•Středověké divadlo mimo církev Martyre de sainte Appoline, par Jean Fouquet, Heures d'Etienne Chevalier Řehoř Veliký, Ep. XI.56 (18. 6. 601) Room, room, brave gallants all Pray give us room to rhyme! We come to show you activity At this special Spring/Easter/Whitsun/Summer/Autumn time Activity of youth, activity of age I will show you such activity That never was acted upon a common stage And if you don't believe what I say Step in St. John – and clear the way! Kristus jako Slunce, tapisérie, 11. stol., Itálie (+ Rpbin Hood a sv. Jiří) Pohanské vs. křesťanské svátky Sol invictus (25. 12.) Vánoce (25. 12.) Dedication slab representing the Sun god crowned by solar rays, the Moon goddess bearing a crescent on her hair, and an old man, perhaps Jupiter Dolichenus. [Soli Invicto pro salute Imp(eratorum) et Genio n(umeri) eq(uitum) sing(ularium) eorum M. Ulp(ius) Chresimus sace[rd(os)] Iovis Dolich[eni] [dedicavit]] [Dedicated to Sol Invictus and to the Genius of the Imperial Batavian horseguards (equites singulares) for the emperors' health, by M. Ulpius Chresimus, priest of Jupiter Dolichenus] Lednové kalendy (1.–3. 1.) Epifanie (6. 1.) Saturnálie (17. 12.) Svátky bláznů (26. 12.–6. 1.) Rex autumnalis Morana The morris rings, while hobby-horse Doth foot it feateously; The lords and ladies now abroad, For their disport and play, Do kiss sometimes upon the grass, And sometimes in the hay. Francis Beaumont (1584–1616) Ralph, the May-lord Májové slavnosti Oh, oh, totus floreo, Mea mecum ludit virginitas, mea me detrudit simplicitas. Oh, oh, totus floreo, Veni, domicella, cum gaudio, veni, veni, pulchra, iam pereo. Oh, oh, totus floreo, iam amore virginali totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo. Tempus est iocundum, o virgines, modo congaudete vos iuvenes. Oh, oh, totus floreo, iam amore virginali totus ardeo, novus, novus amor est, quo pereo. Mea me confortat promissio, mea me deportat negatio. Oh, oh, totus floreo, Tempore brumali vir patiens, animo vernali lasciviens. Carmina burana 22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FqeX888P18 Adam de la Halle: Jeu de Robin et Marion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCIx07t14jw Bible Václava IV., konec 14. stol. Hra veselé Magdaleny (14. stol.)