图片包含 绿色, 就坐 已生成高可信度的说明 Family 家庭 jiā tíng LI Xin Yu Vocabulary 图片包含 玩偶, 玩具 已生成高可信度的说明 > 男 nán 女 nǚ male female 他 tā he;him 她 tā she;her > 爸爸 bà ba 父亲 fù qīn father,dad 父亲 is most used in writing 爸爸 is most used in speaking. > 妈妈 mā ma 母亲 mǔ qīn mother,mom 母亲 is most used in writing 妈妈 is most used in speaking. > 孩子 hái zi child 图片包含 玩具, 玩偶, LEGO, 室内 已生成极高可信度的说明 > 儿子 ér zi 女儿 nǚ ér son daughter 男孩子 nán hái zi nǚ hái zi 女孩子 boy girl 儿子 cannot be replaced by 男孩子 女儿 cannot be replaced by 女孩子 > 哥哥 gē ge 弟弟 dì di older brother younger brother > 大哥 dà gē eldest brother > 姐姐 jiě jie 妹妹 mèi mei older sister younger sister > 照片 zhào piàn picture;photo C:/Users/13298/AppData/Local/Temp/kaimatting_20190928054350/output_20190928054403..pngoutput_201909 28054403. https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1521896323476&di=f62c83e135524d bf61280a9447ba8476&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fpic127.nipic.com%2Ffile%2F20170424%2F1529049_20321199 6000_2.jpg Please draw your family tree in Chinese 19960747 爸爸 妈妈 我 > Grammer 个(gè /ge) In Chinese a numeral is usually not followed immediately by a noun. (1)number + measure word + a noun. (2)demonstrative pronoun + measure word + a noun. 个(gè /ge) is the single most common measure word in Chinese. It is also sometimes used as a substitute for other measure words. measure word > Grammer 个(gè /ge) (1)number + measure word + a noun. 1、一个人(yí ge rén) a person 2、一个学生(yí ge xué shēng) a student 3、一个老师(yí ge lǎo shī) a teacher > Grammer 个(gè /ge) (2)demonstrative pronoun + measure word + a noun. 1、这个孩子(zhè ge hái zi ) this child 2、那个男学生(nà ge nán xué sheng ) that male student > 这 zhè this n 那 this 这个人叫李生。 zhè ge rén jiào Lǐ Shēng This person is called Li Sheng. 那个人是李先生的女儿。 nà ge rén shì lǐ xiān sheng de nǚ ér 。 That person is the daughter of Mr. Li. In colloquial Chinese, 这 can also be pronounced as zhèi and 那 as nèi if followed by a measure word or a numeral and a measure word. > 没 méi not > Grammer 有(yǒu) 有(yǒu) in the Sense of “to Have” or “to Possess” 有(yǒu) is always negated with 没(méi ) instead of 不(bù) A:王先生有弟弟吗? wáng xiān sheng yǒu dì di ma ? Does Mr.Wang have a younger brother? B:王先生没有弟弟。 wáng xiān sheng méi yǒu dì di 。 Mr.Wang doesn`t have any younger brothers. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer 有(yǒu) Please use 哥哥(gē ge)、弟弟(dì di)、姐姐(jiě jie )、妹妹(mèi mei)、大哥(dà gē ) to practice the conversations A:你有弟弟吗? nǐ yǒu dì di ma ? Do you have a younger brother? B:我没有弟弟。 wáng xiān sheng méi yǒu dì di。 Mr.Wang doesn`t have any younger brothers. > The Usage of 二 (èr)and 两(liǎng) 二(èr)and两(liǎng) both mean“ two,” but they differ in usage. 两(liǎng) is used in front of common measure words to express a quantity, e,g.,两个人(liǎng gè rén).In counting, one uses 二(èr):“一,二,三,四...”(yī ,èr ,sān ,sì ...;one,two,three,four...). In compound numersals, 二(èr) is always used for the 2 on the last two digits,e.g.,二十二(èr shí èr;22);一百二十五(yì bǎi èr shí wǔ;125) .But 二百二十二(èr bǎi èr shí èr;222 ) can also be said as 两百二十二(liǎng bǎi èr shí èr;222). > Grammer 有(yǒu) 有(yǒu) in the Sense of “to Have” or “to Possess” 有(yǒu) is always negated with 没(méi ) instead of 不(bù) A:我有三个姐姐,你呢? wǒ yǒu sān ge jiě jie ,nǐ ne ? I have three older sisters, How about you? B:我没有姐姐。 