CHUtLtSWCW EUROPE in 184O German Confederation • Shanghai HANKOW. rffiangchow .'• £ • » ' Chungking / / c h ' " " Sea CAJJTON1/ (J CHINA- JAPAN c, • and the y H PHILIPPINES • Bombay 'Madras 0 n O c ' " " " " " V y 4 A INDIA NORTH& SOUTH AMERICA & MEXICO WORLD POPULATION in LARGE CITIES 1800-1850 1900 Edinburgh— CftiMovir 100.000 ! ISTANBUL— •• •• 500.000 j LONDON — •• •• 1.000.000 | 1650 I Manchester— Cltiisovw 100.000 , ij NEW YORK- •• •• 500 000 I PARIS " •• 1.000.000 J (Populatlonof Parl> Ih 1800- 500.000) f WESTERJM CULTURE 1815 — 1848: OPERA Places and languages of pertormanc. of t h r | g ^ ^ o p e r Q S ! Rosstnl_.Almnia 0 s / o rinulile prt„uziontV6aiza Ladra-: Auber.-U,Mu»M Ship tons in ports UNITED • «{» KINGDOM J 13,500,000 I l>\ * ' CHARLESCHEEM i^ ^ CHARLES GREENArco under Code Civil aft«r 1815 French legal influence National adaptations of CodcCivil French teaal inf tucnce.