its subjeot matter. I I. -- v :. ,,*;9r& j616r $aywhatrbubelieve to be false. . &q@hjnar&at fitWM& you lackedwuaw evidence. ?3-f&$e-eqab&of mwntxqI place a rinds maxim,namely, $::q&&,,ytpcU&" the maxim WE is terse, its fbrmuWm oon;fx &fil.rinmber of problems&at exercise me a load dsd: puestlons ,& @ t & q Y a t ~ ~ n tid& and focusa OF d a m e there may be, h d w e&ift ih the come of a exoh~blge,how to allow for h e ' foPr$uitmbje& of canvemtim are lagitimately changed, and so on. 1!&id Qe tmament of such questions exceedingly dlfflcult, and Ic- bspctrnravertto them in a laterwork. : M y , d e r the category of MANNER,which I understend as ' @&&g xtot (Wte the pswious categories)to what is said but, rakher, . w ww+t is said' is to be said, E include the supmaxim-'% penipicuw --and vrvious maxims such as: -. I,,&;aidobgclltikyOEexpressIo1~. I -, % ht4,idmb-. 0 i ~-BSSW P ~ W @ ) . is moh that it shwld no6 be co~~~tmating~ather maxinrq b tthis lRax1mof Qudb os the generalltl~df* &ation ofthe presence of osesan initid knowledge of the will be a condition that on of the expression's conle for what starts life, to become convencase would require @&wMonn, So, initiallyatleast, conversationd implicata are 'i"& &&the meanjng of l e expressions to the employment of && they atbeh. -'% Sinpedte tr& of a conve~sationa~implicatum is not required by Letmth of what is said (what is said may be true-what ~s implicated may be .faIse), the impiicature is not by what is said,but onlyby thesayingof whatis said, or by 'putting it that way.' 5. to d.~&tea canversational implicature is to calc&te tobesupposed inordertopreservethe supposition &at.the observed, and smce there may b ; ~ tions, a list of which may be ope& m such cases wiU be disjunam of if the list of these is open, the imjjliof indeterminacy that many