Vagueness, Truth and Logic Author(s): Kit Fine Source: Synthese, Vol. 30, No. 3/4, On the Logic Semantics of Vagueness (Apr. - May, 1975), pp. 265-300 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 05/04/2011 10:42 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Synthese. KIT FINE VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC1 This paper began with the question 'What is the correct logic of vague ness?' This led to the further question 'What are the correct truth-condi tions for a vague language?', which led, in its turn, to a more general consideration of meaning and existence. The first half of the paper con tains the basic material. Section 1 expounds and criticizes one approach to the problem of truth-conditions. It is based upon an extension of the standard truth-tables and falls foul of something called penumbral con nection. Section 2 introduces an alternative framework, within which penumbral connection can be accommodated. The key idea is to consider not only the truth-values that sentences actually receive but also the truth values that they might receive under different ways of making them more precise. Section 3 describes and defends the favoured account within this framework. Very roughly, it says that a vague sentence is true if and only if it is true for all ways of making it completely precise. The second half of the paper deals with consequences, complications and comparisons. Sec tion 4 considers the consequences that the rival approaches have for logic. The favoured account leads to a classical logic for vague sentences; and objections to this unpopular position are met. Section 5 studies the phe nomenon of higher order vagueness :first, in its bearing upon the truth conditions for a language that contains a definitely-operator or a hierar chy of truth-predicates; and second, in its relation to some puzzles con cerning priority and eliminability. Some of the topics tie in with technical material. I have tried to keep this at a minimum. The reader must excuse me if the technical under current produces an occasional unintelligible ripple upon the surface. Let us say, in a preliminary way, what vagueness is. I take it to be a semantic notion. Very roughly, vagueness is deficiency of meaning. As such, it is to be distinguished from generality, undecidability, and am biguity. These latter are, if you like, lack of content, possible knowledge, and univocal meaning, respectively. These contrasts can be made very clear with the help of some artificial Synthese 30 (1975) 265-300. All Rights Reserved Copyright ? 1975 byD. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland 266 KIT FINE examples. Suppose that the meaning of the natural number predicates, nicel5 nice2, and nice3, is given by the following clauses: (1) (a) n isnice! ifn> 15 (b) n is not nice! if n < 13 (2) (a) n isnice2 if and only ifn> 15 (b) n is nice2 if and only if n > 14 (3) n is nice3 if and only if n > 15 Clause (1) is reminiscent of Carnap's (1952) meaning postulates. Clauses (2) (a)-(b) are not intended to be equivalent to a single contradictory clause; somehow the separate clauses should be insulated from one an other. Then nice! is vague, its meaning is under-determined; nice2 is ambiguous, itsmeaning is over-determined; and nice3 is highly general or un-specific. The sentence 'there are infinitely many nice3 twin primes' possibly undecidable but certainly not vague or ambiguous. Any type of expression that is capable of meaning is also capable of being vague; names, name-operators, predicates, quantifiers, and even sentence-operators. The clearest, perhaps paradigm, case is the vague predicate. A further characterization of vagueness will not, I think, be theory-free; for itwill rest upon an account of meaning. In particular, if meaning can have an extensional and intensional sense, then so can vague ness. Extensional vagueness is deficiency of extension, intensional vage ness deficiency of intension. Moreover, if intension is the possibility of extension, then intensional vagueness is the possibility of extensional vagueness. Turn to the clear case of the predicate. A predicate F is ex tensionally vague if it has borderline cases, intensionally vague if it could have borderline cases. Thus 'bald' is extensionally vague, I presume, and remains intensionally vague in a world of hairy or hairless men. The distinction is roughly Waismann's (1945) vagueness/open-texture one, but without the epistemological overtones. Extensional vagueness is closely allied to the existence of truth-value gaps. Any (extensionally) vague sentence is neither true nor false; for any vague predicate F, there is a uniquely referring name a for which the sen tence Fa is neither true nor false :and for any vague name a there is a uniquely referring name b for which the identity-sentence a = b is neither true nor false. Some have thought that a vague sentence is both true and false and that a vague predicate is both true and false of some object. VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 267 However, this is a part of the general confusion of under- and over determinacy. A vague sentence can be made more precise; and this opera tion should preserve truth-value. But a vague sentence can be made to be either true or false, and therefore the original sentence can be neither. This battle of gluts and gaps may be innocuous, purely verbal. For truth on the gap view is simply truth-and-non-falsehood on the glut view and, similarly, falsehood is simply falsehood-and-non-truth. However, it is the gap-inducing notion that is important for philosophy. It is the one that directly ties in with the usual notions of assertion, verification and consequence. The glut-inducing notion has a split sense; for it allows truth to rest upon either correspondence with fact or absence of meaning. Despite the connection, extensional vagueness should not be defined in terms of truth-value gaps. This is because gaps can have other sources, such as failure of reference or presupposition. What distinguishes gaps of deficiency is that they can be closed by an appropriate linguistic decision, viz. an extension, not change, in the meaning of the relevant expression. 1. The truth-value approach It is this possibility of truth-value gaps that raises a problem for truth conditions. For the classical conditions presuppose Bivalence, the prin ciple that every sentence be either true or false, and so they are not directly applicable to vague sentences. In this, as in other, cases of truth-value gap, it is tempting to treat Neither-true-nor-false, or Indefinite, as a third truth-value and to model truth-value assessment along the lines of the classical truth-conditions. The details of this and subsequent suggestions will first be geared to a first-order language. Only later do we consider the complications that arise from extending the language. Let us fix, then, upon an intuitively understood, but possibly vague, first-order language L. There are three sources of vagueness inL: the predicates, the names, and the quantifiers. To simplify the exposition, we shall suppose that only predicates are vague. Indeed, it could be argued that all vagueness is reducible to predicate vagueness. For possibly one can replace, without any change in truth value, each vague name by a corresponding vague predicate and each quantifier over a vague domain by an appropriately relativised quantifier over amore inclusive but precise domain. We shall also suppose, though 268 KIT FINE only to avoid talking of satisfaction, that each object in the domain has a name. We now let a partial specification be an assignment of a truth-value True (T), False (F) or Indefinite (/) - to the atomic sentences of L; and we call a specification appropriate if the assignment is in accordance with the intuitively understood meanings of the predicates. Thus an appro priate specification would assign True to 'Yul Brynner is bald', False to 'Mick Jagger is bald' and Indefinite to 'Herbert is bald', should Herbert be a borderline case of a bald man. Then the present suggestion is that the truth-value of each sentence in L be evaluated