2014/15 Season The Gypsywood Players: a Pre-Audition Questionnaire Your name and the identification number (učo): ____________________________________ Semester and cycle of study (Bc./Mgr./Ph.D.): ______________________________________ Previous experience with the theatre: _____________________________________________ Which of the following can you become (mark any that apply): 1) Production & Staff ___ Assistant director ___ Costumes (design, manufacture) ___ Props, staging ___ Electrician (lights, sound) ___ Graphics, computer designer, Photoshop ___ Marketing, PR ___ Company manager ___ Transportation (i.e. Do you have a car?) 2) Music ___ Musical director ___ Musician (your instrument(s): ___________________________________) 3) Acting ___ Leading role ___ Supporting role ___ Yes, I can sing and I can be a musical actor 4) A Gypsywood Singer ___ I'm only interested in becoming a choral singer, no acting for me! Attendance is compulsory for all the players. Are you sure you will be able to participate on the following days? _____ (Yes/No) 1) Regular rehearsals: Wednesdays 5,30-8,30pm 2) Intensive weekend rehearsals – Thursday to Sunday 13-16 November (possibly 22-23 Nov. - will be specified soon) 3) Rehearsals in the theatre: the weekend of 13-14 December (whole days) 4) Performances: 15 and 17 December (afternoon and night) Will you be in Brno (and travel for a festival) in the Spring 2015? ___ (Yes/No) Use the rest of the blank space for anything you would like to add: