旧jiù 老lǎo animation - We use旧to describe old things. It cannot be used to describe creature’s age. 我的车子/房子/书包很旧. =>旧车,旧房子,旧书包 + 老Can be used to describe creature’s age. 我的狗很老.我的爷爷很老 =>老狗,老爷爷 Comparision Can you tell the different between these two sentences? 这是一栋老房子. 这是一栋旧房子. 老also can use to describe things with old history. If you want to emphasize the history of it, then you can use 老 instead of 旧. For example, 老房子may indicate this house has a long history and there may be some emotional meaning, but 旧房子 only indicate the house is old. 老广场(guǎngchǎng)/老教堂 Opposite word 旧 ←→ 新 老 ←→ 年轻 (niánqīng) Fill in the blank with旧 ,老,年轻or 新. 我的小狗今年十五岁,牠已经很_____了. 看起来 + Adj. seem,appear,look 他看起来很生气. (He looks angry.) 历史 lìshǐ history 这台车我买了十四年,虽然是__________车,但是我每天开它. 你看看,这是我刚买的__________衣服,好看吗? 这个杯子已经用八年了,看起来有点儿_________. 这间房子________了,我们买一间________房子吧! 你穿这件衣服不合适, 看起来有点儿_________. 我喜欢去_________街道散步,因为我喜欢有历史的地方.