on the basis of the appropriate specification. The valuation is to be truth-functional in the sense that the truth-value of each type of compound sentence be a uni form function of the truth-values of its immediate sub-sentences. The possible truth-conditions can be subject to two natural constraints. The first is that the conditions be faithful to the classical truth-conditions whenever these are applicable. Call a specification complete if it assigns only the definite truth-values, True and False. Then the Fidelity Condi tion F states that a sentence is true (or false) for a complete specification if and only if it is classically true (or false); evaluations over complete specifications are classical. The second constraint is that definite truth-values be stable for im provements in specification. Say that one specification u extends another tifu assigns to an atomic sentence any definite truth-value assigned by t. Then the Stability Condition S states that if a sentence has a definite truth-value under a specification t it enjoys the same definite truth-value under any specification u that extends t ;definite truth-values are preserved under extension. The two constraints work together: definite truth-values for a partial specification must be retained upon the classical evaluation of any of its complete extensions. Indeed, if quantifiers are dropped, the two con straints are equivalent to the classical necessary truth and falsehood con ditions: (i) t=-?->=!? 1-B-*?B (ii) h?&C-?h?andhC 1B&C-* IB or 4C. VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 269 Similarly for the other truth-functional connectives. (I use ' 1=A9 for 'A is true', '=}A9 for 'A is false', and '-?' for informal material implication.) However, the conditions still allow some latitude in the formulation of truth-conditions. One can move in the direction of minimizing or of maxi mizing the degree to which sentences receive definite truth-values under a given specification2. At the one extreme, the indefinite truth-value domi nates: any sentence with an indefinite subsentence is also indefinite. Sen tences are only definite under a classical guarantee. At the other extreme, the indefinite truth-value dithers: a sentence is definite if its truth-value is unchanged for any way of making definite its immediate indefinite subsen tences 3. In effect, the arrows in the clauses (i) and (ii) above are reversed so that the only divergence from the classical conditions lies in the rejec tion of Bivalence. To illustrate, a conjunction with indefinite and false conjuncts is indefinite on the first account, but false on the second. There are intermediate possibilities, but they are not very interesting. Indeed, clause (i) uniquely determines the conditions for negation, for the weak and strong senses are excluded, and the above alternatives are the only ones for commutative conjunction. Is any account along truth-value lines acceptable? Any account that satisfies the conditions F and S would always appear to make correct allocations of definite truth-value. However, even the maximizing policy fails tomake many correct allocations of definite truth-value. For suppose that a certain blob is on the border of pink and red and let P be the sen tence 'the blob is pink' and R the sentence 'the blob is red'. Then the con junction P & R is false since the predicates 'is pink' and 'is red' are con traries. But on themaximizing account the conjunction P & R is indefinite since both of the conjuncts P and R are indefinite. A more general argument applies to any three-valued approach, regard less of whether it satisfies the conditions F or S. For P & P is indefinite since it is equivalent to plain P, which is indefinite, whereas P & R is false. Thus a conjunction with indefinite conjuncts is sometimes indefinite and sometimes false and so '&' is not truth-functional with respect to the three truth-values, True, False and Indefinite. A similar argument also applies to the other logical connectives. For example, the disjunction P v P is indefinite since it is equivalent to plain P, which is indefinite; whereas the disjunction P v jR is true since the predicates 'is pink' and 'is red' are complementary over the given colour 270 KIT FINE range. Again, the conditional P id ? P is presumably not true, whereas P 3 ? R is true. It ismore difficult to find examples for the quantifiers. But for the universal quantifier, say, we may consider the sentence 'All pretenders to the throne are the rightful monarch', where the domain of quantification consists of several pretenders who are all borderline cases of the predicate 'is a rightful monarch'. The whole sentence is false, yet its immediate subsentences are indefinite. Nor is there any safety in numbers. The argument can be extended to cover any finite-valued approach or any multi-valued approach that re quires a conjunction with indefinite conjuncts to be indefinite. Such ap proaches are common and include those that are based upon degrees of truth4 and those that satisfy a fidelity and stability condition with respect to a trichotomy of True, False, and Indefinite truth-values. The specific examples chosen should not blind us to the general point that they illustrate. It is that logical relations may hold among predicates with borderline cases or, more generally, among indefinite sentences. Given the predicate 'is red', one can understand the predicate 'is non-red' to be its contradictory: the boundary of the one shifts, as it were, with the boundary of the other. Indeed, it is not even clear that convincing examples require special predicates. Surely P& ? P is false even though P is indefinite. Let us refer to the possibility that logical relations hold among indef inite sentences as penumbral connection; and let us call the truths that arise, wholly or in part, from penumbral connection, truths on a penumbra or penumbral truths. Then our argument is that no natural truth-value approach respects penumbral truths. In particular, such an approach cannot distinguish between 'red' and 'pink' as independent and as ex clusive upon their common penumbra. Placing the Indefinite on a par with the other truth-values is analogous to basing modal logics on the three values Necessary, Impossible and Contingent, or to basing deontic logic on the values Obligatory, For bidden and Indifferent. For here, too, truth-functionality may be lost: a conjunction of contingent sentences is sometimes contingent, some times impossible; a conjunction of indifferent sentences is sometimes indifferent, sometimes forbidden. In all of these cases there appears to be a dogmatic adherence to a framework of finitely many truth-values. Per haps our understanding of sentential operators is, in some sense, finite. VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 271 but this is not to say that it is based upon a finite substructure of truth values. 2. AN ALTERNATIVE FRAMEWORK How can we account for penumbral connection? Consider again the blob that is on the border of pink and red and suppose that it is also a border line case of the predicate 'small'. Why do we say that the conjunction 'The blob is pink and red' is false but that the conjunction 'The blob is pink and small' is indefinite? Surely the answer must rest on the fact that inmaking the respective predicates more precise the blob cannot be made a clear case of both the predicates 'pink' and 'red' but can be made a clear case of both the predicates 'pink' and 'small'. In other words, the difference in truth-value reflects a difference in how the predicates can be made more precise. Such a suggestion can be made precise within the following framework. A (specification) space consists of a non-empty set of elements, the speci fication-points, and a partial ordering ^ (also read :extends) on the set, i.e. a reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric relation. A space is appro priate if each point corresponds to a precisification, one point for each precisification. We regard the ways of precisifying in a generous light and, in particular, do not tie them to the expressions of any given language. The