f»3* I Ě Š Š Ö~ :r— KöDlÖS Making a Date N IS Dialogue Mary and Takeshi are talking. i /:1t L : s $ r 'j - 3 4 tV.t L : i / T rj -6 r:!U: © On Sunday morning, at Mary's host family's. 1 jTT 2 4 |£jf x / r s 9 / T 'J - ') - S & 'j - ■J - ^>v more difficult than the ///-verb conjugations, because of the extra vowel /. We learn six //-verbs in this lesson: tkts mti Wf m< n( %4 n t lie > " t-x. tfc&tf m&it Hl-ft ffl^i-t if 5 it ft*)kt 1The use of the term "dictionary form?" is by no means restricted to listings in a dictionary. They also appear in various constructions in actual sentences. We will learn their uses in later chapters. Don't be misled by the names given to the long forms too: the "present tense" in Japanese can indicate both the "present" and the "future." We will return to this issue in Section 2 below. For the moment, we will concentrate on the forms, not the meaning of these verbs. VffflM In later lessons, we will have many opportunities to refer tu the parts like fe^ and if j, which come he-fore 3. T and £ -tt ^ in the long forms. For the sake of ease of reference, we will call thieve parts (same as bases with r//-verbs, and bases plus / with it -verbs) "sterns." In addition to n/-verbs and //-verbs, there are two "irregular verbs." Xoic that the \t>\vcls in their bases- are different in the short (dictionary) forms and the Ions forms. irregular verbs dictionary forms itM (to do) < § (to come) present, affirmative Wim present, negative stems b These two verbs are also used to form compound verbs. In this lesson, we learn the verb %?£~f 6, which conjugates just like the verb ~ti>. Jt is important to remember which verb belongs to whieli conjugation class. It is a good idea, therefore, to memorize each verb as a set: instead of memorizing just the dictionary form, try to memorize the dictionary form mid the present tense affirmative, like if < -M) 5 i~. This is especially important with verbs that end with the himgana 6. because they may be irregular verbs like i~ 5 and ( Z. or /-//-verbs, or //-verbs whose bases just happen to end with the consonant r. If you know the verb classes and the rules that apply to them, you know why it is wrong to sa\ ■< JL fl s. "t" and X'ffs ~$. verb bases long forms stems (= a ru-verb) 1 mi m (=an u-verta that ends with •§) kmc 'Things arc not as. had as \ ou might expect after reading the abo\ e paragraph. The key lies in the second I rum the Inst syllable in a dictionary form. Trie irregular verbs set aside, if you see the vowels a. 0, or it right before the final i. you ran be absolutely sure that they are //-verbs. (We have not teamed any such verbs let.) Unfortunately for us. the logic dues not follow in the other direction: there are -verbs and ^-verbs that have the vowels i and e before the final ■£ . §k 5 has the vowel e before *> and is a nt-vevh. '>§ i. on the other hanri. hat; tlie same sound sequence, but is an H-verb. ffj Verb Types and the "Present Tense" Iji this lesson we learn about a dozen verbs that describe basic human actions. These arc often called "action verbs." and the "presetif tense" of these verbs cither means (1) that a person hahitually or regularly engages in these aclivities. or (2) that a person will, or is planning to, perform these aclivities in the future. Habitual actions: & ti X ("iT |« i i", 4 hvV/ .tjy> i7> A'vw/fl tomorrow. 7^ — S /v ( + 4^ S ') i-'Jf ') l^k,n Sue will not return home today. iM Particles Nouns used in sentences generally must be followed by particles, which indicate the relations that the nouns bear to the verbs.3 In this lesson, we learn four particles: X', t-. and z. 4 ~C The particle *C indicates where the event described by the verb takes place. tH^St^^ £ ffeA * -t, I will read hooks ia the library. 1 % X--t U t' & 31 2 1*: / will watch TV at home. [Z The particle (- has many meanings, but here we will learn two: (I) the goal toward which things move, and (2) the time at which an event takes place. (1) goal of movement / will not no to school today. I will retain home. 3In spoken lan.uua.ue. particles are often "dropped." We will team more about such cases in Lesson 15. *Iu later lessons, we will be introduced to verbs that require particles oilier than t' to express location. {'>) rime Bf B rr^CU'ff $ i T: I in'tl 0 to Kyoto on Sunday. -f-—of ; 5 ./ ?''