History of Communism in Asia KSB055 Presentation’s topics (30 minutes) Topic: Students (two per group) 1. Communist Party of China v. Kuomintang in the first half of the 20^th century 5.10. 2. Cultural revolution (Explain its stages 1966-1976 and the consequences) 12.10. 3. P.R.C. in the 1980s (CCP economic’ s reforms and social changes) 19.10. 4. Korean War (Background and course of the war) 26.10. 5. Kim Jong-un and today’s North Korea (Camps, Life of ordinary people, Foreign policy) 2.11. 6. Who is who in Vietnam War? (Việt Cộng, Việt Minh, Hồ Chí Minh, Ngô Đình Diệm) 9.11. 7. CIA and Vietnam War (CIA activities in Vietnam, psychological operations, declassified documents, Air America ) 16.11. 8. World’s response to the Vietnam War and Its Legacy (Protests, Harm for Capitalism?) 23.11. 9. Leaders of the Khmer Rouge (Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Khieu Samphan) 30.11. 10. Cambodia Today (Ruling Party, Trials, Population, Economy and other Consequences of the Khmer Rouge) 7.12.