fct*J_:'ilKW_-tS"_Sv%_i-*»0 2. (Picture 1) C ft (J: U-c i -5/vt'-t„ Wf-S^it*". 3. (Picture 2) _ j_ (JH * - /u _ & . ^ *>* - " on pp. 302-3. c. Put the following pictures in the right order. ( ) - ( ) > ( ) -* ( ) ( ) - ( ) (a) (b) (e) (f) 4M ___! ti'A* L t"^' L once upon a lime i" 5 bamboo hat }i X- H New Year's ■r year £> fe rice cake ocr -S U> sell lA> sad Ja3t mountain road L* T guardian deity of children snow — (-~ 2r A-,iJ-ti- -5 lo pul (a hat) on a person's head & $t oneself t -5 to take off ^l^C £ good deed j» (Z X.) voice F (£) door W-o < ') "f 5 to be surprised I &b*t & happy 5 _1 I £ X .i Jt ti ti k ti tz i L xE I "3 L* I'- co !i 0 n tz X ll ft *> ° J! co 0 ti L m £ X r X -o tz iz I ti < (i X 0 4 tz ti / • a > i* ti ti A £ l"v L* L V* u (i I u it tz X X 0 o X X + a If ti V ■> (i I L* A/ tz* ti ti < ti ti v h i I CO c & ^ £ a; • L ± X L ti CO tz ti n 7c L 7c *a o ti o o a-> •* 1 y X A L ti co tz ti < ti o X £> 3 ± 0~) t£ £ # L *. & I < Tz o D. Mark T if the following statements are true. Mark F if not true. 1. ( ) JiL'v^^/vi:fi(i:'*e5^ti^i^#^?,c'o/i0 2. ( ) tztit>&\:\^A,cofr$&'KbZi:fr^tzl, 3. ( ) h\:^$a,iz&i:z'i $Li-fr$£7h^fz0 4. ( ) ^co^X'&M^^ Hl&MZi ^/CS^oJLT'io 5. ( ) firii'.^sX'ttlt'L-v^'S'*..*^o.tv^, II DP 4 (*>3) —j —, —, —, $ ti ti ti — ti ti ti h L ti Jo ti u t? SO U i L* I* U L* v * fi •F ! o -r o L & i t: X ti X -p X \ X ti 3o )» X X t i: ti -c* (i > X ti L* L ti -a- ti L ti L L ti :ti ti 1 • -ft ti ti •c tz o is 9 9 X 1 a* *> f co 0 t | L Z? $ lit L b $ — E3 < S *C X it ti X + $ o ti U" ti t- i X X ti 9 IE 1 ti ti U % U ^* ') C o 0 < h Jr. •c fflj t Jc *u o I- 9 ti ■f L i L t 0 X -c fe 0 X tz co i ti I % A. ° X X o I t: & ft ti t ti {- 9 i -a-I I tz o h -3 ti tz 0 L ti ■c ti o a < i L* L ■a- X h V o tz A/ L *) ^- < 0 •c X i * H \ I L 0 ^ X * i X !> ti h t: ^ L i o o ti L A» a; L +_ •o /■£ h £ L o "t *l A ti I o 7c o t> ti 7v ti tz O "7 (I KM Choose one topic from the list below and write a story about it. For example: What do people do on these days? Do you have good memories? Do you know unusual tales about these days? &tttft (Thanksgiving Day) 13a uo^-ofa M±B (Birthday) (304)1 mxm* f"ll"ll warn ist E S S O N Looking for Friends (t***) letter S£^C#:*jO singer (T) hand (^3-7) sign language _t-=J-& (v a A v -^fö (-C*äÄ)'iettej! Ift paper fajft (7y) Japanese paper (paper) no) < . * * $ i i r ir # n ^J&'j/f S£) to like (3'>-f) good will *fÄ (C«&) liking; taste ▼ (favorite; to like) (6) >. j i r *T *J sít iit { (f.i><) nearby üti">t (-"r>v -? > neighborhood JRÜ (+M recently fyOiM. (fa^^yhW the Middle and Near East (near) (7) ' jf f ft % ift it PI ;M 9^5^ (*>5V>) cheerful; bright HflH (is L ft) tomorrow !)ts^ (-6 y^ 4) explanation (bright) (8) 1 It H B H) HJ] BfJ Bfl h'3"7 *S Ft (tf 3 •y 4 y) hospital A (t* 3 7 *) illness (ViJKa^) serious illness fti^t'aW sudden illness (ill; sick) uro ~ r f f f ir Jri #5 :Jn < Si fäfä (f j ''/-f >) hospital *.