nature of the correspondence is this: each point is assigned a speci fication that is appropriate to the precisification to which it corresponds; points extend one another just in case they correspond to precisifications that extend one another in the natural sense. Thus, at the very simplest, the specifications could be regarded as the precisifications themselves and the partial ordering as the natural extension-relation on precisifications. Then the suggestion is that truth-valuation be based, not upon the ap propriate specification, but upon an appropriate specification space, i.e. upon the specification-points that correspond to the different ways of making the language more precise. The truth-valuation is to be uniform in the sense that it only makes use of the specification-points at which the given subsentences are true or false. There may, of course, be several appropriate spaces, but then their differences should make no difference to the truth-valuation. This framework could be generalized in various ways. For example, with each space could be associated a subset of points. The new space 272 KIT FINE would be appropriate only if the subset determined a space that was appropriate in the old sense. This would allow the truth-definition to call upon specifications that did not correspond to precisifications. However, such generalizations appear to have little intuitive foundation and will not be considered further. The account of appropriacy uses the intensional notion of precisifica tion. A strictly extensional account could avoid this in various ways. Perhaps the simplest is to identify the specification-points with the speci fications themselves. Thus a specification space is, in effect, a collection of specifications partially ordered by the natural extension-relation. A space is appropriate if the specifications are the admissible ones. Un officially, a specification is admissible if it is appropriate for some precisi fication; officially, the notion of admissibility is primitive. There are various conditions one can impose upon a specification space. One is that it has a base-point, the appropriate specification-point. This corresponds to the precisification of which all other precisifications are extensions. Another is Completeability. It states that any point can be extended to a complete point within the same space, i.e. C.(Vi) (3w^ t) (u complete) where a point is complete if its specification is complete. There are also conditions one can impose upon the truth-definition. The main ones are the appropriate modifications of the earlier fidelity and stability conditions. Fidelity will state that the truth-values at a complete point are classical, i.e. F.t)rA u f=A tz\A and t< u -> u 4A. As with the truth-value approach, there is the problem of how to tag truth values to the different specifications. One can tend tominimize or to maximize the amount of truth and falsehood tagging. Minimizing gives nothing new. However, maximizing gives something altogether different: a sentence is true (or false) at a partial specification point if and only if it is true (or false) at all complete extensions. A sentence is true simpliciter VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 273 if and only if it is true at the appropriate specification-point, i.e. at all complete and admissible specifications. Truth is super-truth, truth from above5. In contrast to the truth-value approach, there are now many interesting intermediate truth-definitions. The most notable is the bastard intuition istic account, which follows the intuitionistic conditions for ?, &, v, => and 3, and the classical definition of - 3? for V 6.Given that the domain of quantification is constant, the clauses run like this : I (i) t? - B <->(Vu^ t) (not-w?E) (ii) t?B & C++t?B and t?C (iii) t?Bv C++t?Bort?C (iv) t?Bz*C*+(Vu> t) (3 v> u) (v ?B(d)) for each name a. There are two common factors in the rival approaches to truth-condi tions. One is the insistence that the procedures for truth-valuation be uniform. The other is the insistence that the appropriate form of stability be satisfied. These factors can be made explicit within an abstract theory of exten sions. The standard Fregean theory has a principle of Functionality: (1) The extension of a compound (3 u ^ t) (u ? A) , for A atomic vagueness, truth and logic 279 (ii) t?-B++tiB tl-B*^t?B (iii) t?B & C*-*t?B and t?C t4B&C<-+ (Vu^t) (3 v^u)(vAB or vjC) (iv) /1=(Vx) B(x) +-> t ?B(a) for any name a H (Vx) B(x) <-?(Vu^ t) (3 v^ u) (v =1B(a) for some name a) Clause (i) is a Resolution Condition R for atomic sentences and states that an indefinite atomic sentence can be resolved in either way upon im provement in precision. The necessary truth- and falsehood conditions are to the effect that all truth-functional pledges are to be redeemed. For example, clause (iii) for & requires that whenever B 8c C is false it is possible to point to a subsequent specification-point at which either B or C is false. All of these clauses are reasonable with the possible exception of the sufficient falsehood conditions for & and V. But these clauses are required to account for such penumbral falsehoods as 'The blob is pink and red' or 'All pretenders to the throne are the rightful monarch'. Similar con siderations apply to the other logical constants v, -* and 3. Now given the ancillary conditions F, S and C, the A clauses are equivalent to the super-truth account. Thus the claims of penumbral connection force one to adopt our favoured view. The second reason for preferring the super-truth view is that it follows an optimizing strategy: maximize one's advantage within the given con straints. The theory maximizes the extent of truth and falsehood subject to the constraints F, S and C. The argument can be put another way. The Resolution Condition R should hold for all sentences, so that any indef inite sentence can be resolved in either one of two ways. The value of indefinite sentences lies in the possibility of this bipolar resolution: they are born, as itwere, to be true or false. There is no point inwithholding truth from a sentence that can be made true by improving any improve ment in precision. Now the super-truth account is the only one to satisfy the four conditions F, C, S and R. Thus placing the right value on indef initeness also forces one to adopt our favoured view. These arguments are essentially claims of the following form: such and such theory is the only one to satisfy the reasonable conditions X, Y and Z. Such claims are of great importance, for they provide a point or ra 280 KIT FINE tionale for the theory in question: if you want the conditions then you must accept the theory. All too often, truth-conditions for different lan guages have been constructed with insufficient regard for rationale. Their basis has often been a scanty set of intuitions. Thus a great advantage of the present approach is its possession of a uniquely determining rationale. One might object to the previous arguments on the grounds that they presuppose Completeability, which is unreasonable. However, there is a perfectly a priori argument for this condition. Suppose that the 'limit' of a chain of admissible specifications is also admissible. This is a slight restriction on penumbral connection: for example, it excludes the re quirement that the specifications be finite (in an obvious sense) or that they verify decidable theories. Then by Zorn's Lemma, any admissible specification can be extended to a maximally admissible specification. Now suppose that each atomic sentence can always be settled in at least one of two ways, i.e. that no atomic is ever always indefinite. This is a very weak form of Resolution. Then it follows that the maximally ad missible specification is complete. Even without Completeability, our arguments will still go through. In place of the super-truth theory we use an anticipatory account that makes a sentence A true if?A is true on the (bastard) intuitionistic account, i.e. if A is always going to be intuitionistically true. In effect, we mould intuitionism to the Resolution Condition: a sentence whose truth can always