/// g» to fred r// eleven. (Some time words Stand alone, without die panicle 15 lading along, which will be discussed in Section A below.) Approximate time references can be made by substituting Z'Z, or Z'%>iz for Thus. -\—Mr Z 7r> i "f^ I ivtll go to bed at about eleven. 'X The particle *S too. indicates the goal uf movement. The sentences in (1) above 1 here-fore can be rewritten usitig instead of .-. Note that this particle is pronounced "e." ii^ 3 ? I / «v7/ not go to sc/iuot today. 3& Ei 5 k^MP1} | / //'/// return home. Vote that may replace the particle • - unl\ in the goal-of-inuvemeflt sense. The particle i- for lime references and other uses, which we will iearn about in later lessons, cannot be so replaced. ^ The particle i indicates "direct objects." the Kind of things that are directly involved in. or affected by. the event. Xote that this particle is pronounced "o." a - b - 1 d&"k l a. m x l-M5! £ L £ ~t&\ What /nil you do on weekends/ Va-'it^ fell Vou can use rt/vi1 (= the present tense negative verb, plus the quest ion particle) to extend an invitation. It should be noted thai its affirmative counter part, £~tA\ cannot be so used. Thus a sentence !ike Jt^'ti/u k £ can only be construed as a question, not as an invitation, C*(i/v '£ $i*< £ -y-/^ iv. What da you say to having I audi with me? k** f^N&i Soioids great, "T —7x£ L i^&Asfrc ITT// yon play tennis with me? 1 — a,, I'm, it's slightly (inconvenient for me at this moment). Word Order Japanese sentences are fairly flexible in the arrangement of elements thai appear in them. Generally, sentences are made up of several noun-particle sequences followed by a verb or an adjective, which in turn is often followed by a sentence-final particle such as £\ &t or X. Among the noun-particle sequences, their relative orders are Lo a large extent free. ^ 3 ífl ^ A typical sentenci', therefore, looks like the following, but several other arrangements of noun-panide sequences are also possible. EH*t?^ a^!5i Lit id pie Lime place object verb / a-ill study Japanese in the library today. topic frequency time ííwlI vcrh i w/řťí/ /jř/rA- //oy«ť at around seven. WíM Frequency Adverbs You can add a frequency adverb such as (even da_\). i < (often), and (sometimcs) in a sentence to describe how often ynu do something. £ í -ít $ 3 Ť, ^ so?tietimes go to a coffee shop. I n this lesson, we also learn two adverbs which describe how infrequent an activity or an event is; -tf/L-tíVu (never; not at all) and hi ') (not often; not very much). These adverbs anticipate the negative at the end of the sentence. If you usq-ČL-ŠL or hi '). in other words, you need to conclude tire sentence with i-\t/^. /z it L ? A, ii í> Ž f) L Ž -ii" 3 Takeshi does not study mach. CIS The Topic Particle As we saw in Lesson 1. the particle Ii presents the topic of one's utterance ("As for item X, it is such thai . . ."). Ii puts forward the item lhai you want to talk about and comment on. You may have noted thai the topic phrases in sentences such as / 7 ') — ^ L li-H-^i "C"f" (Mary is a third-year student), and -fAiO-H-FI.'iS -X"~t (My major is Japanese language), are the subjects of those sentences. A topic phrase, however, need not be the subject of a sentence. We see three sentences in the dialogue of this lesson where nonsubject phrases are made topics with the help of the particle Ii, / T 'J — $ a,, ii jfcflft iv^X vftH.5 T/j% .1/r/ry, 7(7/tff" rfe> you usually do on the weekend? /'/;/ going Ajrofr; Wr/y. In the above two examples, it promotes time expressions as the topic of each sentence. Its effects can be paraphrased like these: "Let's talk about weekends; what do yon do on weekends?" "Let me say what 1 will do todav; 1 will go to Kyoto." IIoiv about dinner. I ivill not eat. In this example, IA is used in directing the listener's attention and thereby inviting a comment or completion of a sentence. You may also note that the broached topic, a>LC'ti /v, does not stand in subject relation to the verb, but is rather its direct object. Expression Notes m fr^/Sfc-S^ When vou move to a place where llie hearer is, von *av "I'm LI < coming." in English. However in the same silnation. %\i'U^ £"f~ is used in Japanese. i<6 is a movement toward the place where the speaker is. U'i is a movement in a direction away horn the speaker. ! I'm coming. speaker's viewpoint Si'ai^*) t-ji literally means "a little." "a bit." "h small am num." as in t> z-j b < tz ?