^F% Ailf; iy) graduate school IMs&Bfe (t* 3 7 -f V) beauty parlor (institution) (10) 7 F P' P' f*** P* P* fr B£ U^!l (x f #) movie B^lStt ***>-) movie (healer (-5-3«) to be reflected (to reflect) (9) 1 n H H B< B- B« B& 124 1 (picture) (to sing) (city) £ í 2> V 3; (place) ^3 7" Oj; (strong) (to exist) H^išS (x-f #) movie gä^ (***) painter f+ll (y-f ä?) plan (S) i n iff W iff iS. ft*} (ifc^l losing sfc H ft) song (A -> -x) singer lift (3'y*) national anthem 14..." ^ *"" * ? :#: f F f f*-*""* !l|o"ifj (/5>^ <" i> v) Kawaguchi city rfTíSLfít (i/ +■ 9 *> 3 ) city hall Tfi-h (v * h r>) mayor |-ŕffí§ (Ví t, if) market fa ŕ]? v^Vi^&pit (ť»3v>%4"i:;3) various places sár rff (^ > v' 3) neighborhood &p)t (í'-f kitchen í£P>í 7 J'a') address (8) ŕ f ff ff~ fH (to make efforts) íkíártž («>;*3^'J--5.) to study (oWŽ) to try hard Sfrfefr diligent ff ff f IL A3 >£i?äi1"S (•<> V ■ ^'-:-oi to study 5tV> CoivV) strong ^ '■dü^at;íc) obstinate r jft v* f* ?ü 5 r- r 'J 3 /čí/ (travel) 1rg& (d.->^-f^) famous ^ff4 (3.7 U 3 7) toll; fee (i^'S) to exist __________ ("a37) travel ^tí (V a*>) inn —Ct>fcl>ftt>') traveling alone (In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and kimgana indicates the kun'yomi.) (306) ►JÉ2*#&g A. Combine the parts beiow to form the new kanji from this lesson. B. Put one kanji in each box to make compunds. (2) < (3) 1 * _ 5 (4) j*1 3"*C, "91 S Í "C, ^ H(t, /č (í c irwA* ft** é-o t, L i L i Ť o «Nt V* t (26*/I) MU1H Ds < O****? í t\ *.íi*^!- & 0 v n t'Ä-o "C v > á -jľ„ & S v > o L i í;' < > K ž * 1 Ž -tí- /v **0 Ztifrh?> t-H-t^-3Lí i:ííí Ž Li Ť ! I^TB f- (18*/*) (l?L ►)> -5 ) looking for . . . -k (fc/tl) woman 1 (fc t Z) man 7^ I- F T outdoor activities 54 < near place c. ^©Aiifc'tir-r^o -&©A©€ifu£m^<££Uo 1. The person who is 18 years old 2. The person who is a college student 3. The person who likes movies 4. The person who likes climbing mountains 5. The person who is looking for a girlfriend d. mmiz<§ž.T tSr> L- U3fc/u Eft loti * jí, í i a 7c o, o o ž L o -t ž p x-te m % m % x-t0 HEX+-B W- > • :7- Trr-*-T---«--■—:— i4r>ŕ neighborhood *ÍĽ culture O ') fish in« #*t ( Ľ/v Ľ i") shrine ŠH (á O')) festival KS* (iS^/vĽ) reply b. n-b(Dd©A£;£££ic&9fci\r-T*\> ÝroAi-íäifrsaíSi^-So (31«) f"l2*l tds. life LESS Tanabata Festival N (ancient times) a" (tf^Vl old times "af£ (ti'^Lli'^L) old tale IS) ) n h a (syml)ol of repetition of a kanji) •^■■7 (ti'/;>L t;A>L) once upon a time hyz (u'tXfb) people e^VitZk'S) sometimes £*? £(v>5Vs54) various (3) ' ^ -7 -> > (God) 4 3 *) God #*L O' >V -r) shrine #3t (i>> h1/) Shinto religion (9)' * } 4 ^^n^B^B^ 961 (early) f-Vi'A (IJVO) early 4fe 3 i"i §to get up early (y^fa^) early morning ((>) 1 rt W g B b i (to get up) 5 «3£-*) to get up i&Z "t" (iJCi") to wake someone up feici"S (#U4>"r*) to stand up oo) - + * * 4 $ jt. fc IB 1 1 (cow) + (■5L) cow +IL milk +1*1 (+'i''/tc<) beef (4) ' + ft -> (to use) fstT -5) to use WstL (J'-fv) ambassador f'tffl+ (i^ 3 ■>-/-.