be anticipated is already true. This account is the maximal one to satisfy Stability and the necessary A-clauses. The latter consist of A(i), Resolution for atomic sentences, and the left-to-right parts of A(ii)-(iv), Redemption of truth-functional pledges. Moreover, for countable do mains, anticipatory truth turns out to be a form of super-truth.8 Say that a sequence of specification points is complete if (a) each member of the sequence extends its predecessor, and (b) any sentence is settled by some member of the sequence. Then a sentence is true on the anticipatory account iff it is true in all generic specifications, i.e. in all limits of complete sequences. Thus quantification over generic (complete) specifications can be elim inated in favour of quantification over partial specifications. The generic models figure as ideal points; they do not 'exist', but truth-values can be calculated as if they did. This reformulation lends itself to a nominalistic VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 281 interpretation. The partial specifications are identified with the corre sponding collections of predicates. One requires that any borderline case be under our control in the sense that it can be settled by making the predicate more precise. But one does not require that any predicate can be made perfectly precise. The objection to Completeability may really be a question about our understanding of vague sentence. How, itmay be asked, do we grasp all of those complete and admissible specifications, the existence of which is necessary to determine truth-value? There are, I think, three main possibilities. The first is that we under stand each of the predicates that make the given predicate perfectly pre cise. We then grasp the complete and admissible specifications indirectly, as those appropriate to the perfectly precise predicates. Thus a vague sentence, say: The blob is red is like the scheme: The blob isR where 'R9 stands in for perfectly precise predicates that we are able to enumerate. The main objection to this account is that in understanding a vague predicate we may not understand all or, indeed, any of the pred icates that make it perfectly precise. The second possibility is that we directly grasp all of the admissible and complete specifications. Thus the vague sentence: The blob is red is like the open sentence : The blob belongs to R, where R is a variable that ranges over complete and admissible extensions of 'red'. In case of penumbral connection, there will be restrictions on several variables ;and in case 'admissible' isvague, itwill give way to a third order variable, and so on. But in any case the principle is the same: one grasps the specifications as being sets of a certain sort. The trouble with this account is that 'admissible' contains a hidden quantifier over non extensional entities. An admissible specification is one that is appropriate 282 KIT FINE for some precisification. For example, an admissible and complete exten sion for 'red' is one that is determined by a suitable pair of sharp boundary shades; and a shade is, or corresponds to, a property as opposed to a set. Thus the third possibility is that we grasp all of the perfect precisifi cations. The sentence : The blob is red is now like the open-sentence The blob has R, where R is a variable that ranges over all of the properties that perfectly precisify 'red'. The perfect properties are grasped, not individually, but as a whole - in one go. There are, perhaps, two main ways in which this can be done. First, they may be understood from below, as the limits of relevant imperfect properties ;examples are provided by 'chair' and 'game'. Second, they may be understood from above, in terms of some more direct condition; an example is the sliding scale for 'red'. Perhaps themain objection to this account is that grasping all properties of a certain kind requires that one be able, in principle, to find a predicate for one such property. But I do not see why any but a constructivist should accept this. One can quantify over a domain without being able to specify an object from it. Surely one can understand what a precise shade iswithout being able to specify one? These accounts bring out well the connection and contrast with am biguity. Vague and ambiguous sentences are subject to similar truth conditions ;a vague sentence is true if true for all complete precisifications ; an ambiguous sentence is true if true for all disambiguations. Indeed, the only formal difference is that the precisifications may be infinite, even indefinite, and may be subject to penumbral connection. Vagueness is ambiguity on a grand and systematic scale. However, how we grasp the precisifications and disambiguations, re spectively, is very different. Ambiguity is understood in accordance with the first account: disambiguations are distinguished; to assert an ambig uous sentence is to assert, severally9, each of its disambiguations. Vague ness is understood in accordance with the third account: precisifications are extended from a common basis and according to common constraints : to assert a vague sentence is to assert, generally, its precisifications. Am VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 283 biguity is like the super-imposition of several pictures, vagueness like an unfinished picture, with marginal notes for completion. One can say that a super-imposed picture is realistic if each of its disentanglements are; and one can say that an unfinished picture is realistic if each of its com pletions are. But even if disentanglements and completions match one for one, how we see the pictures will be quite different. 4. The logic of vagueness This completes our discussion of the truth-conditions for the language L. We now turn to logic and consider how the preceding analyses affect the notions of validity and consequence. On the truth-value approach, a formula is valid if it takes a designated value for every specification. If True is the sole designated value, then no formulas are valid on any account that conforms to the stability and fidelity conditions. For they require that any sentence is indefinite if all of its atomic subsentences are. If, somewhat unaccountably, True and Indefinite are the designated values, then validity is classical on any ac count that conforms to the conditions. For if a sentence is false for a specification, it is false for any of its complete specifications and so is not classically valid. Thus the truth-value approach leads either to classical logic or to the trivial logic, in which there are no valid formulas at all. Formula B is a consequence of formula A if, for any specification, B takes a designated value whenever A does. If True is the sole designated value, then B is a consequence of A on the minimal account iff B is a classical consequence of A and any predicate (or sentence) letter in B is also in A. The maximal account leads to a different consequence-relation with Ato B v ~B being the characteristic non-consequence. If True and Indefinite are the designated values then B is a consequence of A on either account iff ? A is a consequence of ? B with True as sole designated value. On the specification space approach, A is valid if it is true in all spec ification spaces and B is a consequence of A if, for any specification space, B is true whenever A is. This approach gives rise to numerous logics. For example, the bastard intuitionistic truth-conditions lead to a slight extension of intuitionistic logic. On the other hand, the super-truth and anticipatory accounts lead to classical logic. For if a formula is clas 284 KIT FINE sically valid, i.e. true in all classical models, it is true for all specification spaces, since it is true for each complete specification within the space; and conversely, if a formula is true for all specification spaces, it is classi cally valid, since each classical model is a degenerate case of a specification space. A similar argument establishes that the consequence-relation is classical for the language at hand. Thus the supertruth theory makes a difference to truth, but not to logic. Can we maintain that there is no special logic of vagueness? Let us consider two objections against this, one against classical validity and the other against classical consequence. The first objection is that the Law of the Excluded Middle may fall for vague sentence. For suppose that Herbert is a borderline case of a bald man but that the disjunction 'Herbert is bald v ?