Chronology 2697-2597 B.C.E. 97 B.C.E. 1555 Dates of Emperor Huang Ti, author of the acupuncture manual, the Nei Ching. First mention of Taoism. Initial publication of the prophecies of Nostradamus. Samuel Richter establishes the Golden Rosi- crucians. The Church of the New Jerusalem systematizing Swedenborg's thought is founded in London. Anton Mesmer is denounced by the French Academy. American Spiritualism begins with the claims of the Fox sisters in Hydesville, New York. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge found the TheosophicalSocietyin New York. xix Chronology Blavatskypublishes Isis Unveiled. Edwin Dwight Babbitt publishes The Principles of Light and Color on chromotherapy. Formation of the Society of Psychical Research in London. The book, Oahspe: A New Age Bible, channeled through automatic writing, is published by John Ballou Newbrough. Modern interest in Atlantis begins with the publication of Ignatius Donnelly's Atlantis: TheAntediluvian World. Formation of the American Society of Psychical Research. Emma Curtis Hopkins breaks with Mary Baker Eddy to begin what subsequently emerges as New Thought. William Wynn Westcott and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers found the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Blavatskypublishes TheSecret Doctrine. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore found what eventually becomes the Unity School of Christianity. With the death of Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant becomes the head of the Esoteric Section of theosophical students. Organization of the Nationalist Spiritualist Association of Churches in Washington, D.C. The World's Parliament of Religions is held in Chicago. Chronology xxi Swami Vivekananda founds the Vedanta Society in New York. Daniel David Palmer discovers chiropractic.William Q. Judge organizes the American branch of the Theosophical Societyas a separate order. Founding of the Naturopathic Society of America. Max Heindel founds the Rosicrucian Fel- lowship. Formation of the International Vegetarian Union. Levi Dowling publishes The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. The Tantrik Order is established by Pierre Bernard in America. The Sufi Order founded in London by Hazrat Inayat Khan. Arthur Edward Waite's publication of The Pictorial Guide to the Tarot. Linking the cards to the Kabalah ensures their popularity throughout the English-speaking world of the twentieth cen- tury. Reflexology introduced to the United States by WilliamFitzgerald.Rudolf Steinerbreaks from the Theosophical Movement to form anthroposophy. Formation of the International New Thought Alliance. Founding of the Astrological Lodge of Lon- don. Chronologyxxii 1916 Gurdjieff introduces the enneagram to his students. Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf Schools are instituted. Hatha Yoga is introduced to the West by Sri Yogendra. Pararnahansa Yogananda begins the SelfRealizationFellowshipin Boston. The International Sufi Movement is inaugurated in Geneva. Alice and Foster Bailey found the Lucifer Trust, later renamed the Lucis Trust. Founding of the American Astrological Society. Alice and Foster Bailey establish the Arcane School. Dinshah Pestanji Ghadiali founds the Spectro-Chrome Institute. The Yoga Institute is established by Sri Yogendra in Bombay. Krishnamurti is recognized as Maitreya by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater. Sufi Leader Meher Baba permanently enters "the Silence." Aurobindo experiencesthe descent of divine consciousness into the physical. Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan is named by his father as the successor of the Sufi Order. Founding of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education in New York. Publication of Gattefosse's Aromathdrapie in France. Chronology xxiii Krishnamurtiformallydenies he is Maitreya. Edgar Cayce founds the Association for Research and Enlightenment. The Vegetarian Societyof New York is established. Guy and Edna Ballard establish the Saint Gerrnain Foundation and the Saint Germain Press to sponsor the "I A M Religious Ac- tivity. The Philosophical Research Society is organized by Manly P. Hall in Hollywood, California. The White Eagle Lodge is founded in England. Kirlian photography is discovered as a means to record the body's aura. Founding of the American Federation of Astrology. The contemporary Western pagan movement and Wicca are inaugurated by Gerald B. Gardner in England. The Organic Gardening Experimental Farm is established by J. I. Rodale near Emmaus, Pennsylvania. Corinne Heline publishes Healing and Regeneration through Color. Aleister Crowley publishes The Book of Thoth, affirming de GebClin's belief in the Tarot as repositories of Egyptian magical symbolism.The Vegan Society is founded in xxiv Chronology England. Alice Bailey publishes the first volume of Discipleship in the New Age. Paramahansa Yogananda publishes Autobiography of a Yogi. Norbert Wiener and Arturo Rosenbleuth establish the discipline of Cybernetics. Kenneth Arnold launches the flying saucer era with sightingsnear Mount Rainier. Alice Bailey publishes The Reappearance of the Christ. Buckminster Fuller conceives the geodesic dome. The Urantia Foundationis established. The founding of Astara. L. Ron Hubbard founds Scientology. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare acknowledges the validity of Shiatsu. Founding of the Aetherius Society by George King. Founding of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship. Past-life exploration through hypnosis is introduced with the publication of The Searchfor Bridey Murphy. Revision of the International New Thought Alliance's Declaration of Principles. World Fellowship of Religions established by Kirpal Singh. Chronology xxv Mark Prophet founds the Summit Lighthouse. Founding of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. Virginia Satir, Don Jackson, Jules Ruskin and Gregory Bateson begin the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, focusing on Family Therapy. Benjamin Creme breaks with George King. Formation of the American Vegan Society. Ohsawa Foundation, the first macrobiotics organizationin the United States, is founded by Michio Kushi and Herman Aihara. Esalen Institute is founded by Michael Murphy and Richard Price. The Findhorn Community is established by Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean. Richard.Alpert and Timothy Leary are expelled from Harvard University. Ann Wigmore establishes the Hippocrates Health Institute. Jane Roberts begins to channel "Seth." Idries Shah publishes The Suj%. "Initiation of the Earth" according to the Aetherius Society. Marguerite Maury's English publication of The Secrets of Youth and Life. Corinne Heline publishes Color and Music in the New Age. Rescinding of the Asian Exclusion Act, thereby opening the United States to largescale immigration. Dr. Helen Schucman begins transcriptionof A Course in Miracles. Chronologyxxvi 1966 Guru Maharaj Ji succeeds his father as the head of the Divine Light Mission at the age of nine. Swami Satchidananda forms the Integral Yoga Institute. Richard Alpert receives the name Baba Ram Dass from Neem Karoli Baba in India. Tassajara Zen Mountain Center near Big Sur, California, opens as the first Buddhist monastery outsideAsia. Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche opens the Nyingma Institute in Berkeley, California, to provide for the study and practice of Buddhist teachings. Holy Order of MANS (HOOM) is founded in California by Earl Blighton as a New Age School of Christian Initiation. Auroville's foundation stone is laid in Pondicheny, India. Haridas Chaudhuri founds the California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco. Oschar Ichazo founds Arica in Chile. Carlos Castaneda publishes The Teachingsof Don Juan. Fritz Perk publishes Gestalt Theory. Elizabeth Kiibler-Ross publishes On Death and Dying. Tokujiro Namikoshi, founder of Shiatsu, introduceshis practice of body-work to the English-speaking world. The Krishnamurti Foundation is established in Ojai, California. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche founds the Kame Choling center, predecessor of the Vajradhatu Foundation. Sun Bear founds the Bear Tribe Medicine Society in Placerville, California. Yogi Amrit Desai discovers Ki- Chronology xxvii palu Yoga. William and Gladys McGarey found the A.R.E. Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. Ida P. Rolf establishes the Guild for Structural Integration (Rolf Institute). Stephan Gaskin establishes The Farm in Tennessee. David Spangler becomes a co-director of Findhorn. Jane Roberts publishes The Seth Material. Yogi Bhajan receives the authority from Amritsar's Golden Temple to initiate his followers directly into the Sikh faith. Sir George Trevelyan founds the Wrekin Trust in England. The Arica Institute is established in New York. Ram Dass publishes Be Here Now. President Nixon opens contact between the United States and China, allowing American investigation of Chinese medical practice. The Academy of Religion and Psychical Research is founded in Evanston, Illinois. Adi Da Samraj (Franklin Jones) opens his first ashram in Los Angeles. Benjamin Creme announces the imminent arrival of Maitreyalchrist. Hyemeyohsts Storm publishes Seven Arrows, popularizing the Medicine Wheel. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, in his 1973 book Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, introduced the new phrase of "spiritual materialism" into New Age vocabulary. David Spangler leaves Findhorn to form the Lorian Association.Guru Maharaj Ji's disastrous launch of the spiritual millennium in Houston, Texas. With the death of Mark Prophet, his wife renames the Summit xxviii Chronology Lighthouse as the Church Universal and Triumphant. Ken Keyes opens the Living Love Center in Berkeley, California. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine begins publication. Kevin Ryerson begins to channel "John." Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche establishes the Naropa Institute,subsequentlyto become the Naropa University. Leonard Orr completes his development of the process of Rebirthing. Rajneesh founds Poona ashram. H. Jay Dinshah organizes the North American Vegetarian Society. Maharaj Ji is deposed by his mother as leader of the Divine Light Mission. Leonard Orr opens the Theta House in San Francisco as a center for Rebirthing. Ram Dass founds the Hanuman Foundation. Werner Erhard invites Swami Muktananda to the United States. Benjamin Creme is "overshadowed" by Maitreya. Jach Purse1 begins to channel "Lazaris." Patricia Hayes founds the Arthur Ford International Academy to award "Certificates of Medium- ship." Publication of A Course in Miracles. Linda Clark publishes The Ancient Art of Color Therapy. The SiddhaYoga Dham Associates is founded. David Spangler publishes Revelation: The Birth of a New Age. Brad Steiger publishes Gods of Aquarius, introducing the concept of "Star People." Wayne Dyer publishes Your Erroneous Zones. Patrick Watson founds the Schoolof T'ai Chi Chuan. Chronology xxix Leonard Orr and Sondra Ray publish Rebirthing in the New Age. Avanta: The Virginia Satir Network is founded. Luc Jouret founds the Order of the Solar Temple. Ken Wilber publishes The Spectrum of Consciousness. MarianneWilliamson encounters A Course in Miracles. Matthew Fox founds the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality in Chicago. Benjamin Creme announces that Maitreya has begun his descent from the Himalayas. JZ Knight begins to channel "Ramtha." Mass suicidelmurder deaths of the People's Temple in Jonestown, Guyana. Bernie Siege1 begins the Exceptional Cancer Patients program for individual and group therapy. Foundation of the American Holistic Medical Association. Foundation of the Sirius Community as a. Findhorn spin-off. Foundation of Insight Transformational seminars by John-Roger Hinkins under the auspices of MSIA. The Silva Mind Control Method is published. Ruth Montgomery presents the concept of the "walk-in" in her book Strangers Among Us. Gary Zukav publishes The Dancing Wu Li Masters. James Lovelock develops his Gaia hypothesis that conceives the earth as a unified living organism. Thelma Moss publishes The Body Electric. Mark Satin publishes New Age Politics. Lyall Watson publishes Lifetide presenting the concept of the "Hundredth Monkey." Marilyn Ferguson publishes The Aquarian Conspiracy. Michael Harner publishes The XXX 1981 1982 Chronology Way of the Shaman. The American-International Reiki Association is founded. Rajneeshpuram created in Oregon. John Lilly establishes the HumadDolphin Foundation. Lynn Andrews publishes Medicine Woman. Frank Alper publishes Exploring Atlantis, stimulating New Age interest in crystals. Benjamin Creme announces through a worldwide newspaper campaign the imminent return of Maitreya the Christ. Barbara Weber Ray publishes The Reiki Factor. The countercultural commune, The Fa- is reorganized into a cooperative village. Constance Cumbrey attacks Benjamin Creme with her publication of Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Matthew Fox publishes Original Blessing, shifting away from the Christian doctrine of original sin. Shirley MacLainepublishes Out On a Limb. Werner Erhard modifies his controversialest program. Vicky Hall develops Aura-Soma. Terry Cole-Whittaker establishes Adventures in Enlightenment. The Unity School sponsors A Course in Miracles festival in Honolulu. Holy Order of MANS (HOOM) is disbanded. Jonathan Horwitz founds the ScandinavianCenter for Shamanic Studies. Adi Da Sarnraj begins his divine self-"Emergence." Penny TorresRubin begins to channel "Mafu." Chronology xxxi Celebration of the Harmonic Convergence on August 16th and 17th. Rajneeshpuram is disbanded, and Rajneesh returns to India. Aum Shinrikyo is founded. The television version of Shirley MacLaine's Out On a Limb is aired. John Robbins publishes Diet for a New America. Jamie Sams produces Medicine Cards. Louise Hay publishes You Can Heal Your Life. William Bloom, Sabina Dearborne and Malcolm Stern found the Alternative Programme at London's St. James's Church, Piccadilly. JZ Knight founds Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. Matthew Fox is silenced by the Vatican for a year. Tarthang Tulku establishes the World Peace Ceremony at Bodh Gaya, India. Copies of A Course in Miracles sold reach a half million. The centenary celebration of the World's Parliament of Religions is held in Chicago. First mass deaths in the Order of the Solar Temple. Andrew Weil founds the Program in Integrative Medicine. Matthew Fox becomes an Episcopal priest. Barbara Marx Hubbard proclaims that New Thought will become the most important movement on earth. Tokyo subway attack by Aum Shinrikyo. Deepak Chopra publishes Journey Into Healing. Chronologyxxxii 1996 Wind Daughter becomes medicine chief of the Bear Tribe. Findhorn is recognized by the United Nations as an NGO. Leo Rutherford publishes Principles of Shamanism. The United Nations Oslo Conference on Religion and Belief accords the New Age Movement equal status with established re- ligions. The third gathering of the World's Parliament of Religions is held in Cape Town. William Bloom founds Holistic Partner- ships. Leo Rutherford publishes Way of Shaman- ism. 2012, December 21st Beginning of the Aquarian Age, according to Jos6 Argiielles.