KoHTpaKT KynjiH-npojawcH JVo7im-2014 Sales contract JVo7im-2014 r. KaanmiHrpaa 03.09.2014r. KoMnanHH CENTRUM CZ. s. r.o.. b nute rocnoaiiHa nerp Mexiia. HMeHyetuaa b .lajibHeiimeM IlpoaaBeu, c ojHoii CToponu. 11 OOO «ApocH» b atme reHepa,ibHoro anpekTopa OcuneiiKo Bhtiihü rieipoBUHa. HMeHyeMoe b aaabHefime\t noKynaTe.ib. c apyrofi CTopoHbi. iaK.mmii.iii HacToaiuiifi KOHTpaKT o HH/Kcc.iea> rhucm: Kaliningrad 03.09.2014 :F.NTRUM CZ. s. r.o.. Czech Republic, represented by Mr. Petr ' here in after referred to as the Seller on the one part, and Arosi Ltd. Hereinafter referred to as the Buyer represented by the General Director Mr. Osipenko Vitali\ Petrovich, on the other part, made the present contract as follows: 1. nPEÜMET KOHTPAKT A 1.1. npoaaBeu npoaan. a noKvnare.ib Kynitn niiineBbie nHrpeaneHTbi. nMeiiye\n>ie b aaabHeiiuieM «Toeap». Ha vaiOBiiax FCA MeabHitK b xoanMecrBe. accopTiiMeHTe. no ueHaM h cponaM. vKaiaHHbiMn b npnaovKeHiui. KOTopoe HB.iaeTca Heorbe\iae\ion nacTbto HacToautero KOHTpaKTa. 1.2. 06maa CTOHMOCTb KompaKTa ao 36 U00 (TpiuuaTb LuecTb Tbicsm) eBpo. 2. HE HA 2.1. U,eHa vcTaHaB.iHBaeTCfl b eßpo n cor.iacoBbiBaeics naKaHyHe OTrpy3Kw. B ueHy roBapa Biciio'iena CTOHMocTb ynaKOBKH it NtapKiipoBKii. norpyjKii TOBapa, yKaaara TOBapa. 3. CPOKH M VCJIOBHH nOCTABKH 3.1. B cjiynae npeaBapHTe.ibHofi ormaTbi. nocTaBKa TOBapa Ha TeppnropHto PO ocyuiecTBJiaeTCJi b cpoK He no3ÄHee 30 aHefi c aaTbi nepeMHcneHHH aeHe>KHbix cpeacTB co cieTa rioK\ naie.i«. B caynae He nocTaBKH TOBapa b ycTaHOB.ieHHbie cpoKU. npoaaBeu o6fl3yeTCfl BepHyrb Ha cneT TIokvnare.ia cvmm\ npeaonaaTbi. He no3aHee 45 aHeft c aam ocymecTBaeHHH npeaBapitTcabHofi oruiaTbi. 3.2. YcaoBHH nocTaBKH - FCA Me.ibHitK. 1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall buy food ingredients, hereinafter referred as to the Goods on terms FCA Melnik in quantity, assortment, at prices and in time specified in the addendum which is an integral part of the present Contract. 1.2. Total value of the contract shall make up to EUR 36.000.00 (thirtj six thousand EUR). 2. PRICE 2.1. The price shall be in FUR according to the addendum. The Goods price shall include the cost of packing and marking, loading goods, stowage of the Goods. 3. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SHIPMENT 3.1. In case of the prepayment, the shipment of Goods on the territory to the Russian Federation shall be carried out in the period not later than 30 days from the date of the funds transfer from the Seller's account. In case of non- shipment of the Goods in the specified time, the Seller shall be obliged to return the prepayment to the Buyer's account not later than 45 days from the date when the prepayment is made. 3.2. Terms of shipment - FCA Melmk. 4. nJIATEvK 4.1. rUiaTe/K no HacTomne\iy KOHTpaKT\ npoH3BOflHTC» oaHKOBCKHM nepeßoaovt b eBpo co cneTa mtnopTepa b oaHKe nvTew I00°o npeaonaaTbi. 4.2. Bee oaHKOBckuc H apynie paexoau Ha Teppinopnii FtpoaaBua HeceT npoaaBeu. a Ha leppnropitit rioKynaiejifl HeceT noKynaTe.ib. 4. PAYMENT 4.1. The payment under the present Contract shall be made b> the Buyer in FUR by means of bank transfer from the importer's bank account 100% in advance. 