ASSESSMENT SHEET 02 Peer assessment rules: 1 You assess presentations you were present at (not your own). 2 You scale them from best (50pts) to worst with min. - 7pts difference between them if you witnessed 8 presentations, - 8pts gap if you heard 7, 9pts gap if you heard 6, 10 if you heard 5. 3 Your criteria are - the presentation: how new, useful and memorable you found it for your speaking practice - preparation: how innovative you found methods of presenting facts and strategies of retaining skills; effort invested in rehearsing Individual assessment: STUDENTS’ AVERAGE + PRESENCE IN CLASS +FINAL MINITALK (max. 50) (max. 20) (max. 16+14) Veronika Vornicescu – A SMALL TRIP TO MOLDOVA Kinga Staniszewska – THE CHARM OF DUTCH TRADITIONS Shutong Li – CHINA: NEW TOUR, GREAT INVENTIONS Maria Chatzipanagiotou – GREEK ISLANDS AND TRADITIONS Michal Návoj – VACCINATION Malgorzata Zawadová – PO NASZYMU. MORE THAN A DIALECT Zbyněk Svoboda – POKÉMON Marcos Teruel – MY JOURNEY INTO VEGANISM Nina Kusakina - RUSSIA