(Herbert is bald)' is true. Then one of the disjuncts is true. But if the second disjunct is true the first is false. So the sentence 'Herbert is bald' is either true or false, contrary to the supposition that Herbert is a borderline case of a bald man. The argument here rests on two assumptions. The first is that the clas sical necessary truth-conditions for 'or' and 'not' are correct. From this it follows that the Law of the Excluded Middle implies the Principle of Bivalence. The second assumption is that borderline cases give rise to sentences without truth-values, i.e. to breakdowns of Bivalence. So from both assumptions it follows that LEM fails for such sentences. It would be perverse to deny the force of this argument; both of its assumptions are very reasonable. However, I think that one can make out that the argument is a fallacy of equivocation. If truth is super-truth, i.e. relative to a space, then the necessary truth-conditions for 'or' and 'not' fail, though truth-value gaps can exist. If on the other hand, truth is relative to a complete specification then the truth-conditions hold but gaps cannot exist. An analogy with ambiguity may make the equivocation more palatable. An ambiguous sentence is true if each of its disambiguations is true. Now let / be the ambiguous sentence 'John went to the bank'; let Jx and J2 be its disambiguations, viz. 'John went to the money bank' and 'John went to the river bank' ;and suppose that John is after fish rather than money. Then the disjunction / v ? / is true, for its disambiguations, Jxv ?Jx and Jx v ? J2 are true. However, neither disjunct is true, for each dis junct has a false disambiguation. Thus a truth-value gap exists for assert VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 285 ible or unequivocable truth, whereas the classical truth-conditions hold for truth as relative to a given disambiguation. Mere ambiguity does not impugn LEM. So why should vagueness? There is, however, a good ontological reason for disputing LEM. Suppose I press my hand against my eyes and 'see stars'. Then LEM should hold for the sentence S = 'I see many stars', if it is taken as a vague descrip tion of a precise experience. However, LEM should fail for S if it is taken as a precise description of an intrinsically vague experience. Again if the universal set V is taken to be vague, then the sentence 'VeVv ? Ve V9 is, I imagine, not true. More generally, a set is vague if it is not the case of every object that it either belongs or does not belong to the set. One cannot but agree with Frege (1952, p. 159) that "the law of the excluded middle is really just another form of the requirement that the concept should have a sharp boundary".10 The second objection against the classical solution is that it gives rise to the sorites-type of paradox. Consider the following instance, which is said to go back to Eubulides : A man with no hairs on his head is bald If a man with n hairs on his head is bald then a man with (n+ 1) hairs on his head is bald. .".A man with a million hairs on his head is bald. The conclusion follows from the premisses with the help of a million applications of modus ponens and universal instantiation. The objection now runs like this. The first premiss is true. The second premiss is true: for if not, it is false; but then there is an n such than a man with n hairs on his head is bald and a man with (n+ 1) hairs on his head is not bald; and so the predicate 'bald' is precise after all. The con clusion is false. Therefore the reasoning, which is classical, is at fault. This argument contains two non-sequiturs. The first is that the non truth of the second premiss implies its falsity; Bivalence may fail for vague sentences. The second is that the existence of the hair-splitting n implies that the predicate 'bald' is precise. One need no more accept this than accept that Herbert is bald or not bald implies that Herbert is a clear case of a bald man. In fact, on the super-truth view, the second premiss is false. This is because a hair splitting n exists for any complete and admissable specif 286 KIT FINE ication of 'is bald'. I suspect that the temptation to say that the second premiss is true may have two causes. The first is that the value of a falsi fying n appears to be arbitrary. This arbitrariness has nothing to do with vagueness as such. A similar case, but not involving vagueness, is : if n straws do not break a camel's back, then nor do (n+ 1) straws. The second cause iswhat one might call truth-value shift. This also lies behind LEM. Thus A v ? A holds in virtue of a truth that shifts from disjunct to dis junct for different complete specifications, just as the sentence 'for some n, a man with n hairs is bald but a man with (n+ 1) hairs is not' is true for an n that shifts for different complete specifications. It is, perhaps, worth pointing out that no special paradoxes of vague ness can arise on the super-truth view, at least for a classical language. For suppose that intuitively false B is a classical consequence of intuitively true A. Then for some complete and admissible specification, A is true and B is false, and this is a classical paradox within a second-order lan guage. This paradox can be brought to the level of the original language if there are predicates to correspond to the complete specification. Thus the two objections against classical logic for vague sentences cannot be sustained. I do not wish to deny that LEM is counter-intuitive. It is just that external considerations mitigate against it. In particular, an adequate account of penumbral connection appears to require that the logic be classical. One could, of course, still attempt to construct a logic that was more faithful to unreformed intuition. However, such an attempt would soon run into internal difficulties. One is that our unreformed intuitions on validity do not enable us to decide between the various ways of avoiding LEM. For example, if LEM goes, then so does A r>A or the standard definition of => in terms of v and ?. But which? Again, if LEM goes, then one of ? (A& ? A), de Morgan's Laws, or the substitutability of A for-A must go. Or again, ifmodus ponens holds but the logic is not classical then either the (-?, v) or (->, ?) fragment is non-classical. Another difficulty is that it is hard to motivate a departure from classi cal logic. Perhaps the best that can be done is this. One interprets 'A or B9 as 'clearly A v clearly B9, 'if A then B9 as 'clearly A zdB9, 'A and B9 as 'A& B99 and 'not A9 as 'clearly ?A9. The standard natural deduction rules for disjunction, implication and conjunction will then hold. For example, one still has the Deduction Theorem: ifB is a consequence of A VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 287 then 'if A then B9 is valid. Only negation bears the burden of non-classi cality. Also, this account discriminates in a fairly plausible way between conjunction and disjunction. The conjunctions 'P and not P9 and 'P and R9 are false, while the disjunctions 'P or not P9 and 'P or R9 are not true. Shifts on conjuncts are allowed, shifts on disjuncts are not. However, such an alternative does not, in any way, create a challenge for classical logic. For the connectives have merely been re-interpreted within an extension of classical logic. The underlying logic remains clas sical. There are, then, at least three reasons for adopting a classical solu tion. The first is that it is a consequence of a truth-definition for which there is strong independent evidence. The second is that it can account for wayward intuitions in an illuminating manner. And the last is that it is simple and non-arbitrary. 