4.2. All banking and other charges on the Seller's territory shall bear the Seller, on the Buyer's territory shall bear the Buyer. 5. KAMECTBO TOBAPA H TAPAHTHfl 5. THE GOODS QUALITY AND GUARANTEE 5.1. KanecTBo OTrpyrcaeMoro TOBapa aoaacHo 5.1. The quality of the Goods being shipped shall be nojiHOCTbto cooTBeTCTBOBaTb cepTii(toiiKaTa\i. totally in compliance with the certificates. 5.2. npoaaBeu aoaaceH npeaocTaBiiTb FIok\ naie.ito 5.2. The Seller shall provide Buyer follows documents: cieztyiouutH naKeT joKyvieitTOB no oTrpy>Kae\io\iy ToBapy: MHBOfiC ynaKOBOMHblfi .11ICT CepTticjJiiKaT HvlO CepTWJMKaT npoiicxovtueHNH CMR Koniix ct>nTocaHHTapHKifi cepTHtbuicai Mhwc aoKNMeHTbi. Heooxo.uiMbie arm TaMOVKeHHOlt OHHCTKll TOBapa 6. ynAKOBKA M MAPKMPOBKA 6.1. YnaKOBKa ao.T/KHa ooecnennTb no.iHyio coxpaHHocTb TOBapa n npeaoxpaiiHTb npti TpaHcnopTHpoBKe Bcesui Bnja\in tpaHenopTa c yneTOM nepeBajioK. Ha Kawaofi ynaKOBKe ao/ivKua 6biTb HaHeceHa cjieayioiuaH viapKiipoBKa Ha pyccKOM n aHi:mficKo\i a3biKe: - HanMenoBaHHe TOBapa: - Bee Herro b kt: - Bee 6pyTTO b kt; - ycnoBHH xpaHeHns: - cpoKH xpaHeHHH: - naTa H3roTOBjieHus: - crpaHa npoHcxo/haeimsi. 7. HOPfl/lOK OTTPyjKM 7.1. ripoaaBeu cooomaer no 4)aKC> Te.iecftoHy noKynaTe.nio o totobhocth TOBapa k OTrpy3he He noxiHee. teM 3a 15 aHeii ao n.iaHiipyeMoii jaTbi OTrpV3KH. 7.2. B KavKiiofi oTje.ibHon HaK.iajHoii yKa3biBaeTC5i: HOMep KOHTpaiaa. HOMep TpaHca. HaimeHOBaHiie TOBapa. ero ko.iHMecTBO. Ko.imiecTBO wecT. see opy no h HeTTO. 7.3. HcnpaB.neHMH. aoriHCKM n no/uutCTKH b HakYiajHofi He aonycKaroTCfl. 8. C^AMA-nPMEMKA TOBAPA 8.1. ripneMKa TOBapa npoH3BoanTca: no Ko.iHiiecTB\ \iecT. coiviacHO KOJiiwecTBy. VKa3aHH0My b HaKjiaaHofi: - no Ka4ecTB\. coraacHo KaiiecTB\. yKa3aHHo\iy b cepTn4>nKaxe KanecTBa. n re\Hii'iecKiiMH TpeooBaimaM KOHTparra. 9. PEK.1AMAUHH 9.1. PeiciaMaiiHH Moryi nuTb laaB.ieiibi TIokn naie.ieM ripoaaBiiy He no3jHee 14 oaHKOBcxnx aneii c aarw nocTaBKH b othoujchiih Ka'tecTBa TOBapa - b cjiynae HecooTBeTCTBHfl ero KanecTBy. ooyc.ioB.TCHHOMy b KOHTpaKTe. B OTHOliieHMH KO.TMMeCTBa - b ciy'iae HeaocTaMH TOBapa. 9.2. Coaep>KaHne m ooocHOBaHiie peK.ia\iaunn ao.T/KHO 6biTb noanncaHo I1ok> naTe.ievi ii HpojaBiioM. a Tamce Invoice Packing list Certificate GMO Certificate of origin - Copy CMR Phy tosanitary certificate Oilier documents necessary tor custom clearance of goods. 6. PACKING AND MARKING 6.1. The packing shall fully secure the Goods safety and protect during transportation by all means of transport with consideration of trans-shipment. Every packing shall have the following marking in Russian and in English: description of the Goods: net weight in kg; gross weight in kg: storage conditions: - she If-life: production date: country of origin. 7. ORDER OF SHIPMENT 7.1. The Seller shall inform the Buyer via fax phone of the Goods readiness for shipment not late than 15 days before the planned date of shipment. 7.2. Every separate freight bill shall contain number of the t ontract. number of the trans, description of the Goods, quantity, and number of packages, gross and net \s eight. 