Name: Date: Max. points 20, min. points to pass successfully the test 14 1) Explain terms (5 points) a) Lares b) Dies fas c) Lemures d) Ius e) Lectisternium 2) Connect words (5 points) Pontifex maximus, flamen Dialis, Tarquinius Superbus, Vesta, Fetiales a) to declare wars b) virgines Vestalis c) interpreter of Roman laws d) Libri Sibyllini e) Iuppiter 3) Choose right statements (5 points) Which duty or right did not belong to pontifex maximus: a) to oversee the Roman religion and festivals b) to interpret of Roman laws c) to have power over virgines Vestalis d) to declare wars e) to determine fas and nefas days The origin number of months in the Roman calendar was: a) 8 b) 9 c) 10 d) 11 e) 12 What does palladium mean? a) an unknown sacred subject stored in the temple of Vesta b) a pie baked for religous activities c) protectors of temples d) signs of gods e) a festival when Romans sacrificed a horse Virgines Vestalis were: a) under power of their father b) wifes of Roman priests c) priestess who were punished by buried alive when she had a sex d) Roman godness of harvest e) priestess who served for life Who was Capitolian divine trinity? a) Iuppiter, Mars, Quirinus b) Iuppiter, Mars, Minerva c) Iuppiter, Mars, Iuno d) Iuppiter, Iuno, Minerva e) Mars, Quirinus, Iuno 4) Describe terms (5 points) a) Who was Numa Pompilius? b) How did Romans declare wars? c) Describe differents between ius publicum and ius privatum. d) Who were augures? e) Write one of laws relating to the Roman religion.