-i.'V) "Occupied" (8) / -f j- f f* js ft ft \% (to work) IU< ((iri£<) to work (t bl^fc^S) both husband and wife working for a living (ar'/K''/> labor (13) > f f r f f fS iS f* 1* $ ifc flfe if 12u!Ml':; 11 H3 si ■° i V > ii|;fX'C'l§2> (-otL-C^x.5) to take home Bit (37l^» United Nations JiH^. (u->^-ir>) consecutive holidays (to link) (HI, r fij f » .S ♦ S'JftS fti>*iJ) to separate #'1*3 I^SC) not in particular #?'!£( h J'ys-y ft)special itf^**?) discrimination S']'? {- K'y^'Vt) separately (to separate) (7) 1 •* ° ? ? m f —JfL (-f^-K) once (3 >-{-') near future (~-T>K) temperature (t>y^F) 30 degrees (time; degrees) (9) ' "TffffH # # (jjfr) red color #^ (Jj>*»V») red #*>«»/v(.fcA»fe*A/) baby P*) the equator 3.7*?) the Red Cross (red) (7) - + * f- -t # # £>& # blue color -fr^ (*fciO blue ■#+ (-fe-f youth (blue) (8)- * -> V 3 7 £ (l>o) color fe-fri" (Cois:5S) various (-7"^^) scenery !rffe (l-?y3?) characteristic * inline (color) (6) / ^ f f * a (In this chart, kalakana indicates the on'yomi and hiragima indicates the kun'yomi.) A. Match the reading, kanji, and translation. Example: • to use 1. • cow 2. \ • to get up 3. ■ofrCl) •*-\ • early 4. \ ' color 5: • # • • ancient times 6. • *e • • to separate 7. • W • • blue 8. • fA • • red B. Which new kanji from this lesson include the katakana below? I.2. J$i -> 3. # 1. ^ -h C. Which new kanji from this lesson shares the same component as each pair of kanji below? B. t^CDIS^tiS-SUcfcOo -fx {= li m ii •c # It t V x ii* tz h Ml' • £ A a -fc ')§ A, X v. X L Jill h 0 -3 X n f) i x- i ■ fc u \ s "C 1 1 U- 0 •t 3 ii l (i to i L T&1* ii 0 to 0 L 8 tz ^ L tz ii £ * t- (i /-- 0 -if tz fc 0 1 C L # o *> i /v tt 0 \z to 1 I ii As **> L 0 ti' ii ii 0 i A. -3 tz £ L if ^ A': ** (i t 0 I ii I c 7c V x 0 0 ?'] tz Jte" ii V V A 0 £ to ^ *L fc /v o iff;: & I •c tt ft ') ,_ •c L A tz L ii < t> A L i ft L 0 < fc X to ii tz fc I it 0 L II tt 0 tz X ii tz CO v» 0 It L ") -c 0 0 U tt iz L Hi tz ii X* L !■ A -c' u 0 to 1-0 ft (i Iv tO 1 < tz , -, X it tz v •> ti fc ti — •9 0 £ A, li K V v /v (7) (; fe- I # x: -fc 0 IZ 0 lt tz I 0 L 7^ It: < * — It to 0 ii fc «0 t * ft to C % 0 0 A A -7 (i fc O -* A -c \z % 0 & fc ii A ft 11 £ /v v -» # # CO 0 L h I to Or tz '— £ ■ft ii 0 Vv tz ii H t i t: % 0 1— ■it T & ii to CO *l ft 1 6 t •f 0 0 0 0 li tz tz if £ h -t tz H L T ") to f n % tz £ £ 0 CO t: K co ii #■ h -5- 0 x- % — X c -5 •t h CO CO "* fc o 1) A ii m 0 11 tt ft 5 < the heavens; the sky Cod daughter serious to weave one ...($>%> B one day) adult to find ?Ln\ (hi Wh) the Milky Way loj; i (tl - 1 ) the other side; over there ^ cow Jffl (li/itf-) farm c. mmz^x.zit4>„ ^7 ixx-ffr £ÖfcffiMU££om^» Numbers 3 12 /SHA*"**" Conjugation Chart 344