7.3. Amendments, additions and erasures shall be not permitted in the freight bill. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF THE GOODS 8.1. Acceptance of the Goods shall be carried out according to: - number of places under the quantity specified in the bill of lading: - the quality under the quality specified in the quality certificate and under the technical requirements of the Contract. 9. RECLAMATIONS 9.1. Reclamations can be made by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 14 bank days from the shipment date as to the Goods quality - in case of its nonconformity with the quality stipulated by the Contract: as to the quantity - in case of Goods shortage. 9.2. Contents and reason of the reclamation shall be signed by Seller and Buyer, and also certified either by ncuTBepvtueHo .moo aicroM jKcnepTinbi TUN PKeH npti npiifiMKo TOBapa. 9.6. ripoaaBen ooHsaH paccMOTpeTb peKJiaMamtio 11 OTBCTHTb noKviiare.iKi no cyuxecTB\ peKaa\tauim b TeneHiie 5 aHeti. 9.7. PacneTbi no peicnaMauHH npoiBBoaHTca nepeBoao\i cymm ripoaaBUOM Ha ciict Uok\ naTeas. 9.8. K cHeiy no peK.ia\tannn npiiKaaawBaeTCH ca\ia peK.iaMauna b jb\x 3K3eMruiapax. ioK\\iem ee ooocHOBbiBatooinn n no flTBepw lenne IlpoaaBita 0 npn3H3Hnn peK.iaviamiH. 10. CAHKUHM 10.1. 3a HapyuieHHe b othopviaeHiiH TOBapoconpoBoaiiTe.ibHbix n n.iaievKHbix .iokvmchtob paHee (bopMaabHo corjiacoBaHHbix Meway rioKynaiejieM n NpoaaBuovi. PIpoaaBeu ooHian ynnaTHTb rioKsnaie-iK) inrpatji r pa3Mepe 1% ot ctohmocth napniii TOBapa. 10.2. yn.iaTa u/Tpaaba sa Hapy me Hue yc.ioBini KOHTpaKTa no viapKnpoBKe rpy30Bbix \iecT. HenpaBn.ibHoe othopvi aeHiie mrpyintiHoH .TOKVMeHTauHii He ocBo6o>KjaeT NpoaaBita ot B03Memeiuist yuiepoa. HaHeceHHoro NoKynaTeato 113-m Heco6;iKueHH5i ripoaaBUOM ykaianiihix ycaoBiifi KOHTpaKTa. the certificate of appraisal issued by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation or by the act drawn up with participation of the representati\e of disinterested competent organization in the Russian Federation or by the commercial act. As additional evidence we suggest weight bridge report weight report in case of some shortage, in case of quality problem pictures, laboratory analysis, quality report, samples. 9.3. The aforementioned act shall be obligatory and final for both Parties, which certify quantity and quality of the Goods, arrived to the Buyer's country, and shall be the reason for making possible re-calculations. 9.4. All transport and other costs connected with shipment and return of defective Goods shall be born by the Seller. 9.5. Claim for replacement of defective Goods can be made to the Seller if defective Goods were found out while accepting the Goods. 9.6. The Seller shall consider the claim and answer the Buyer to the point of the claim during 5 working days counting from the date of its receiving by the Seller. 9.7. Payments under the reclamations shall be made by transfer of the sum by the Seller to the Buyer's account. 