20 Lesson 2 only given their respective current meaning at issue in the text. The vocabulary items are listed alphabetically by root, i.e. Ri is invariably regarded as the first letter relevant in the order (cf. Lesson 4 about this). In the interest of clearness Fatha has only been inserted partially. Identifying the root of every word may present a difficulty to the student at the beginning. With increasing practice, however, she/he will quickly acquire the skill of finding every word in the glossary she/he looks for. This skill is nevertheless required so that the student will be able to use HANS WEHR's DICTIONARY OF MODERN WRITTEN ARABIC edited by J. Milton Cowan, which is most frequently used and which is arranged according to the root-system. Here, another general hint is given, which will facilitate the student's ability to find many words, f (Mint) as the first letter of a word is rarely Ri, but is mostly a prefix (—* >. t -•). The word Djj^ is not entered under Mim in the glossary nor in the dictionary, but under Kha', the word under Sad, and the word under "Ayn. V (Including the vocabulary of Lesson 1 and 2) father Welcome! Take (it)! (m./f.) ! ^Jo~ j ! Jot- now * brother also, too sister * * where earth J* J £ (f) cX>' Paris Allah, God im not bad (Hi lnylAii by God door (prep.) to J\ it a house mother (prep.) under (prep.) in front of (loc.) down, downwards I lif good,"okay" you (m.) new yo\x(f.) wall you (2™*p.pl.m.) lit K sitting you (T'p.pl.f.) beautiful Miss apparatus, device fig: Hello! tv-set Lesson 2 21 video-recorder good garden letter, character bathroom Thank God! situation cupboard good I am fine. I do not know. radio man fig: Hello! bed ceiling peace Peace be with/upon So long! name; noun Mr. Mrs. window Thank you! the sun bag health morning Good Morning! (answer) lamp . ft- . 0 J* you! H (f) o-^t51 for friend friend ^ small, short table doctor doctor (f.) kitchen student student (f.) long, tall good pardon (and response after I j^-t) 1 teacher teacher (f.) (prep.) on; upon (prep.) at I have you have (m./f.) family room girl Fafima (prep.) up, over, on top of (adv.) above up(wards) (prep.) in old progress short, small pencil moon AS' y oL r- il5Lp Lesson 2 23 Cairo who Ü* big (prep.) from, out of 'öi book we notebook criJ1^ £ ****\ß clean chair yes telephone call sleeping how Hello! How are you? (m.) this ~(f-) this (prep.) for J Give! forme interrogative particle J* no, not 11 they (3rd p.pl.m.) So long! they (3rd p.pl.f.) y> table; blackboard here Li what there what (followed by a verb) ^L* he >* when she city, town and Mary am there is evening paper (coll.) - t-i-S' .■^a^-' L* .L>-j» ;x*>ij> .4JJ J^>Jl (. ?^tiLsi3 ^jjI .«J Or*-* Ld-a-* (j-Jj^i *Ul_J Exercises: Exl (Homework) Identify and write all the nouns seen in Text 1 and add in brackets the appropriate personal pronoun! Ex2 The teacher reads the nouns: t3_ilijjj^, t^u,£ (,3Jjli» iijuJj- t^Lj^ tjc-ko y ^Ljc itij& tjlo?!- tti-j