Assignment: Language Related Tasks 750 –1000 words Aim This assignment is to develop your language awareness for the purposes of teaching. You will practise ways in which to contextualise language and highlight relevant features of meaning, form and pronunciation. You will also highlight problematic areas for students relating to the structures below and suggest how you might help learners with the areas you have selected (meaning, form and pronunciation where relevant). The purpose of this is to get you to practise the kind of contextualising and checking you will often do on the spot in class when language arises or when designing lessons. Task For each of the following items of language: ü state the meaning or use of the language highlighted in bold (lexis or grammar) ü provide a brief context to convey meaning of target language within the model sentence provided. ü identify the form (focus on language in bold) and state the name of the structure and label each of its components, also state the part of speech if it’s lexical item. ü provide concept questions and answers to check understanding of meaning (of the target language within the complete model sentences if they are appropriate. Use any other means to convey and check language e.g. synonyms and antonyms or eliciting examples. ü draw timelines when appropriate or say how you would convey the essential meaning, e.g. using pictures. ü highlight specific phonological features, e.g. connected speech and silent letters. ü highlight potential difficulties with meaning, form and pronunciation and suggest how you might address them in class. 1. She’s used to getting up early. (Grammar Structure) 2. He’s been waiting for her for two hours. (Grammar Structure) 3. He was taken in by her. (Lexis) 4. I’m definitely having a lie-in tomorrow. (Lexis) (See overleaf for example + assignment design and assessment criteria) · Not to be written in continuous prose, except for the context (see example) *TIP: consider names of tenses and type of lexis (e.g.) collocation Example I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night. Meaning and Use Use: We use this to express regrets. Meaning in this context: I went to bed late. I feel tired now. I am not happy about my decision. Context to convey meaning: Last night I had lots of homework to do, and there was a big football match on TV. I watched the game with some friends, and this finished at 10.00. I then had a snack, and sat down to do my homework. Then my friend called me and was on the phone for an hour. It was 2.00 before I finished my homework and went to bed. Today I am really tired! I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night. Breakdown of form subject + wish + subject + had(n’t) + past participle Ways I will check meaning: 1) Concept questions Did I go to bed late? Yes How do I feel today? Tired. Am I happy today that I went to bed late? No 2) Elicit further regrets about the situation What other regrets do I have about last night? e.g. I wish I hadn’t watched the game I wish I had done my homework instead I wish I had told my friend I’m too busy Pronunciation 1. weak pronunciation of ‘gone’ 2. linkage between ‘…wish I…’ 3. t in ‘hadn’t’ almost disappears when spoken Potential Problems and Solutions Problem Solution 1. Meaning: Student might not realise that this sentence has a hypothetical meaning Ask students the concept questions above and elicit further regrets. 2. Form: Students may confuse past simple and past perfect form, e.g. I wish I went to bed earlier Put a sentence with an error on the board. Put students in pairs and ask them to correct it. Elicit and check the correct answer on the board. 3. Pronunciation: Contraction of ‘had not’ to ‘hadn’t’ could be difficult to say Model the sentence and drill the sentence chorally and then individually. Assignment Design and Assessment Criteria Successful completion of the assignment will be based on the following: ü analysing language correctly for teaching purposes ü correctly using terminology relating to form, meaning and pronunciation when analysing language ü accessing reference materials and referencing information they have learned about language to an appropriate source ü using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task