KSCB916 Online Intensive Conversation for Master’s program I guideline 1. Each student comes one time a week. 60 minutes each session. 2. The teacher chooses a topic for the week or you can discuss with your teacher. 3. The first session of the week: the students prepare a presentation on the given topic (35-40 minutes), followed by a conversation with the teacher on this topic. The student must be well prepared for the class in terms of the topic (vocabulary). 4. After the first class in the week, the teacher prepares a list of words suitable for the topic the student does not use or has problems with it., a list of phrases suitable for the topic and a list of grammatical things. Altogether 15 items. Teacher sends him/her an email in 2 days and lets the student prepare another presentation on the same topic for the second session on next week. 5. The second week: The same structure. However, the student's presentation must include all the words, phrases, and grammar from the list. 6. 100% attendance in the class. Before 11, Jan, 2019 must do 12 times. Less than 12 times will be regarded as “fail”. If you want to cancel, please kindly remind the teacher earlier. Sick leaves should with certification; Unexcused absence is regarded as fail!!! 7. The process of session First time : 35-40mins presentation→correct→discussion (Q&A) Second time: 35-40mins presentation (including all the words teacher provided)→correct→discussion (Q&A) 8. Topic: You can choose by yourself, but please tell teachers earlier Week 1,2 Week 3,4 Week 5,6 Week 7,8 Week 9,10 Week 11,12 9. Because of time difference, please kindly arrange the time on Czech 8:00-16:00 (same as Taiwan 14:00-22:00). It will be 7 hours difference on November. 10. Don’t be late on the courses. If you have any question, please feel free asking me. HsinPei Lee 486596@mail.muni.cz