Avanti Popolo/Raffi Bukaee – 1986 Please read all questions and think about all of them. Then choose questions you like to answer to fill exactly one page. 1. What is the film's Theme? (What is the film about?) 2. What is the meaning of the film's title? How is the title related to the film's theme and to its interpretation? 3. What is special and unique in this film in the context of an Israeli film that deals with the Israeli-Arab conflict? 4. What is the meaning of the information written at the end just before the credit rolls, about Rasan and Haled? What's its function? What feelings it gave you and what thoughts does it motivate? 5. Which Shakespearian monologue is in the film? Which play it is taken from? What is its function in the film? How is it connected to the character's biography? 6. Describe the final scene in one sentence. How does it express visually the film's theme? 7. Compare Avanti Popolo to Every Bastard a King as films that deal with the Six Days war. What place this war is taking in each one of them?