5. Higher-order vagueness One distinctive feature of vagueness is penumbral connection. Another is the possibility of higher-order vagueness. The vague may itself be vague, or vaguely vague, and so on. For suppose that James has a few fewer hairs on his head then his friend Herbert. Then he may well be a border line case of a borderline case or a borderline case of a borderline case of a borderline case of a bald man. This feature of vagueness can be expressed with the help of the oper ator 6D9for 'it is definitely the case that'. Let us define the operator '/' for 'it is indefinite that' by: IA = df- DA&- D -A. This is in analogy to the definition of the contingency operator inmodal logic. But note that 'D', unlike the adjective 'definite' or the truth-value n designator '/', is biased towards the truth. ThenInFa = 11...IFaexpresses that what a denotes is an ?-th order borderline case of F. For example, the first of the two possibilities for James is expressed by ://(James isbald). The same possibility can be put in terms of the truth-predicate. One says : the sentence 'James is bald is neither true nor false' is neither true nor false. Thus higher-order vagueness can be expressed in the material mode, with the help of the definitely-operator, or in the formal mode, with the help of the truth-predicate. 288 KIT FINE The above notations would appear to belie undue scepticism over the existence of higher-order vagueness. For if IFa can be true, then so surely can IIFa, IIIFa, and so on. Or again, if a can denote a borderline case of the predicate F, then surely the sentence Fa can be a borderline case of the predicate 'is neither true nor false'. In both instances higher-order vague ness is a species of first-order vagueness : in the first instance, the higher order consists in the correct application of/to a statement of indefinite ness, and in the second, the higher-order consists in the truth-predicate possessing borderline cases. This makes a sudden discontinuity in the orders appear unreasonable. In any case, artificial examples of higher-order vague predicates can be constructed. One might stipulate which borderline cases are to be clear and which not. Indeed, most, if not all, vague predicates in natural language are higher-order vague. Though some, such as 'red', have a higher concentration of 'lateral' or first-order vagueness, whilst others, such as 'few', appear to have a higher concentration of'vertical' or higher order vagueness. How can we characterize higher-order vagueness? We shall consider two equivalent forms of this question. The first is :what are the truth conditions for a language with the definitely-operator? The second is: what are the truth-conditions for a language with a hierarchy of truth predicates? To answer the first question, we let L' be the result of en riching the original language L with the operator D, and, to simplify the answer, we first take care of the case of mere first-order vagueness. We consider the truth-value and rival approaches in turn; though, in view of earlier criticisms, the former consideration is an act of generosity. On the truth-value approach, D should satisfy the following clauses: ?DA<^?A ADA <-?not 1=A The extended language will no longer satisfy the stability condition, for DA is false for A indefinite, but true for A true. Indeed, all three-valued truth-functions can be defined in terms of maximal &,?,/) and a con stant for the Indefinite, whilst all three-valued functions satisfying sta bility can be defined in terms of maximal a , ? and constants for the Indefinite and the True.11 On the specification space approach, D can receive the following clause : VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 289 w?DA w ?A w ADA (DB v DC) is valid. On the super-truth view, the set of valid formulas is given by the modal system S5. This is because a sentence is true at a complete specification-point if and only if it is true at the base specification-point, which holds if and only if the sentence is true at all of the complete points. On all of the accounts, the Deduction Theorem does not hold for the consequence-relation. This again distinguishes the presence of D from its absence. In particular, DA is a consequence of A but A :=>DA is not valid. For the truth of A guarantees the truth of DA9 but the indefiniteness of A implies the falsity of A =>DA. Thus in one sense A and DA are equiv alent, for to assert A is to assert DA ;while, in another sense, A and DA are not equivalent, for to assert ? A is not to assert ? DA. With the ex ception of the truth-value accounts with {T,I} as designated values, the relationship between consequence and validity is given by: B is a con sequence of A if and only of DA =>B is valid. In the presence of higher order vagueness, the relationship takes the form: B is a consequence of A if and only if the set {? A, B9 DB, DDB,...} is not satisfiable. It isworth noting that the truth of DA =>A is not completely straight forward. For it involves a sort of penumbral connection between orders of vagueness. Thus on the super-truth view, any complete specification for the predicates of A must be a member of the first-order space that VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 291 helps to determine the truth-value of DA. This point is even clearer for the truth-predicate. If the sentence Fa ismade a clear case of 'true', then the denotation of a must also be made a clear case of P. There is a penum bral connection between 'true' and F. We must now consider how higher-order vagueness affects the truth conditions for D. On the truth-value approach, we can no longer be satisfied with the trichotomy True, False and Indefinite. For example, DA will be true ifA is definitely true but indefinite ifA is indefinitely true. Thus D will not be truth-functional with respect to the three truth-values. In order to determine the truth-value of DA we need to know whether A is definitely, indefinitely or definitely-not true. But DA may itself come under the scope of a D-operator. So we need to know whether these qualifications apply definitely, indefinitely or definitely-not, and so on. In general, a truth-value of order n ^ 0 is a 3-valued truth-function/of degree, i.e. number of arguments, n. Thus the ordinary truth-values - T, F and / - are the 0-order functions. That sentence A has 'truth-value' / means that for any ordinary values xl9..., xn, 0XnOXn_i...OXxA has value y =f(x?9..., xn). 0Xi is the operator corresponding to xi9i=l,...,n. Thus Or isD, O i is / and 0F isD ?. A sentence can contain any finite number of nested D's. So we must also define an infinite-order value. This may be regarded as an infinite sequence f0/1/2... such that : (a) P is an i-th order value (b) / (Xq9 xl9...9 Xi-i,j (x09 xl9 ..., Xi-i)) ^ t* Pfor any x09 xl9...9 x?_l51 = 0,1, 2,.... (b) is a compatibility condition: iff1"1 says that 0Xi_10Xi_2...0XQA has value xi9 then/' must not say that OXiOx._l...OX0A has value F. The truth-conditions are more involved. Suppose second-order func tions/and g are assigned to B and C respectively. Then what second-order function h =/u g should be assigned to B & C upon the maximal ac count? Let us illustrate the construction of Aby putting x0 = I and xx = T. The ordinary truth-value of DI(B & C) equals that for D [IB &(DC v v IC) v IC &(DB v /C)], which equals that forDIB &(DDC v DIC) v v DIC &(DDB v DIC). So that if/(/, T) = g(T,T) = T and/(P, T) = = g (I, T) = /, say, then h(I, T) = /. This calculation can be made precise as follows. Given a function/of 292 KIT FINE (n+ 1) arguments and a O-order truth-value z, we let/z be the function defined by: Jz\xi9'"9 xn) =/\z-> xl9...9 xn) . We now define operations f,fvg9fngby induction on the degree n of /and g : n = 0. T=F9F=T9I = I fvg = Tifforg = T = Fiff=g = F fng = Tiff=g = T = Fiffoxg = F (fv g)T=fTvgT (fvg)F=fFngF (/u 9)i = (fi n (gFu g?))u (#, n (/F u/7)) (/^0)r=/r^0r (/^?,)f=/f^^f (/n ?Oj= (// ^(#r u #,)) u (#, n(/T u/,)) There are similar definitions for the minimal account. The clauses should now go as follows. If infinite-order values/0/1... and g?gi ...are assigned to B and C respectively, then (f? n g0) (f1 n n^ assigned to (B & C), f0/1 -P, andf?ff P>P. It is reasonable to impose several further conditions upon what func tions can be values. For example, one can require that/(;*;0,..., x?