f mQm | L E S S 0 N..............................8^ H^Ostt^ Japanese Office Workers 273 13 4 > ■zHAji (.* if is \- % >) uffice worker /£ H (f - > -f >0 store clerk (member) n n * n r=> rj iJ 1C3 tl 13 ^ ^ 111 i n h h a ^ ^ 074 * tz h v > # L \ * Ufctefti-10 new &fFifl (S' >■ 7" >) newspaper ffi #f$fcf£ (* >'ft > > > Hul let Tra i n (new) ,u, ' * ^ * * M M f**^*? 075 ffl < (*<) to listen Jfrffl C^:/^) newspaper (to listen) H i r r r r n n n m m m m ba 076 ft o< ff ft£ ("■>< 5) to make ft^I (i*-?7>) composition ft on (*?t>) artistic piece * • (to make) m ' * f r ft fir ft 077 & f±^ ort) job (to serve) (5) ' i f- ft tt 073 — 2 £ v |±^- tSftgfej job $ Ci) thing (/;y) fire (•> y ^^") meal (thing) (8) 5 - =* ^ S ^ 0/9 (r>i"V) train (r > ■¥) clcctricity rj£t£ telephone (electricity) ■] J, ~" i— r** rT» rff^ nfr- tp- n£> j^r> rg^ r^H 0B0 < Si v + jfc ( < £ £) car Jfc (r >ts*) train @ -f S-f- (*s r > v ■v) bicycle (car) f7! ~~ ~ ^ S jg ^ OST fr frtj (-^Tt?) tci be absent: to rest 1^7* (^tÄ) holiday: absence a ■/) hnlidaj (to rest) $ :* f r ff & 082 V 1 'T ^ %i (i.1 'j) to say liM-r - # ? ' tin so ist ics (to say) (7) ^* "f" X 1" 083 <£ Ü£$ (Xis) to read ( H ? v H ) reading books (to read) -Ii) - - * i ? f i |- j>* g£ -|* s* 034 & XI (Öt ? ) lo think ^.Sfftt; ("75/*"^) mysterious (to thtnk) j, i rr TTT m e « w ^ ^ 035 <ÄL next V\.^C ( > ^ 3 ) one's second daughter- (next) is* i - v sub s£» v^ 086 whnr H9^ (4Vv>) what time ■f^A. (& A, — >) how manv people (what) (7) / 4 /[r 'fp" jap (In this rhniT. katakumi indicates the «n'yvmi and hiragana indii;ites the kun'sonii.) A. Using the parts below, make up as many kanji as possible. Example: X ~> X X 1. -f % % 0 l> IB 5. >f 6. O B. Match the following phrases with an appropriate verb. 1. • m 2 _ 7 V ^~ £ • • 3. -± ->•. 4. • #i fi. & v — i * 6. • III < 7. 7 v X £ - • <7)3 Read the following questionnaire. r > # - h 2. I tltfti LINN** 3. (jtfpMJU i 11 f*** 4. fl*&'Ht*V*T*Mffi L I t^o 290) Mft£»S* 2' T >'% — \- ciuest form aire Sf^fe (^"/v^'l"?) overtime work X h U X stress (~£0£> E ) after. . . B. How would you answer the above questions? Read the report below and answer the questions. (feara*- h ^t^t, ^jh-aum^ 5 it, iiftaNR* h o $ t&i gig ai l/=o ^LAa ra If about; regarding to to be ttred first of all to answer srcondlv lastly »1; 2. WJ*v$ Lfr*S (b) J; < 11" 6 a ...... _A ;C! £ £ ^ ^ £ 1' & „ ...... _A Make a questionnaire and ask several people the questions. Then, write a report based on the result. (mi)m | L i S S 0 N..............................9^| X—tsfaCDRE, Sue's Diary 087 3' ^ifr frr^>) lM, ^| (rrrf) yy].: in Lht* afternoon ^-jfff 4* (n'-tf > a '>) in the morning (noon) I' ' ^ ^ ^f- 088 *% ST 3 L ^Ht. £=f:?0 p.m.: in the afternoon HSi J after . . . ftt C£ fe 'O later \kh (-)L3) back: behind ftflLt^ (IM^i;) lastly (after) 9 - * i r 'f \& \* # & 089 iffr before; front ^fl CJ-O) v\i. git 1 & i X.) njinie (before) »- " * r r r r tf # 090 & gift i> name ilZ & (--*-'> * -f 03 famous g $'] ( X -f > ) name curd (name) (61 ' ^ 7 % % % 09: L IS jgffeft (L6t>) white ^) blank sheet (white) (51 ' f fl ft ft 092 M t$M&3 rain pfvjS^ rainy season (rain1 »■ " r n ifi ffi r?i nfr fig 093 - fa 3 "ft ^ (tf1 < ) m H rite (x v d ) dictionary (to write) 094 fc^fk (tiC%) friend il^: ( > > -t- ^) best friend t&tfWty friend (friend) '■J ~~ f~ & 095 na B$fé] (v£» time —B^ffl (^-^>) two hours fai (ás^ři) between Afsj (-->ir>) human being —íJIFb] ( í S š a r/ ft >) one week * (bet w een) 7) telephone (ft i ^) conversation (to speak) "3' " ' - r ? ? s ^ Iff* 098 '>L (t-L) little -f < v a $ '>&V> (i"< fciO few jfNf (í-h')>i ■>.) -a little (little) __ -. 099 Jí £ U.£K> old (for things) 4ř'*Éf (f-jL^zí) secondhand (old) (5) —■ -J- ^ # ■£ L f (Líi) to know fc>A acquaintance (to know) (8Í ' *■ * ? í íi ÍP ÍD 101 3ft£ <<£) to come &á~ř (Síť) to come ítíCV ii (not to come ífcíl (7^^")) next week 1 (to come) <■ ' r " ^ Ť f ^ (In this chart, kutukana indicates ihr nii'youii and ftiriigijim indicates the kun'yonti.) '-> i ►a»sss x aw© A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. ~ <0 3. — n___T-rk 4. % 5 I Li 1-«, f. 1 W It B. Choose the most appropriate word for each blank. 2. /t^-c^ 3. c A 5 v s lit L ^ 5. /7' 'J fl-+AB (±) '9S4 i^s tin 131£ (! i o ^) diary various ^-^i^r in Ha morning f£5:~$~® to have a talk ■tXt-77: 'J — hust family * L X and ZTfe^M cxcellenl food B. Mark T if the following statements are true. Mark F if not true. 1 4. 5. S BfA Read the following letter. ^ 'j xj?(; 11 ti t m » L as ft iff i n 11 *> k & ^ "f o the other day donnitory to show someone around mm < A. What did you do yesterday? Write a journal. B. Write a thank-you letter to someone. Useful Expressions for Letters and Cards; ^oU^^^Ci'] ,i Lfzo (Thank you for everything.) f£ I t It I ^ 11 X < fc* $ V, V, (Please take care of yourself.) I^^t^ l-f)^L^I:L t^i fD (I am H^ing forward to seeing you.) ~ *6 *C t *) (:'^'^3t). (Congratulations on . . . ) ti h L\l 11 tffrth(Happy Birthday)