Accents used“ SEE, NE, Scottish, Irish, Australian. 1) Friends are asking what the heck is going on in the Czech Republic. Briefly: Andrej Babiš: a former secret police agent turned billionaire, controlling a majority of bakeries, agriculture, chemistry and many hospitals. 2) (He employs and deploys many of his former connections from the secret police.) Several years ago he entered politics (as a "successful businessman who will run the country as a company"). He is now the prime minister, while being prosecuted for fraud over EU funds. 3) The last uproar is about this. It turned out that his two children from previous marriage (both allegedly mentally unstable) were involved in the fraud. As part of this business his son was abducted to Crimea by a Russian guy with links to the KGB. 4) And now Babiš travels to his son and ex-wife to Switzerland and surprise: his ex-wife issues a declaration in a shaking voice that everything was a plot of the journalists. 5) In so doing, Babiš also indirectly confirms the discoveries made by journalists, which he formerly denied. Last Friday he was seen shouting: I will never resign! Never! Let them all remember that! I'll never resign!