<■ 1> (Please give me a liule) and -jiot f$ r> % < fz S I 1 (Please wait for a moment). It is commonly used for a polite refusal. In this case, it means "inconvenient." "impossible." and so on. Japanese people don't normally reject requests, suggestions, or invitations with IH»J L\o), because it sounds too direct. A : ±M Li tz H : EttStit i. - Will you see a movie on Saturday? Saturday is uoi convenient, (lit., Saturday is a iiitle bit.) H W Practice A. Change the following verbs into — £"9" and Sitfv. Example: 0. Ii i < 11. V> J £ 2. ? < 7. < 3 12. | Hit 3. && 8, ^'^.l> I 3 -f 5 1. i"5 5. Id. ii; B. Look at the pictures below and make sentences using the cues. (a) Add the appropriate verbs to the following direct objects. Example: Ex. US library/2:00 (4) 3T— fc:— —h "1 PC 11 coffee shop 3:00 (1) -r — 7 <2) (3) **'.8**.f*- 7!/' 1..L. 4:30 (5) fVt' school 'Saturday (0) B $J$ McDonald's-'5:00 home/tonight college/everv clay (b) Add the place to the above sentences. Example: library — m^$tX*m% * H* I % C. Look at the pictures betow and make sentences using the cues. [^\ Example*: go to the post office * $(>if I 1"-, Kx. ří<) to the post office (2) come to school 1:00 (3) come to the coffee shop (!) return home Sunday 3:00 8:30 (a) return Lo the U.S. / * \ / I I -T Ca.fe_ a 5:30 tomorrow D. Pair Work—Make questions, using verbs we have learned in this lesson. Example: A \ H#^T$lii £ f£ A 3 f E. Pair Work—Guessing game Ask questions and find out the items your partner has chosen. 1. Before you starí, both of you will choose one item in each row of the table and mark ii. '1. In each row. using I tie vert) and one of die lour items, make a yes-or-no-question sentence and find out which item your partner has chosen. 3. You can ask at most two questions with one verb. If you have guessed correctly t he item \our partner has chosen, you score a point. Your partner will not give awa\ the right answer when yon ask a wrong question. -1. When vou have asked questions about all the verbs in the table, switch roles with your partner and answer their questions, 5. Tabulate the score. You win the game if you have scored higher than your partner. Example: a : 3 á T#< b : v-vvilu n ŕ i a : «/£-mť? í fň\ B : [JA\ íf ^ Í Í"e (A guessed what H marked, therefore A won.) post office school coffee shop library -~~ í JÍL 5 Ť TV movie video cartoon l á /v*f) sake green tea water coffee book newspaper magazine Japanese book ~£ L i 1- date study telephone tennis Uh is a A. Look at Mary's schedule and answer the following questions. Mary's Schedule 7:30 a.m get up i. / r 8:00 eat breakfast 2. / r 8:30 go to school 3. / r 12:00 eat lunch 1. / r 3:00 Put drink coffee / r / t 4:00 5:00 play tennis go home 0 . 6:30 eat dinner 7. a r 7:00 watch TV 8:00 study 11:30 go to bed B. Pair Work—Ask your partner what time they do the following things. Example: A : fg*#t:&* £ i'^>\ B : Al^lSltS I t« Your partner's schedule time ( ) get up ( ) eat breakfast ) go to school < ) eat lunch < | go home t ) go to bed C. Look at the pictures in I-B (p. 65) and I-C (p. 66). snc add the time expressions to the sentences. N Example: '2:00 Make Suggestions using the cues below. N Example: drink coffee 1. sec c) mm ie 1. eat dinner 7. drink tea at home -. come to my house 3. play tennis 5. siud> in the lihraiy 6. talk at a coffee shop 8. listen to the music Pair Work—Ask your friend out for the activities in the pictures. Example: A : s*ifi £ JL «£ B : v "ci-*!; / I 1 a Ex. (1) (2) 1 V I / (4) (.1) «0 " £U izt; KAi tt How often do you do the following activities? Answer the questions using the expressions below. Example: Q - ^ a. i Tata 6. SB 3" 5 -f 7. t*\ v ^£#)(Z)Bil3 (Review Exercises) A. Answer the following questions. 1. p*jrm&| I 2. tfZ-Vi&fe I | t*». 4. Xtf-y £ L £ 8. ^ba. f^r^ii-*?- B. Tell your classmates what your plans are today;tomorrow/on the weekend. Example- f B 12 ! : L L I'-Vr $ £ 1\ £^!:0titB^ir ML i f c C. Class Activity—Find someone who 1. sets up ai 7 o'clock. 2. cat? breakfast every da>. IT speaks French. t. watches TV at home. 5, listens to Japanese music. R. plays tennis. name D. Suggest to a classmate that you do something together over the weekend. Use Dialogue I as a model. I'xample: A IB ^/.iif-XHs "H*, B I IJiv A I L" «• h. B m B [IT-7-. £ LJ B i a 1 a (i & £ 9 £......■ A I t tt^ £«| 0 t|$f*> fl"^.