_ l9 z) # # Pfor some value z, or that if/(x0, >xn-1 ?*n) =: rthen/(x0,..., xn_ 1? z) = P for z ?=xn. In case there ismerely vagueness to order k9 one should require of the infinite-order values that f1(x0,xi9...9 x1^l9z) = T for z=fl~1(x09 xl9...9 *!_!) and =Potherwise, 1>&. The most natural choice for the designated value is the sequence d?d1..., where dl is the i-th order value such that dl(x09 xl9...9 xi-1) = T if x0 = jcj = = Xi_ ? = Pand = Potherwise. However, I have not worked out the logics that result from this or other choices. Itwould be a bad mistake to fit the values into a discrete linear ordering. For example, one might try to work with the truth-values P = true, /* = indefinite to degree k9 k>09 and P=/? = false and declare that VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 293 DB had value Ik ifB had value Ik+1 and value T(F) ifA had T(F). Such an account would ignore important distinctions. For suppose that we move our blob on the border of pink and red to the pink side of the colour spectrum. Then the sentence P might be indefinitely true but def initely not false, though the above ordering could express no such dis tinction. It would be an even worse mistake to treat the values as a continuous or densely ordered set, say the real closed interval between 0 and 1, as in Zadeh (1965). More distinctions would go. For example, one could no longer express the fact that Herbert was a clear borderline case of a bald man. We must now consider how the rival approach fares for V under conditions of higher-order vagueness. The general set-up is extremely complicated, so let us consider the special case of the super-truth theory. To simplify further, we identify specification-points with specifications. Now suppose we pick upon an admissible complete specification for the language L. If the language suffers from first-order vagueness, this specif ication is not unique and we may pick upon an admissible set of com plete specifications. If the language also suffers from second-order vague ness, this set is not unique and we may pick upon an admissible set of sets, and so on. After (n+ 1) such choices, we obtain what might be called an H-th-order boundary. Let us be more precise. A zero-th order space is a complete specification and a (n+ l)-th order space is a set of w-th order spaces. A w-th order boundary is then a sequence s?s1 such that sl is an z-th order space, i< n, and sJesJ + i,j ' is : b?D(f)o(V boundaries c) (bRcoc?B), where b = b0b1 ...Re = c0cl... if bieci+l9i = 09 l,...The justification of the clause is this: D is true at b if (?>is true for all admissible ways of drawing the boundaries; but the admissible zero-order boundaries are the c0ebl9 the admissible first-order boundaries the c0cx such that c0ect 294 KIT FINE and cieb2, and so on. Assertible or absolute truth is, in accordance with the super-truth view, truth in all admissible boundaries. The above clause has the form of the necessity clause in the standard relational semantics for modal logic. However, the 'accessibility' relation R is not primitive but is determined from the structure of the boundary points. This structure is such that R is reflexive; and, in fact, the resulting logic is the modal system T. Further restrictions on R could be obtained by restricting the possible boundary points. For example, given any n ^ 0, one could require that each boundary b = b0b1 ...tapers after n9 i.e. that bi+1 = {bi} for i> n. This corresponds to there being at most n-th order vagueness. So much for the truth-conditions of L'. We must now consider the truth-conditions for a language with a hierarchy of truth-predicates. We let the meta-language M? of level 0 be the original language L9 the meta language Mn+1 of level n + 1 be the result of adding the truth-predicate forMn toMn (with appropriate means for referring to the sentences of Mn)9 and the meta-language M of infinite level be the union, in an ob vious sense, of the previous languages M?9 M1, M29.... In one way, it is simpler to provide truth-conditions forM& than for V. For each of themeta-languages ismerely another first-order language. So any account for the original language L should, when properly gen eralized, lead to an account for each of the meta-languages. However, the details for the general case are very complicated. For the truth predicate for L will be defined in terms of the following predicates, say: x is an admissible ?-specification; x extends y; the atomic L-sentence A is true (false, indefinite) at x. So the truth-predicate for M1 will be defined in terms of the corresponding primitives for the language M. But then, in particular, the third primitive must tell us whether it is true, false or indefinite at an Af-specification that an atomic L-sentence is true, false or indefinite at an L-specification. The whole process must then be succes sively repeated for the other meta-languages. Ifwe imagine that the truth conditions for L are given in the form of a (labelled) tree, then those for M1 are given by a tree whose nodes are trees that 'grow' throughout the bigger tree, and those forM2 by a tree whose nodes are ordinary trees, and so on. However, for particular approaches the details may be much simpler. On the truth-value approach, the truth-predicate for L is defined solely VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 295 in terms of the primitives: the atomic sentence A is true (false, indefinite). Since truth-value is determined relative to a unique appropriate specifi cation, the admissible specifications drop out of view. The truth-predicate forM * is then defined in terms of the primitive: the atomic M1 -sentence A is true, false, or indefinite. But the atomic M-sentences will now include the atomic L-sentences and the sentences of the form: 'A9 is true (false, indefinite), where 6A9is an atomic L-sentence. Similarly for the other meta-languages. On the super-truth view, the truth-predicate for L is defined in terms of the primitive: 6x is a complete and admissible L-specification'. The assignments of truth-values can be regarded as internal to the specifications and so left out of view. The truth-predicate for M1 is then defined in terms of the predicate: * is a complete and admissible M-specification. But such a specification will consist of an L-specification and an assign ment of an extension to the predicate 6x is a complete and admissible L-specification'. Similarly for the other meta-languages. Higher-order vagueness gives rise to two puzzles, to which it is difficult to give convincing answers. The first arises from the systematic correla tion between the sentences of L' and M .This is provided by the equiv alence : 'A9 is true ?- It is definitely the case that A. For a sentence of L' can be converted into one ofM upon successively replacing innermost 'DA9 by "A* is truen', for n an appropriate level indicator. Accordingly, there should also be a conversion of truth-condi tions. Since we have already given independent truth-definitions for L' and Mv>9 this conversion should provide a check on correctness. I cannot give details, but let us observe that there will also be a conversion of conditions. For example, the conditions, given for no vagueness of order (n+ 1) in L' will correspond to the conditions which guarantee that the truth-predicate forMn+X has no borderline cases. The puzzle is: should we regard 'DA9 as merely elliptical for "A* is true'? This would be to regard the definitely-operator as a device for incorporating the meta-language into the object-language. The device would, strictly speaking, be improper since it ignores use/mention and type distinctions; but it would be harmless if no quantifiable variables 296 KIT FINE occurred within the scope of '/)'. On the semantic side, it is a matter of whether the extended spaces or truth-values have an independent status or whether they are merely fanciful formulations of the ordinary spaces or values, but for a richer language. An analogous question is whether necessity is best regarded as an operator on or predicate