88 Reports from different branches of the Leauge 1937 America The American Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 7th, 1937, as guests of Dr. Temple Fay, Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Temple University School of Medicine. The meeting -was attended by fifty-four members. Dr. W. Edward Chamberlain, Professor of Eadiology demonstrated a glass model of the brain and spinal canal illustrating the physio-dynamics and hydraulics of the craniovertebral cavity. A vascular and cerebrospinal fluid circulation had been constructed within the model, so as to duplicate the volume and pressure changes encountered in the human structure. He emphasized that volume relationships could be altered without a significant change of pressure, and that clinical symptoms were more dependant upon volume relationships than those of pressure. Dr. Michael Scott presented a plan for an ideal epileptic institution, designed to- carry out the appropriate classification of patients suffering from the convulsive state. The proposed colony was diagrammed and discussed as a unit capable of the most recent diagnostic means employed in neurosurgery and with a division devoted to the segregation of the organic convulsive group including those requiring structural development through appropriate physical exercise and training who might find economic adjustment and contribute in the maintenance of various departments of the institution devoted to the deteriorated group requiring special care. Dr. Temple Pay summarized the advances made in the field of clinical treatment for the convulsive group and presented difficult cases as well as the encouraging results noted in the group of structurally inadequate types, which had been placed upon forced physical training, similar to that enjoyed by the 89 athletic department of the University. Attempts were made to increase cerebral circulatory efficiency by developing an "athlete's heart" as well as a big chest development (which showed remarkable improvement in the original structural inadequacy), with favorable effects upon the frequency and severity of the convulsive seizures. Clinical methods designed to increase volume and efficiency of cerebral circulation in the convulsive group were outlined and the favorable responses noted in the cases which had been subjected to strict and profound measures of dehydration, designed to decrease intracranial fluid volume, so as to increase intracranial circulating blood volume, were discussed. Dr. Ernest Spiegel, Professor of Experimental Neurophysiology at Temple University, presented his reports on the physical changes noted in the cortex of the human brain and relationship of the "delta" which he has established in this experimental work. Dr. Spiegel demonstrated to the members his new method of producing and measuring the exact amount of current necessary to precipitate a convulsion, when an electric current was passed through the optic nerves of the rabbit, by means of electrodes applied to the eyeballs. The effects of convulsant and anti-convulsant drugs were discussed in the light of this accurate and simple method of producing convulsive seizures. The Members of the American Chapter of the International League Against Epilepsy then adjourned for luncheon and proceeded to the Skillman Colony for Epileptics at Skillman, New Jersey where they were the guests of Dr. Dan Renner during the afternoon. Many interesting types of the convulsive state were demonstrated from the Colony's population of over 1300. The recent observations as to structural inadequacy at the base of the skull were demonstrated by Dr. Pigot, who presented this along with problems of institutional care and supervision. Dr. Temple Fay, President 90 England The Second Annual Meeting of the British Branch was held on Friday, October 22nd, 1937, with Dr. Wilfred Harris in the Chair and thivtytwo members and visitors present. Dr. Tylor Pox and Dr. Critchly were reelected Treasurer and Secretary respectively. After the President had given a short account of the progress of the International League against Epilepsy they proceeded to the scientific business. The following papers were read and discussed: 1. Dr. F. R. Ferguson, "The Value of Medicinal Treatment in Epilepsy." 2. Dr. Denis Brinton. "The Bromides in Epilepsy." These two papers were discussed by Drs. Hinds Howell, McAlpine, Tylor Fox, Douglas Turner, Macdonald Critchley, Cloake, Mayer-Gross, Butter, James and the President. 3. Dr. Millar Page. "Prominal in Epilepsy." Discussed by Drs. Helen Murray, Taylor Fox, Butter, Professor Golla and Dr. Wilfred Harris. 4. Dr. T. A. Munro. "Myoclonus Epilepsy associated with deaf mutism in five brothers and sisters." Discussed by Drs. Kussell Brain, Wilfred Harris and others. After an interval for luncheon at Pagani's Kestaurant the scientific business was resumed, and during the afternoon session the following papers were read:— 5. Mr. Qrey Turner. "The Electro-encephalogram in Epileptics." Discussed by Drs. W. Harris, S. Nevin, P. C. P. Cloake, D. McAlpine and others. 