9.8. The reclamation in two copies, the document certifying the reclamation and the Seller's confirmation of the reclamation admission shall be attached to the invoice under the reclamation. 10. SANCTIONS 10.1. For violation in the composition of shipping and payment documents previously formally agreed between the Buyer and Seller, the Seller is obligated to pay the Buyer the penalty in the amount of 1% of the cost of the goods. 10.2. The payment of the penalty for violation of the provisions of the Contract as to the marking of the freight places, incorrect preparation of the shipping documentation shall not relieve the Seller from the compensation of damages caused to the Buyer due to the inobservance by the Seller of the above mentioned provisions of the Contract. 11. 0>OPC-MA5KOP 11.1. Hi! OJHa It3 CTOpOH HC HCCeT OTBeTCTBeHHOCTH 3a no.iHoe h.ih nacTHHHoe Heuciio.THeHiie .1106011 in cbohx oojnaHHOCTeit (sa HCK.noHemievi npocpoMKn n.TarevKeii. cpoK on.iaTbi KOTopbix Hactynn.1 b cootbctcibiic c ycTOBHstMH KOHTpaKTa). ec.m Heiicno.iHeHiie HBjiaercfl caeacTBueM caeaytouaitx oocTOHTe.ibOB: naBoaHcune. no>Kap. 3eM.ieTp»ceHne 11 jpynie sb/ieHiia npiipo.w. a raiOKe boh Ha. BoeHHbie aeficTBHS. 5/iOKaaa. aKTbi n.iii aefiCTBHfl rocyaapcTBeHHbix oprattOB him .ntoowe apyrne oGctohtc.ibCTBa. naxoaflumecfl rhc Kompoaa CTopoH. B03HHK1UHX noc.ie lamiKDieHlist KOHipaKia. llpH TTOM CpOK HCnO.lHeHHfl OOfl3aTe.1bCTB no KOHTpaKi y copaJMepHO OToaBin aercs Ha nepnoa aCHCTBHfl T3KHX OOCT05I TCTbC ib ii i1x nOC'iejCT Blllt. 11. FORCE-M A J F. I RE I I.I. Neither of the Parties shall be responsible for full or partial non-fulfilment of any of its obligations iexclusive of payment delays, which payment became due as per stipulations of the contract), should such non-fulfilment be caused by the following circumstances, namely: flood, fire, earthquake and the other natural phenomena as well as war. military actions, blockade, act or activities of public bodies or any other circumstances being beyond the Parties' control as arisen after the contract conclusion. In this case the time of fulfilment of the present contract is extended to the period equal to that during which such circumstances and their consequences last. 11.2. CTOpOHa. XTH KOTOpOfi Cia.10 HeBOiVIO/KHbIM ncno.iHeHiie o6»3aTejibCTB. aojiJKHa HeviexieHHo b nHCbMCHHoFi (j)op\ie yBCHOMHTb apyryw CTopoH) o HacT> tuieHHH, npeanojiaraeMOM cpoKe aeflcTBiu h npeKpameHHH BbiuieyKa3aHHbix oocTOHTe.TbcrB. CBii.ieTe.ibCTBO roproBO-npoMbiuiJieHHofi naaaTM nan HHoro KOMneTeHTHoro opiaHa nan opramnauiin COOTBeTCTByMDIUeH CTOpOHbl ovjci HB.iaTI.CH aocTaTOMHbiM jOKasaie.ibcrBOM both HKiiOBe hum n npcKpamennji y KaiaiiHbix Bbiiuc oocTOHTeabCTB. 11.3. Ec.TH HeB03M0>KHOCTb MO.THOrO 11.111 HaCTHMHOrO Hcno.THeHna ooasaie.ibciB oyaer xnnibcs ooaee 3-x \iecaueB. cropoHbi oyayi HMCTb npaBO pacToprHVTb KOHTpaKT nO.THOCTblO ll.Tll HaCTHHHO. flpil 3TOM BCe oSsnaTeabCTBa. iivieBuine mccto .to HacTynaeHiot (jk>pc-Nia'/Kopa ao.ivKHbi 6biTb Bbino.iHeHbi CTopoHaMH no ero OKOHMaHHM. 