DÖW Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance 11. 02.1961 „The archive should first and foremost serve the education of young people concerning current historical events. They should get acquainted with the horrible consequences of the loss of freedom and Austrian independence as well as with the heroic fight of the members of the Austrian resistance. The archive shall remain its permanent documentation.“ 25. 06.1963 Why so late? Hostile political and social environment of Austria in the postwar years, which was still dominated by participants of World War II. and former Nazis. Resistance was long regarded as an act of cowardice, treason and murder. „Victim theory“ „Austria as the first Victim of Nazi Agression“ the victim theory resulted in a suppression of the fact of Austrian collaboration concerning the atrocities of the National Socialists "Moscow Declaration„ 01. 11. 1943 the minister of foreign affairs of the United Kingdom, United States of America Soviet Union declared that: "Austria [as] the first free country that should fall prey to the typical aggressive policy of Hitler […] should be liberated from German rule" „Victim theory“ Often referred to as the „self-deception" of the Second Austrian Republic (1945 - ) First Parliamentary Elections 1945 Austrian parties try to mobilse former Nazi members as voters. Thus starts the process of „De-Nazification“ „De-Nazification“ Large numbers of about 600.000 fromer Nazi members are „de-nazified“ and reintegrated into the existing political parties. The beginning Cold War created a favourable climate for „De-Nazification“. Austrian Stare Treaty 1955 Austria declares ist neutrality the occupying forces of the United Kingdom, United States of America Soviet Union France leave Austria Federation of Independents (Verband der Unabhängigen, VdU) first center-right, German nationalist political party founded in 1949 in the US Occupation Zone in Salzburg in 1956 the party is re-organised as the Austrian Freedom Party (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ) Alois Reinthaler (1956-1958, former SS-member) Friedrich Peter (1958-1986, former SS-member) Former members of the Austrian Resistance and exiled Austrians Ludwig Jedlicka August Maria Knoll Paul Schärf Ludwig Soswinski Herbert Steiner DÖW : 1010 Wien, Wipplingerstrasse 6-8 Herbert Steiner (1923 - 2001) Co-founder, historian and first director of DÖW 1963-1983. Taras Borodajkewycz (1902 – 1984) Nazi-historian in Prague 1942 – 1945 1946 „De-Nazification “ professor of history 1946-1966 at the Higher School for World Trade in Vienna (=Vienna University of Economnics) Ernst Kirchweger (1898 – 1965) Killed by right wing students during anti- Borodajkewycz demonstarations. „DÖW“ - profile In the first decades the work was mainly carried out by idealistic volunteers, many of whom were former victims of Fascism. Professional, younger staff came only later. The archive mainly documents: Anti-fascist resistance and persecution Exile Nazi crimes, in particular the Holocaust, Nazi concentration camps, Nazi criminal medical policies The justice system in the Nazi era The prosecution of Nazi criminals in the postwar era Right-wing extremism since 1945, Holocaust denial Restitution and compensation for victims of Nazism after 1945 Austrians as victims of Stalinist persecution DÖW – Public Foundation 1983 DÖW – Foundation established by Austrian Federal Government (financial contribution) City of Vienna (financial contribution) DÖW – Association (legal owner of the collection) DÖW – Public Foundation 1983 250.000 files 42.000 photographs 50.000 books 350 journals 4.000 political posters 250 documented right-wing organisations 300 works of art Austrian Resistance Communist resistance groups Social Democrat resistance groups Monarchist resistance groups Catholic resistance groups Jura Soyfer (1912 – 1939) Russian born Austrian playright and writer, killed in Dachau. Walter Kämpf (1920-1943) Publisher of illegal underground journals, communist activist, executed 1943. Maria Restituta Kafka (1894 -1943) Nurse and nun, sentenced to death for distributing an anti-Nazi poem. Canonised 1998. Irma Trksak (*1917) Student, member of a Czech resistance group in Vienna, survivor of Ravensbrück concentration camp. Karl Biedermann (1890 – 1945) Member of the military resistance group who tried to prevent the bombardment of Vienna in April 1945, hanged during the last days of the war. Slovenian partisans 1943 - 1945 Five batallions of Slovenian partisans from Carinthia and Styria were fighting against the German Army on the side of the Yugoslav People´s Army led by Tito. Austrian Jews 65.000 Austrian Jews were murdered by the Nazi-regime, thousands managed to flee abroad After the war, very few survivors returned permanently to their Austrian home towns. A datebase of most Austrian victims is available at the DÖW-hompage. Austrian Roma The largest Nazicamp for Roma was actually in Austrian, in Lackenbach. 90 % of all Austrian Roma ans Sinti were murdered during the Holocaust. The first academic book about the persecution and murder of Roma and Sinti by the Nazis was actually published by the DÖW in 1966. Victims of Stalinist Persecution Thousands of Austrians lived in the Soviet Union. After the ouitbreak of the war against the Soviet Unuion many of them were suspected ot treason, deported to camps in the Gulag or murdered. A database of 780 Austrian victims of the Stalinist purges can be found on the DÖW-hompage Franz Josef Huber (1902 - 1975) Chief of the Gestapo Main Quarters of Vienna, directly responsible for the murder and torture of tens of thousands of victims, after 1941 responsible for the mass deportation of Austrian Jews to extermination camps, 1949 sentenced to one year imprisonmet and a fine of 500 German Marks. The Waldheim Affair 1985 Former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kurt Waldheim, was elected Austrian president in1986. During his campaign it became clear, that he had been a high ranking officer in the German Wehrmacht on the Balkans, a fact about which he repeatedly made incorrect statements. Jörg Haider (1950 - 2008) Leader of the FPÖ 1986 - 1999, he became an outspoken opponent of the DÖW and ist director Wolfgang Neugebauer, who repeatedly accused him of trivialising the Holocaust and dubbed Jörg Haider a right wing extremist. Right Wing Extremisms Research The DÖW has been documenting the activities of neo-Nazis and right wing extremists since the 1960ies and has published a handbook about political activists and groups in this political camp. Austrian Historians´ Commission (1998 – 2003) Re-evaluation of all property confiscations in the period 1938 -1945 and of all restitution and compensation procedures after World War II. DÖW - data bases The DÖW has over the years created a unique name database concerning Austrian victims of Nazi-persecution, as well as of Austrian perpetrators. Several of these databases can be accessed via our homepage. www.doew.at DÖW publications DÖW today DÖW belongs to the five MOST USED ARCHIVES of Austria with 1.700 users per year 19 employees 8 conscientious objectors 35 interns 16 student guides 12 volunteers Permanent DÖW Exhibitions Exhibition on the Austrian Resistance at the site of the former Hotel Metropole Exhibition of Austrian Resistance and persecution in the main building Exhibition on child victims of Nazi medical experiments at the Otto Wager Hospital Child Victims of Nazi Medical Experiments and Euthansia Between 1940 and 1945 over 800 handicapped or ill children died at the clinic „Am Steinhof“. In 2002 the remains of 600 children were put to rest in urns and an exhibition was installed to commemorate and document their fate. Improvements and Problems • Mauthausen • VWI - Vienna Wiesenthal Institute • Haus der Geschichte • Haus der Geschichte Niederösterreichs • erinnern.at New Media - New Projects „Digital Memory Project“: App to make victim data accessible wherever you stand in the city! Thank You!