wǒ méi yǒu jiě jie. I don`t have any older sisters. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer 有(yǒu) Please use 哥哥(gē ge)、弟弟(dì di)、姐姐(jiě jie )、妹妹(mèi mei)、大哥(dà gē ) to practice the conversations A:我没有姐姐,你呢? wǒ méi yǒu jiě jie,nǐ ne ? I don`t have any older sisters,How about you? B: 我有三个姐姐。 wǒ yǒu sān ge jiě jie. I have three older sisters. > Grammer The Particle 的(de) 的(de) appears between the "possessor" and the "possessed." It is equivalent to the "`s" structure in English. For example: 老师的名字(lǎo shī de míng zi )=teacher`s name. 的 is often omitted in colloquial speech after a personal pronoun and before a kinship term. Therefore, we say “王朋的妈妈”(wáng péng de mā ma ) Wang Peng`s mother, but “我妈妈”(wǒ mā ma) my mother. 王朋:noun 我:personal pronoun > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) In a question with a question pronoun, the word order is exactly the same as that in a declarative sentence. A:那个女孩子是李友。 nà gè nǚ hái zǐ shì lǐ yǒu 。 That girl is Li You. 谁是李友? shéi shì Lǐ Yǒu ? Who is Li You? One can replace 那个女孩子 with 谁 to form a question if he or she wishes to find out who Li You > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:谁是李友? shéi shì Lǐ Yǒu ? Who is Li You? B:那个女孩子是李友。 nà gè nǚ hái zǐ shì lǐ yǒu 。 That girl is Li You. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:那个女孩子是李友。 nà gè nǚ hái zi shì lǐ yǒu 。 That girl is Li You. 那个女孩子是谁? nà ge nǚ hái zi shì shéi ? Who is that girl? One can also replace 李友 with 谁 to form a question if he or she wishes to find out who that girl is > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:那个女孩子是谁? nà ge nǚ hái zi shì shéi ? Who is that girl? B:那个女孩子是李友。 nà gè nǚ hái zǐ shì lǐ yǒu 。 That girl is Li You. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:谁是老师? shéi shì lǎo shī ? Who is a teacher? B:李先生是老师。 Lǐ xiān sheng shì lǎo shī. Mr.Li is a teacher. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:那个女孩子姓什么? nà ge nǚ hái zi xìng shén me ? What`s that girl`s family name? B:那个女孩子姓王。 nà ge nǚ hái zi xìng wáng . That girl`s family name is Wang. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation > Grammer3 Question Pronouns 谁(shéi) A:谁有姐姐? shéi yǒu jiě jie? Who has older sisters? B:高文中有姐姐。 gāo wén zhōng yǒu jiě jie. Gao Wen Zhong has an older sister. 图片包含 网球, 竞技运动 已生成高可信度的说明 practice In groups of three practice this conversation 王朋:高文中,那是你的照片吗? 高文中:是。这是我爸爸,这是我妈妈。 王朋:这个女孩子是谁? 高文中:她是我姐姐。 王朋:这个男孩子是你弟弟吗? 高文中:不是,他是我大哥的儿子。 王朋:你大哥有女儿吗? 高文中:他没有女儿。 Text Question 1.Whose photo is on the wall? 2.Who is the young lady in the picture? 3.Who is the boy in the picture? Please read the text to answer the following questions > Language Practice https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1521654155877&di=b18f414640ad99 29567397baae8309f7&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fpic.ffpic.com%2Ffiles%2F2016%2F0510%2Fsl0430q0h5a.jpg Please draw your family on paper.