U 5-7 Interfere x intervene Interfere - just getting in the way. Often negative connotation Intervene – two parties in conflict /try to stop or change it (positive connotation) Avoid x evade Avoid – keep away from sth happening (bad situation, injury..) Evade – escape from (obligation, duty..) by trickery or cleverness, find a way of not doing sth 6.2. Outlast x last out Outlast – last longer , be successful than someone or something else .This system has outlasted many of its rivals Last out (never passive) – to manage to stay alive for a particular period of time: It doesn’t look she’ll last out the night. 6.4.Outstay X stay out Outstay – stay longer than wanted or expected Stay out – remain out of home for a period of time Outlook x Lookout Outlook (sg.) – an idea what the situation will be like in the future Lookout (C)– 1. Someone who is responsible for watching for danger and warning other people 2.a place that is suitable for watching (whether something or someone is coming)