QUESTIONS: SALLY MORGAN’S MY PLACE 1. What impression did the story make on you? 2. What barriers were between Sally, her mother and Nan (her grandmother)? 3. Why was Nan so suspicious (even of Sally)? (Examples) 4. Mum always worried about what to tell people. It was as if the truth was never adequate, or there was something to hide. . . . I answered, “I’m going to tell them the truth”, she was flabbergasted [amazed, shocked]. → Why was her mother afraid of the truth? 5. Describe the process of Sally’s search for identity. How did it affect the whole family—positively/negatively? Why? Was she successful in the quest? 6. What was the reaction of other people? How did they respond to her new—Aboriginal—identity? 7. Why someone accused Sally of taking the scholarship unjustly? 8. Were/Are Aboriginals and their descendants thinking white? Imagine their feelings if such questions as “What people we are?” came to their minds. . . 9. Why she was a bad influence on the priest’s daughter—one of her friends? 10. What was Sally’s attitude to the Christian religion/church? Why?