of sentences. The ellipsis view has the general advantage of replacing a non-exten sional operator with an extensional predicate. It has the general disad vantage of involving an incorrect reference to language. Suppose 'bald' has first-order vagueness and the borderline cases are just those people with 40 to 60 cranial hairs. Then 'It is indefinite that Herbert is bald' is synonymous with 'Herbert has between 40 and 60 cranial hairs', but this latter sentence is not synonymous with any claim about a sentence being true. The indefiniteness of vague sentences is as much amatter of fact as the truth or falsehood of precise ones. Also the ellipsis view has the particular disadvantage of making for a sudden discontinuity between first- and second-order vagueness. First order vagueness is a matter of ordinary predicates having borderline cases, but second-order vagueness is amatter of the truth-predicate having borderline cases. There is, of course, a correlation between the second order vagueness of ordinary predicates and the first-order vagueness of the truth-predicate. But we feel that the latter arises from the former, and not vice versa. The truth-predicate is supervenient upon the object language; there can be no independent grounds for its having borderline cases. Indeed, I think that 'D' is a prior notion to 'true' and not conversely. For let 'truer' be that notion of truth that satisfies the Tarski-equivalence, even for vague sentences : 'A9 is trueT if and only if A. The vagueness of 'truer' waxes and wanes, as itwere, with the vagueness of the given sentence; so that if a denotes a borderline case of F then Fa is a borderline case of 'truer\ Then the ordinary notion of truth is given by the definition: x is true = dfDefinitely (x is truer). Thus 'truer' is primary; 'true' is secondary and to be defined with the help of the definitely-operator. VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 297 The second puzzle arises from the demand for a perfectly precise meta language. So far, we have only demanded of our truth-conditions that they provide correct allocations of truth. To respect the truth-value gap, to account for penumbral connection, to yield the correct logic; these are all special cases of this more general demand. However, one may also require that the meta-language not be vague or, at least, not so vague in its proper part as the object-language. Thus itwill not do to subject truth to the standard equivalences: 'A9 is true if and only if A. For then truth will be truthT; the truth-conditions will be classical; and the vagueness of the truth-predicate will exactly match that of the object language. What we require is that the true/false/indefinite trichotomy be relatively firm. Ideally, the truth of the disjunction 'A is true, false or indefinite' should imply the truth of one of its disjuncts. It is not that the infirmity of this trichotomy in any way impugns the correctness of the previous accounts. In particular, validity is still classical on the super-truth view; for classically valid A is true in all complete and admissible specifications, regardless of whether it is clear that a particular complete specification is admissible. Rather it is that the infirmity raises another problem for truth-conditions. This raises the puzzle: is there a perfectly precise meta-language? Cer tainly, each of the meta-languages Mn could be vague. One could take the whole construction into the transfinite and have, for each ordinal a, ameta-language Ma or strong definitely-operator D a.But the same prob lem would arise anew. At no point does it seem natural to call a halt to the increasing orders of vagueness. However, if a language has a semantics in terms of higher-order bound aries, then it also has a firm truth-predicate. For the boundaries will be based upon a set of admissible specifications and we can let truth (or falsehood) be truth (or falsehood) in all such specifications. Anything that smacks of being a borderline case is treated as a clear borderline case. The meta-languages become precise at some, but no pre-assigned, ordinal level. The only alternative to this is that the set of admissible specifications is itself intrinsically vague. There would then be a very 298 KIT FINE intimate connection between vague language and reality: what language meant would be an intrinsically vague fact. If higher-order vagueness terminates at some stage a then vagueness can, in a sense, be eliminated. For each sentence A can be replaced by a perfectly precise sentence DaA that entails it. However, this method is unsatisfactory in several ways. First, one may not be able to specify the a. Second, even if one can, one may not be able to make much sense of D*. Our intuitions seem to run out after the second or third orders of vague ness. Perhaps this is because our understanding of vague language is, to a large extent, confused. One sees blurred boundaries, not clear bound aries to boundaries. Finally, the method is too uniform to be dis criminate. Penumbral connections may be lost: our blob, for example, is not definitely red or definitely pink. Indeed, the question of making predicates perfectly precise 12 is independent of whether higher-order vagueness terminates. The predicate 'small', as applied to numbers, may suffer from endless higher-order vagueness; yet it can still be made per fectly precise.13 University of Edinburgh NOTES 1 I should like to thank Gordon Baker for numerous stimulating conversations on the topics of this paper. My ideas would not have taken their present form without his help. I should also like to thank Michael Dummett for some valuable remarks in a discussion of the paper. 2 Kleene's (1952, pp. 329 and 332) 'weak/strong' and 'regular' correspond to our 'minimal/maximal' and 'stable', though his motivation for introducing the terms is different from ours. 3 Frege (1952, p. 63) and Hallden (1949) have adopted the minimal truth-value ap proach, though Frege would not be happy in regarding Indefinite as a third truth-value. K?rner (1960, p. 166) and ?qvist (1962) have espoused the maximal approach. 4 See the work of Zadeh (1965) and others. It is not clear that one can make much sense of degrees of truth within a closed interval for 'multi-dimensional' vagueness, as in 'chair' and 'game'. It is even less clear that any semantical sense can be given to the notion. Possibly there is a confusion with the higher order vagueness of Section 5. 5 Van Fraassen (1968) has already made much of the super-truth notion, though with different applications inmind. He has also drawn out the consequences for logic and considered the possibility of minimizing and maximizing truth-value (the conservative/ radical distinction of van Fraassen (1969).) 6 The semantics for intuitionistic logic comes from Kripke (1965). The bastard account can be found inFitting (1969). VAGUENESS, TRUTH AND LOGIC 299 7 The Fregean theory and its extension have a nice algebraic formulation. The usual theory states that there is a homomorphism from the word algebra into the algebra of intensions, and from the algebra of intensions into the algebra of extensions, and hence a homomorphism from the word algebra into the algebra of extensions. The extended theory states that the extension and intension algebras both possess amonotonie partial ordering, which is respected by the homomorphism. It follows that (1) and (2) are im plied by (3)-(6). 8 The argument is Cohen's (1966). 9 To assert, severally, sentencesPi,...,Pjc is not to assert the conjunction or, for that matter, the disjunction of the sentences. For the conjunctive assertion is false if one of the sentences is false, whereas the multiple assertion is false only if each of the sen tences is false; and the disjunctive assertion is true if one of the sentences is true, whereas the multiple assertion is true only if each of the sentences is true. These distinctions may have a useful application to the cluster theory of names. For suppose predicates Fi,...,Fic underly the name a. Then the assertion of (a) can be regarded as the multi ple, as opposed to the conjunctive or disjunctive, assertion of