Nikolaus Reisinger: - on the relationship between subject and object - literature: Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) - questions: read the text and try to define the term "aura" try to find connections between this term and the relationship between subject and object in the context of a museum experience Marlies RAFFLER: - Please study the information folder “125 anniversary of the Kunsthistorisches Museum” in Vienna. - Do some research about the composer Joseph Haydn (short biography); - Have a look at the Titanic Museum in Belfast Bernadette Biedermann About "museology" and comparing various definitions of museology Literature: André Desvallées and François Mairesse, Key Concepts of Museology, Paris 2009, pp. 53-56. Zbynèk Z. Stránský, Museology as a Science, in: Museologia no. 15 - XI - 1980, pp. 33-40. Sharon Macdonald, Memorylands. Heriatage and Identity in Europe today, London, New York 2013, pp. 1-26.