Approaches to a risk research on Roman antiquity Why modern risk research does not consider antiquity. Rolling the dice as the root of risk research. How to calculate probability in antiquity. PD Dr. Ulrike Ehmig SFB 933 – TP A03-UP2 Ústav klasických studií Masarykova univerzita Brünn, 9.10.2017 Perception and Handling of Risks in Roman Antiquity 1. Monday, 9.10.2017 The term “risk”. Why modern risk research does not consider antiquity. Rolling the dice as the root of risk research. How to calculate probability in antiquity? 2. Monday, 9.10.2017 Health risks: Sources of diseases and occupational risks. Indices of a reflected perspective? 3. Tuesday, 10.10.2017 Ex voto: the prevention of risks with the help of the gods. 4. Tuesday, 10.10.2017 Geschenke und Gelübde: Donum dedit und votum solvit in lateinischen Sakralinschriften 5. Thursday, 12.10.2017 Natural disasters: Sources of earthquakes, floods, famine and preventive measures. 6. Thursday, 12.10.2017 Risks in seafaring and ancient economy. The variety of measures in a central field of ancient life. From risk-minimizing contracts to magical practices. What is “risk”? Why modern risk research does not consider antiquity? Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size 1250 „De Vetula“: list of the number of possible combinations of the dots for rolling three dices First approach to a calculation of probability Ps.-Ovidius, De Vetula (~ 1250) Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size 1250 „De Vetula“: list of the number of possible combinations of the dots for rolling three dices Mid 17th century „Logic of Port Royal“: assessment of future events not only according to possible advantages or disadvantages, but equally to its probability Port Royal des Champs near Paris Painting by Louise-Magdeleine Horthemels, ~ 1710 Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size 1250 „De Vetula“: list of the number of possible combinations of the dots for rolling three dices Mid 17th century „Logic of Port Royal“: assessment of future events not only according to possible advantages or disadvantages, but equally to its probability 1713 Jakob Bernoulli „Ars conjectandi“: first calculation of probability and law of large numbers First calculation of probability Jacob Bernoulli, Ars conjectandi (Basel 1713) Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size 1250 „De Vetula“: list of the number of possible combinations of the dots for rolling three dices Mid 17th century „Logic of Port Royal“: assessment of future events not only according to possible advantages or disadvantages, but equally to its probability 1713 Jakob Bernoulli „Ars conjectandi“: first calculation of probability and law of large numbers 30s of the 18th century. Daniel Bernoulli: one and the same risks are perceived differently Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size 1250 „De Vetula“: list of the number of possible combinations of the dots for rolling three dices Mid 17th century „Logic of Port Royal“: assessment of future events not only according to possible advantages or disadvantages, but equally to its probability 1713 Jakob Bernoulli „Ars conjectandi“: first calculation of probability and law of large numbers 30s of the 18th century. Daniel Bernoulli: one and the same risks are perceived differently Basics of modern risk research Modern definition of Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size Modern definition of Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size no risk research for the period before the middle of the 17th century no risk research for antiquity Peter Lewyn Bernstein Against the Gods. The remarkable story of risk (1996) Edwin G. Booz Prize for the most insightful, innovative management book published in 1996 Clarence Arthur Kelp/Elizur Wright Memorial Award from The American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) as an outstanding original contribution to the literature of risk and insurance 1998 more than 500.000 sold copies But there exist numerous studies with usable approaches to a risk research on antiquity. In the following sessions, we will see some examples from different spheres of life. First, however, we will discuss the roots of the ancient understanding of risk and probability. What role does the dice play for the idea of risk in the ancient world, and how did the Ancient deal with probability? Is it necessary that probability can be calculated to deal rationally with risks? Modern definition of Risk: calculable probability of damage of a certain size no risk research for the period before the middle of the 17th century In Latin: The meaning of „risk“ is closely linked to the term alea / dice Thesaurus Linguae Latinae I / 7, München 1991, s.v. alea Alea used in a metaphoric sense in: - historiography (Livius, Ammianus Marcellinus) - administrative literature (Cassiodorus) - specialist texts (Plinius, Frontinus, Varro, Columella) - poetry and novels (Horatius, Ovidius, Petronius, Apuleius, Claudianus) - letters and philosophical discourses (Cicero, Seneca, Sidonius Apollinaris) - church historical and theological writings (Ps.-Hegesippus, Ambrosius) - legal texts (Digesta, Codex Theodosianus) Alea used in a metaphoric sense to describe risks mainly from a Roman-Italian upper class - in war: Hor. carm. 2, 1, 6 : opus plenum periculosae aleae Ps.-Heges. 3, 17. 5, 30 : varia et incerta bellorum alea Cod. Theod. 7, 17, 1 : ad belli aleam praeparatis Cassiod. var. 3, 1, 1 : in aleam mittere - in political issues: Liv. 42, 50, 2 : ut in aleam tanti casus se regnumque daret Sen. clem. 1, 1, 7 : magnam adibat aleam populus Romanus - in agriculture: Colum. 1 praef. 8 : maris et negotiationis alea Varro rust. 1, 4, 4 : alea domini vitae ac rei familiaris Colum. 3, 21, 6 : neglegentiae vindemiatoris alea - when buying and selling: Pomp. dig. 18, 1, 8, 1 : emptio spei - in philosophical discourses: Sen. epist. 99, 12 : nisi aleam in damnum certiorem idea of risk linked to alea / dice remains the idea of an educated public Astragal oracles: distribution and the example of Tyriaion Probability (P) for each of the 56 possible combinations of dots in an oracle where you roll the dice (astragal) five times Oracle positive Oracle negative Oracle neutral cf: A. Charpentier, Ajuster les tables de mortalité : le rôle des actuaires, Risques 72, 2007, 127–130. The life table of Ulpian and later authors Edict of Ti. Iulius Alexander from the year 68 AD at the Hibis-Temple in Egypt P. Oxy. XXXI 2561 – monthly military list of troop strength and rations (293/305 AD) SEG 55, 2005, 1264bis Fragment of a parapegma from Milet (Pergamonmus., Berlin, SK 1606) for the annual calculation of needs