SEMINAR 2 Administration – Answer Key Task 2 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – a; 4 – b Task 3 A) a –F; b – I; c- F; d – I ; e – VI; f – VF; g – F; h – I ; i – F; j – I; k – VI; l – VF B) a – F; b – VI; c – VF; d – I; e – VI; f – I; g – VI ; h – I; i – F; j – I ; k – F; l – I; m – F; n – VI; o – I; p – I C) a – F ; b – I; c – VF; d – F; e – VF; f – VF ; g – I; h – I Task 8 1)B 2)A 3)C 4)D Task 9 I am writing to apply for the Erasmus student exchange programme at your University. I would like to spend next semester of my study programme at the University of Porto in Portugal. Currently, I am a student of Charles University in Prague, at the Department of Environmental Studies. I would appreciate the opportunity of participating in the Erasmus programme, because it would be meaningful for me personally and for my prospective career. Firstly, it would be an efficient and successful method of improving my English and academic skills. I have been learning English as my first foreign language since the age of seven, and I believe that this experience at your university would improve my knowledge, because I would get a chance to communicate in an academic environment. Moreover, I would welcome the opportunity to enhance my research experience at your facilities, since your university has a great reputation in this field. I would like to emphasize that I am eager to benefit from this programme, as I would get to know Erasmus students from all over Europe, exchanging practical experience. I believe that the Erasmus programme is an excellent opportunity to meet various people, spend quality time with them and learn about their customs, attitudes, lifestyle, etc. Furthermore, living, studying and socializing with international scholars would broaden my horizons and enable me to build a strong social network with people throughout Europe. Studying at your university, I would have a chance to compare the Portuguese higher education system and the Czech one. If I am accepted, I will use this comparison to promote the Portuguese educational system not only in my homeland, but in the whole of the EU. The reasons for choosing your university: - to learn another foreign language, and become familiar with Portuguese culture and customs; - to obtain practice in modern facilities and work in a different environment from that of Charles University; - to enhance my chances of finding better employment, as I would acquire a truly multi-cultural experience, highly valued nowadays among employers. I would be very grateful if you considered my application and gave me a chance to participate in the Erasmus programme at your University, enhancing my future professional and personal development. Thank you very much for your consideration. Task 10 Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Jiří Nový and I am a graduated student of the Bachelor programme in International Relations at Masaryk´s University in Brno, Czech Republic. (graduate; Masaryk) I write this because I would like to have the opportunity to spend the fall semester of this year at the prestigious Copenhagen Business School by taking part at the Erasmus Programme as a international exchange student. (am writing; in; an) I have decided to apply for Copenhagen Business School because the prestige of the university, my personal interest in the excellent courses offering by you and their relevance to my educational path, as I am currently studying economy. (because of; offered; economics) In particularly, studying at CBS would give me the opportunity to further develop my knowledges in the field of economics so I can combine them with my language skills, as many courses offered at CBS have marked international contents, regarding emerging markets and international business.(particular; knowledge; it) For this reasons, I am strongly motivated to diligently attend classes and study at Copenhagen Business School, which I am considering the best choice for me as I think I would greatly benefit from the courses it offers. (these; consider) Furthermore, I am persuaded that this experience would help me gain important new skills and competences . (convinced) Thus, I consider me a good candidate to qualify for attending the 2013 fall semester at Copenhagen Business School as I am having the necessary skills, interest and personal motivation to fully benefit from such --- important opportunity. (myself; have; an) Thank you for consider my application. (considering) Yours faithfully, Jiří Nový