R KANJI SENSE 3t* iii-v Bit** [Build Up Your KANJI SENSE 2009^2 ü ic [Build Up Your KAN JI SENSE m^X N3-N2 UA9i\ ^LTi>, n&nž^S^ŕz^n&mjt-btilš-ž^Tir* 2011^10 J! ÍÍA KA, iSj;9 iřtz li#»5Ü IW -6i*-5Si*i í>t *A ft^ *A Ľ IC [áA í tj U WA *S>5 i,A 1s.1t r>f ^A tj tiALmö Í "f o PART 1 #N bPART 4 á Tooll'l £^?L h £, jŠŠ^čX^fc: ä *) £ » ô @4HI£&t l^lt^fŕU^ ^(i^Ä^^-f < +£^Q~)Wfofrh Jt ? ic^'J i-f o PART 5TI±^l^^®l=sÖ:^tc7)^Ä^^^^^L^T í í i" o ?Ý^iM:tí/c^^^U!t PART O^bfé^i L 1 1 „ žf-f tf'A * *A tro *'< Í>AÍH> =t9 t* in*-SA U -tt'A ,3>'A ľ-j Li Ľ L± fcj; í. A ,SfA < -1-9 iH^ťC £ (££ J; < ^^VhWm LÍU4 A'A*>' BA f>< £+#Kfé#l£ U4 To Students Using this Book This book is intended for advanced beginners and intermediate students. It was written for those who have studied simple characters but want to learn more kanji and increase their vocabulary. 1 This book introduces kanji that are generally taught in an intermediate course 0LPT N3 and N2). Exercises are provided to help students memorize kanji frequently used in everyday life. 2 After completing the exercises in Part 1 through 4, you should have an understanding of what to look at in a kanji to make learning new characters and words easier. In Part 5, you can test your new skills using materials close to what you'd find in the real world. Students who wish to practice their handwriting skills, shall start from Part 0. 3 This book contains about 700 exercises. Each section of the exercises contains a variety of tasks for students to enjoy without getting bored, while all example sentences use natural-sounding Japanese that one hears in daily life. Study both the kanji and their example sentences for your benefit. 4 Exercise sentences are designed to help students study without the aid of a dictionary. Pay careful attention to the kanji and words in a sentence when doing exercises. 5 A vocabulary list with English, Korean and Portuguese explanations is attached at the end of the book. Be sure to check the list when you come across an unfamiliar word in the text. (2) Parti Part4?}^l ^1 4^ # T^l ^^T4. -g-^ ^ «44 % JtaL © faj r^H ei^E.j ofl^. 37fl ^ ■ 44h •••• 16 mm mm..........................• 22 < L m> 9 ft A. L » 5 [□^A] i:'5brl?^i5^^? •••• 24 ►Part 1 step 1 m^mmijti^frM^......26 Step 2 >l?(Dl^^^t)^Jb-;L/ • • • • 32 tiUP^H.............................. 38 ...... 52 ■ti-ktf mmmm...............................56 [□^A] m-^o^m • ^ttcDSSo.......58 [Separate volume 1 ] List of Words / ]Et<>1 / [Volume independente l]Lista de paiavras To Students Using this Book / o| aj# SYsfe / Prezado leitor....................4 Tips for Studying / Sj£^°.| / Metodo de utilizacao do livro .............■.....................8 To Teachers Using this Book / 0| ajl- ^s.*!^ -id-^y^l / Metodo de uso para o professor(a) ...... 11 Kanji Terminology / S-^rSf^Sol a|^J= / Lista de uso das paiavras em aprender kanji......... 12 ► Part 0 How to Write Kanji Neatly? / Como se faz para escrever carateres bonitos?...... 13 [Step 1 ] The Difference Between Printed and Handwritten Kanji / °!±H*j|£r *r0| / Diferenca entre kanji digitado e escrito a mao....... 14 [Step 2] A Basic Guide to Good Handwriting / m# If ^ it°]J= / Guia basica para o manuscrito bom....................... 16 Review Exercises / ^hSh / Revisao dos exercicios....................................■......22 Why do We Use Kanji? / eM* ^Lr2.? / Porque utilizar o Kanji? ..........................................24 ► Part 1 Can You Guess the Reading of this Kanji ? £^ S# I Adivinhe a leitura deste kanji..................................25 [Stepl] Phonetic Components / flx^o| o, - s§ UCDJl^fr set [t^mv?........59 Step 1 ;Jt^cD^5(cour m¥72 mmmm...............................78 1 ^u^^^HTO-i?.......... 80 ► PART 4 (q| ümftJ5............81 Step 1 m\$mfrJj...... 97 L J; Ö Step 2 SlÖfe^frb If 102 * -g'# U J; Ö IS- Ö it [□^A] B©Slü^)I?1 ^T?» Ofc ttPART O^Bs #^&UAl*PART 1 *B^#)T< This book consists of six parts (Part 0 - 5). Students who wish to improve their calligraphy skills shall start from Part 0 while the others shall proceed directly to Part 1. Before doing exercises, read carefully each chapter explanatory notes and make sure that you understand the purpose of the study. Exercises have different patterns to match different purposes. Carefully read the problem sentences and check the examples before doing the exercises. 0| PARTUS PARTS^M 67H°| 4M?r ^M|# » aa^ ^s. PART0¥N, BSSr 4^ £ partis M^m ^£j*|fi. *H^« g zl PART°| o|«HsH ^^U-Aicf. ■S-^l-fe- D^o] oiEpW siiijol 5K^Mn|. ^11» if o||# *o|| a|*[*[a|cK Este livro e feito com 6 partes, de PART 0 a PART5.Para quern quer escrever com uma letra bonita comece pela PartO ou comece da Parte 1 se nao for preciso. Leia bem e entenda o objetivo de cada parte antes de comecar os exercicios. As formas do exercicio sao variadas conforme o objetivo. Leia com cuidado cada questao e veja bem o exemplo antes de responde. Look for Hints in the Exercises / ^o\\Aj *l e_-jf #§a| d|- / Veja bem a questao e procure a dica. <£5 necessary, important / lafi ^ ■ ga^f/ necessario ._a a A : $IM_ < 6 X. ^rW^co? b A : A^-* L