NEW YORK DIALECT Veronika Šimunková “New York Accent is how working class whites in the city speak. It involves dropping r's off words that have them (father-fatha) and adding them to words that don't (soda-sodar). Changing and adding "oi" in words (oil-erl). Pronouncing the "th" as a "d" or "t" (the- da)(through-trew).” General NY Dialect NYC and the surrounding metropolitan area Average, educated, white Caucasians Collective influences of immigrants Eastern European Jewish, Italian, Irish But not the gangsta model Those who speak/spoke it Vowels Trap set: [æ]-> [ɛə] after these phonemes: [b, d, ɡ, f, θ, ʃ, ʒ, z, m, n] Trap, stab, sad, brag, staff, cash, jazz, catch, cram (not: if the phoneme is followed in the root by a vowel: madam, casual..) Thought set: [a] [ɑ]-> [ɔə] Awful, daughter, awkward, flawless, called, naughty Price set: More lip-rounded-> [ai] Time, lighter, stylish, crime, find, spyglass Vowels In RP and other dialects cloth and lot sets-> same pronunciation Cloth set: [ɔə] Cloth, often, Austria, Boston, dog, lost, strong, soft Lot set: [a] or [ɑ] Hot, stop, boxing, knocking, dol, waffle Consonants /t/ is slightly dentalized [t] -> [d̪ ] Matter, writer, pretty, pitter-patter, heartache glottalized [t] -> [ʔ] Painting, sentence, entity, fountain, sentinel /th/ in three, those, etc [θ ð] -> [t d] Three, fourth, though, these, them The /r/ Labialized Ring, break, stranger, horrible, miracle Cure set: dropping r-coloration from [ə] Cure, near, square, letter, higher, lower Nurse set: Thirty-thirty as toidy-toid [ʌə˞] Perfect, burn, curse ,dirty, shirt The /r/ North and force set r-coloration disappears-> [ɔə] or [ɔwə] Four, score, ordinary, horses, coarse, lords, story Start set: [ɑə] Carpet, marvelous, heart attack, pardon Documentary by a New Yorker and THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!