SEMINAR 10 – Banking and Medical Help Answer Key Task 1 1. easy to use; suitable 2. money you pay to an institution for their work 3. a machine outside a bank or in a public place that you use to take money out of your bank account 4. a woman's original family name before she is married and uses her husband's family name instead 5. existing before a particular time Task 2 John: Good morning, sir! Clerk: Good morning! What can (1) I do for you? John: I want (2) to open a bank account in your bank. Clerk: Which (3) type of account do (4) you want to open? John: I want to open a current (5) bank account. Clerk: Please fill (6) in this form. John: How much money is needed (7) to open the account? Clerk: You can open an account with the minimum (8) amount of 40 Euros only. John: Will (9) you also issue me a payment card? Clerk: You will get a payment card, and you will have to (10) maintain a minimum balance of 40 Euros. John: Thank you. When (11) shall I come to open an account? Clerk: Come any time between 10 am to 1 pm. John: Thank you for the information. Clerk: My pleasure. Task 3 A: Could I help you? B: Yes.I want to withdraw (1) some money from my bank account. A: OK, please fill out a withdrawal slip (2).The red one. B: Thanks,I will finish right now. A: Please show me your card with the slip? B: Here they are. A: How much do you want? B: 100 euros. A: Give me your ID card and enter your password (3). B: All right. A: I am sorry, your password is incorrect (4). Please try again. B: I will try it one more time. A: Ok, success now. Here is your money. B: Thanks. password, incorrect, slip, withdraw Opening an Account A: Could I help you? B: Yes, please. I want to open (1) a new account in your bank. What kind of accounts can I open here? A: Our bank offers current accounts and fixed (2) accounts for individuals. B: I want a current account. A: Please give me your ID (3) card or passport? B: Ok. Here you are. A: Let me see, Jane, I will open a new account for you, please wait a second. B: Thanks. A: Jane, your card is ok, here it is. B: Many thanks. ID, fixed, open Task 4 1. Minimum deposit to open an account What is the minimum deposit to open an account? 2. Minimum balance required What is the minimum balance required? 3. Monthly fee What is the monthly fee? 4. Interest earned What is the interest earned? 5. Cost per check What is the cost per check? 6. ATM fee What is the ATM fee? Task 7 At the doctor’s office Making an appointment A: I need to make an appointment (1) to see the doctor. B: What seems to be the problem? A: I have a rash (2) that I need a doctor to look at. B: Do you have a fever with that rash? A: No, it just itches (3) a lot. B: I have openings (4) on Tuesday or Wednesday. Which would be best for you? A: I need an appointment on Tuesday. B: Fine, I am putting you down for 9:00 on that day. Would you like to see Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones? A: I would like to see Dr. Jones. B: I can schedule (5) you with him with no problem. We look forward to seeing you. Seeing the doctor A: I have had some really horrible headaches (1) lately. B: How long have your headaches been going on? A: I get headaches occasionally (2), but they have been really bad lately. B: Any unusual amounts of stress in your life going (3) on right now? A: I am getting ready to take my GRE. B: Have you been able to sleep regular (4) hours? A: It has been hard for me to sleep with a bad headache. B: Has anything hit (5) you in the head lately? A: I hit my head on a cupboard door a week ago. B: Let's have (6) you come back in a few days and see how you feel. Talking about the problems A: What brings you to my office today? B: I've been getting really short of breath (1), and my coach wanted to have a doctor check me out. A: Have you had the flu (2) lately? B: No, I have been pretty healthy. I just have trouble taking a really deep (3) breath. A: Have you ever been tested for allergies (4)? B: Peaches make me break out (5), but I don't have any other allergies. A: Does this happen all the time or maybe a little more in the cold weather? B: I've noticed that it is worse when I am under stress, like during finals (6) week. A: I feel that you should see a pulmonary specialist to check for asthma (7). B: I appreciate the referral (8), doctor. Task 8: Match the symptoms. 1. flu i. fever 2. rash f. red, itchy skin 3. nauseated h. vomiting 4. cough a. sore chest 5. sore throat b. can’t swallow 6. cut finger j. bleeding 7. sprained ankle c. can’t walk 8. big bruise d. dark spot 9. back-ache e. can’t bend 10. cold g. sneezing