KSCB117 Chinese in Popular Culture FALL, 2018 Course Instructor : 吳明樺 Ming-hua Wu (Cara) Email : Cara92060732@gmail.com Office Hour : 14:30-16:00(every Tuesday) Time : Wednesday 18:00-19:40  Description Chinese class for third grade BA. This course is to illustrate various kinds of pop culture of contemporary China, to familiarize students with the latest trend of modern society, with video clips on various cultural events, phenomenon, ideologies, value orientations, and social norms.  Textbooks Required Text: Chinese in Popular Culture (Please go to IS/ Study Material download)  Course Objectives Through the series of lectures, students are expected to have general knowledge of the pop culture of contemporary China and its background information.  Tentative Schedule Week Main Content Note Week 1 26. September Introduction Week 2 3. October Lesson 1 开学 高中生活 vs 大学生活 Week 3 10. October Lesson 2 宿舍 室友的经典语录 Week 4 17. October Lesson 3 在饭馆儿 奥客的经典语录 Week 5 24. October Lesson 4 明星杀价不眨眼 Week 6 Lesson 5 选课-学分危机!学会选课各种 31. October 招! Week 7 7. November Lesson 6 男朋友、女朋友 追到手后,男 人的转变! Decide your presentation topic. Week 8 14. November Lesson 7 计算机和网络 Week 9 21.November Lesson 8 打工-不可不知的打工渡假教战 守则 The last week consult with the teacher. Week 10 28. November Lesson 9 教育 高学历做苦力!爸妈心情 谁能懂? Week 11 5. December Lesson 10 中国地理-喜欢台湾 Week 12 12. December Presentation  Evaluation Method  Attendance : 30% 1 unexcused absence allowed during the semester.  Discussion: 30% Before every class, students should go to watch the clip video (please go to IS/ Study Material). We will talk about the clip video in the class. Besides, students should participate in class discussion aggressively.  Presentation: 40% The presentation should be in cultural comparison way. You can choose the cultural point from this semester or anything you believe that is interesting and worth to share. You should use Chinese when you give the presentation. The length of presentation should be longer than 15 minutes. Besides, you should consult with teacher about their presentation at least one time before 23 Nov.