12. APEHTPA5K 12.1. Bee cnopbi. pa3H0iaacun nan tpeooBamia. B03HHKaioiune in HacToamero KOHTpaKTa n.in b cb«3h c hum. b tom inane Kacarouuieca ero ncnoaHemifl. Hapsmemifl. npeKpaiuenna nun HeaeflcTBHTeabHOCTH. noxnevKaT paTpeuieHiao AponTpa>KHbi\i peraavieHTovi Meway HapoaHott roproBofi naaaTbi o.ihhm nan HeCKO-lbKHMH ap6l1Tpa\u1. HaiHa'ieHHblMH B cootbctctbhii e yKajaHHUvin UpaBiiaaMn. Mecro npoBeaenna ap6nTpa>KHoro paionpaieabciBa: BeHa. ABcrpiia. JhuKOM ap6nTpa>KHoro pajoiipaTe.TbeiBa 51b.iaeTC5l aHIMilMeKHM HiblK. 11.2. The Part> for which it became impossible to meet obligations under the present contract shall notify immediately in written form the other Party of the beginning, expected currency and cessation of the above circumstances. The written evidence issued bv the Chamber of Commerce or another competent authority or organisation of the respective Party will be a sufficient proof of the beginning and cessation of the above circumstances. 11.3. Should the impossibility of full or partial fulfilment of the obligations last longer than 3 months, the Parties shall have the right to terminate the contract full) or partially. However, all obligations prior to the beginning the force-majeure circumstances shall be met by the Parties on cessation of force-majeure. 12. ARBITRATION 12.1. All disputes, disagreements and demands arising out of or in connection with the present contract, including obligations of all Parties, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of arbitration shall be Vienna. Austria. The language of arbitration shall be English. 13. JIPVTME VCJIOBHX 13. OTHER PROVISIONS 13.1. Bee coopbi. naaoni n laviovKeHHbie paexoabi Ha TeppiiTopiiH cTpaHbi Upo.iaBua. cBHjaHHbie c BbinojiHeniievi HacToameio KOHTpaiaa. onaamtBaioTCH ripoflaBUOM. no-iyneHiie tkciiopthmx .inueHiiiii. ecan TaKOBbie noTpeoy kitch. sianaeTCfl oomaHHocibto ripoaaoua n npomBoaHTCfl la ero cieT. 13.2. Hit ojHa ii'i CTopoH tie BiipaBe nepeaaib cboh npaBa it oosnareabCTBa no KOHTpatm rpeibii\i .iiiiium 6e3 nHCbvieHHoro Ha to coraaens apyrofi ctopohw. Bc«Kne HiMCHeHiia n aonoaHemia k HacTOHtiteMv KOHTpak'TV OVJVT aeftCTBHTeabHbl .TM Hpil VC.TOBI1M. eciiH ohh coBepuieHHbi b nucbvteHHon c|)opvie u noamtcaiibi ynojiHOMOtettHUMH Ha ro .iiiua\iii ooenx CTOpOH. HaCTOfllUIIH KOHTpaKT COCiaB.ICH b aBVX 3K3eMn.t>ipax Ha pyccKOM n auram'icKOM HibiKax. npii'ieM ooa TeKCTa ayreHTmiHbi n iimciot oaHHaKOByto CM.1_\ . 13.3. KoHTpaKT BCT\naeT b cii.tv c aaTbi ero noaiincaHHH h aeiicTBveT to vioviema Bbino.ihchuh CTOpOHaMIl CBOHX OOHTaTC.TbCTB no aaHHONiy KOHTpaKTV ao 31.12.2016. 13.1. All the charges, taxes and customs costs connected with the fulfillment of the present Contract on the territory of the Seller's country shall be borne bv the Seller. Acquisition of export licenses if such shall be needed, shall be the Seller's obligation and be made at thi? expense of the Seller. 13.2. Neither of the Party shall have the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the present contract to the third Party without a written consent of the other Party. Any amendments and addenda to the contract shall be valid provided they are made in written form and properly certified by authorised representatives of the Parties. The present contract is drawn up in English and in Russian in 2 originals, one original for each Party, both texts being of equal validity. 