KSCA008 Chinese Language III (Autumn)  Course instructor :李欣蓓 Hsin-pei Lee  Email: 486596@mail.muni.cz  Office Hour: 10:00-11:50(Every Monday)  Description This course focuses on the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Textbooks Required Text: Integrated Chinese Level 2 Part1  Course Objectives This course will provide many vocabulary expansion exercises to encourage deeper processing, along with extra grammatical exercises  Tentative Schedule Week Date Main Content Note Week 1 24/9 Introduction, review 25/9 Introduction, review 26/9 Introduction, review Week 2 1/10 Lesson1 Homework 1 2/10 Lesson1 Quiz 1 3/10 Lesson1 Week 3 8/10 Lesson2 Homework 2 9/10 Lesson2 Quiz 2 10/10 Lesson2 Week 4 15/10 Lesson3 Homework 3 16/10 Lesson3 Quiz 3 17/10 Lesson3 Week 5 22/10 Lesson4 Homework 4 23/10 Lesson4 Quiz 4 24/10 Lesson4 Week 6 29/10 Lesson5 Homework 5 30/10 Lesson5 Quiz 5 31/10 Lesson5 Week 7 5/11 Lesson6 Homework 6 6/11 Lesson6 Quiz 6 7/11 Lesson6 Test 1 Week 8 12/11 Lesson7 Homework 7 13/11 Lesson7 Quiz 7 14/11 Lesson7 Week 9 19/11 Lesson8 Homework 8 20/11 Lesson8 Quiz 8 21/11 Lesson8 Week 10 26/11 Lesson9 Homework 9 27/11 Lesson9 Quiz 9 28/11 Lesson9 Week 11 3/12 Lesson10 Homework 10 4/12 Lesson10 Quiz 10 5/12 Lesson10 Week 12 10/12 Final review Test 2 11/12 Final review Review L1~L10 12/12 Final review Review Test 1&2 Evaluation Method (70%↑, can attends final exam.)  Attendance 25% 3 unexcused absences allowed during the semester.  Assignments 30% If you are absent on the class when your assignment should be handed in, the deadline of your assignment will be postponed to next class spontaneously.  Quiz 20% The quiz will test the Vocabularies on every Tuesday for 10 minutes.  Tests 25% Two times, first time will test Lesson 1 to Lesson 5, second time will test Lesson 1 to Lesson10.  Final exam 100%( 70%↑: pass, 70%↓: fail) Written Exam(60%): The exam will test from Lesson 1 to Lesson 10. Oral Exam(40%) : Presentation for 5 minutes.