7. Dr. Millar Page. "The Relief of Epileptic attacks following Pneumonia and bloodletting." Discussed by M. Critchley. 91 Other than the Second Annual General Meeting there have been no activities whatsoever. At the present time the number of our paid up members is exactly 100. M. Critchley, Secretary. Scandinavia In the Scandinavian branch of the League there has not been any congress in the last year. A report has been sent to the members of the League and reprints have been exchanged. Members of the League: 31. In August 1938 there will be in Stockholm, Sweden, a special meeting regarding Epilepsy in connection with the VIII Scandinavian neurological congress. H. I. Schou, President. Holland The Dutch Branch of the League was founded on the 14th May 1936 at a meeting, which was held in the "Queen Emma Clinic," part of the Institution "Meer en Bosch," Heemstede. Present at this meeting were: 1°. The three organisations, doing work in connection with the combatting of Epilepsy in Holland, namely: a. de Ned. Ver. tegen vallende ziekte te Amsterdam. b. de Chr. Ver. voor de verpleging van lijders aan vallende ziekte te Haarlem. c. de Bond tegen Epilepsie. 2°. The Dutch organisation for Psychiatry and Neurology. 3°. The Inspector of public health. 4°. The Inspector connected with the control of the insane. 5°. A number of neurologists. The president of the Federation explained purpose and activity of the organisation, namely: a. Coordination of the work done on behalf of Epileptics. EpUcpiu Vol. I 2 92 b. Furtherance of the scientific study of Epilepsy. c. Foundation of a Dutch branch of the international League. A committee was elected as follows: President: B. Ch. Ledeboer, "Meer en Bosch," Heemstede; who shall be vice-precident for Holland of the Int. League. Secretary: J. J. H. Klessens, Amsterdam, Overtoom. Treasurer: J. L. J. Muskens, Amsterdam. Vice President: G. Kraus, Santpoort. Members: K. Burdet, Haarlem. F. H. Q. van Loon, den Haag. J. H. H. Joosten, Boermond. At a subsequent meeting the rules and regulations were passed. The working plan was drafted as follows: 1°. to make a report of the care given to Epileptics in Holland. 2°. To organise meetings for neurologists to read papers about and to discuss subjects dealing with Epilepsy. 3°. To try to spread greater knowledge about modern treatment of Epilepsy. 4°. To ask the Dutch medical association to appoint speakers, to read papers about the subject of Epilepsy in all its branches, in the whole country. 5°. To take all measures, necessary to promote the care for Epileptics in Holland. So far the following meetings have been held: 1°. One meeting for members of the Dutch Federation. 2°. Five meetings of the Committee. In this meetings plans, as described above, were discussed. Part of them are already being carried out. The death of our member Dr. J. L. J. Muskens; well known in International circles, caused some delay of the work. Now a fresh start has been made. B, Ch. Ledeboer, President; 93 Czechoslovakia. The National Committee ( as oranch of the International League against Epilepsy) formed on Decehber the 17th 1936 in Praha: Professor Dr. Kamil ílenner, Secretary for scientific work in epilepsy, (Praha II. Všeobecná nemocnice). Docent Dr. Otakar Janota, Secretary for statistical and social work (Praha—Bulovka). Docent Dr. Jiri Vítek (Praha, Sanatorium Sanopz). Docent Dr. Jar. Vondráček (Praha, Česky farmakolog. ústav). Dr. Karl Mathon (Praha II. Karlovon). Professor Dr. Miroslav Krivy, (Brno, Klinika pro choroby nervové a dusevné). Dr. Karol Matulay, Secretary for international collaboration, especially for contacts with the I.L.a.E. (Bratislava, Klinika neuropsychiatrická, Státna nemocnica). The Committee has the great task to persuade all authorities interested (Ministry of health, Ministry of education, departmental health authorities etc.) that special institutions for epileptic children should be formed as centres against epilepsy near the three university cities of Czechoslovakia (Praha-Brno-Bratislava). The statistical work is arranged by the "Zemská pečlivost o mládež" a semi-state institution for the care of youth. The statistics are not yet finished, but we hope it will be by next year. A congress of Slav-Physicians will take place in Praha (Prague) July 1938 and the subject of the neurological section will he Epilepsy. We hope to discuss Epilepsy from all points of view, included Institutional care etc. MEMBERS Professor Dr. Zdenek Mysliveček, Praha 11, Psychiatrická Klinika. Docent Dr. Jiri Vítek, Praha, Sanatorium Sanopz. Docent Dr. Jar. Vondráček, Praha, Ces. farmakológ, ústav. Dr. J. Mathon, Praha 11. Všeobecná nemocnica. Professor Dr. Miroslav Krivý, Brno, Klinika neuropsyehiatrická. Professor MUDr Stanislav Krákora, Bratislava, Klinika neuropsyehiatrická. Docent MUDr Evald Tománek, Bratislava, Krapinsky úrad. K. Matulay, Secretary.