13.3. The present contract shall enter into force from the date of its signature and be valid until the Parties fulfil their obligations under the present Contract until 31.12.2016. nOKyriATEJlb/ BUYER: AROSI LTD. TIN 3905036979 Legal address: Ozernaya street 39. 236029 Kaliningrad. Russia Bank details: Currency acc. 40702978300000070498 Evropeisky Investment Commercial Bank 236010 Kaliningrad . Kutuzov Street 39. Kaliningrad SWIFT:EVICRU2KXXX ľlPOJABEU/SELLER: CENTRUM CZ. s. r.o. Kolá 676 143 00 Praha 4 (/ech Republic VATnu.:C7 Československá obchodní banka a.s. Radlická 333 150 150 57 Praha 5 SWIFT: CEKOCZPP EUR account :218210035 0300 IBAN CZ75 0300 0000 0002 1821 0035 Osipenko V. <2> Specification #1/ripmio>KeHMe Ns1 k KOHTpaKTy Kynnn-npoAa>KM N27IM-2014OT 03.09.2014 r. KannHMHrpaA 29.09.20Mr (1) Names and marks/ HawvieHOBaHne TOBapa, cnei4ncpMKaL4nn. ynaKOBKa u OTrpy30HHan MapKupoBKa (2) Quantity/ ! (3) Price/ KonnMecTBO. LJeHa, eA-Kr (4) Total sum/ Oömafl cyMivia FCA Dobre Miasto/ FCA flo6pa Mhcto Blue poppy seeds for food industry/ l~ony6oi/i wiaK numeBOi/i KOHflHTepcKHii Arm KOHflmepcKOi?! n numeBOui npoMbiiuneHHOCTn, HeApo6neHbiw (Papaver Somniferum) Ypo>Kai/i 2014 roAa MucTOTa 99,9% Kofl B3fl 1207919000 5500.00 Kr 1.798 EUR 9889.00 EUR (5) Date of loading/ CpoK oirp\3Kn: I no.iOBHHa OKTaopa 2014 1" half of October 2014 (6) Date of delivery /CpoK jocraBKH: 1 no.ioBHHa OKTaops 2014 T half of October 2014 (7) Place of loading/ MecTo norpy3Kn: HeiucKaa pecny6iiHKa/ Czech Republic (8) Insurance/ CrpaxoBKa: He npon3BO.THTC5i. None (9) Terms of payment/YcnoBiui on.iaibi: 100% npejon.iaTa 6&hkobckmm nepeBoao\i 100% prepayment (10) Manufacturer'JlaHHbifi roBap iipomBeaeH: MAK CENTRUM CZ. s.r.o. Czech Republic (11) The cost of packing, marking, palleting and loading of goods is included in the price of the goods. CTOHMocTb ynaKOBKH, najTJieTMpoBaHHH. \iapKnpoBKn h norpy3Ka TOBapa b aBio\ioon.ib bk.iK)LieHa b CTOHMOCTb TOBapa. (12) Packaging/ Kojihmcctbo \ieci: 220 MeuiKOB Ha 7 najuieTax uaccoti Herro no 25 Kr, o6iuhh Bee Heiro - 5500.00 Kr. oGluhh bcc opyno c na/ueiauH - 5698.00 Kr 220 paper bags on 7 pallets, net weight 25 kg each, total net weight - 5500.00 kgs. total gross weight w ith pallets - 5698.00 kgs. (13) The cost of transportation of the goods to Dobre Miasto. Poland is included in goods* price.' CTOHMOCTb rpaHcnopTHbix yc.iyi no aocTaBKe roBapa jo Roopi Mjtcto, flo.ibLua BK-itoneHa b CTOHMOCTb TOBapa. AROSI LTD. TIN 3905036979 Legal address: Ozernaya Street 39. 236029 Kaliningrad. Russia Bank details: Currency ace. 40702978300000070498 Evropeisk\ Investment Commercial Bank 236010 Kaliningrad. Kutuzov Street 39. Kaliningrad SWIFT: EVICRU2KXXX Osipenko V. CENTRUM CZ, s. r.o. Kolářo\ a 143 00 Praha 4 Czech Republic VAT nu.: CZ Ceskoslo\enská obchodní banka a.s. Radlická 333 150 150 57 Praha 5 SWIFT: CEKOCZPP EUR account :218210035 0300 [BAN : CZ75 0300 0000 0002 1821 0035 Petr Šimek