153 KSCA006 Chinese Language I Instructor:LI XIN YU 152 Introduction 152 email:momoll0124@gmail.com 500732@mail.muni.cz Office hours:Tuesday 10:00-12:00 154 Syllabus Distribution ratio: Attendance:30% Classroom performance:10% Class quizzes:30% Homework: 30% 154 Attendance: You can ask for leave twice (without deduction of points), ask for leave more than 2 times or unexcused absence deduct 3 points once. If you are late for 1 hour is equal to absence once. Student can not exceed 3 times unexcused absences, otherwise can not participate in the final exam. If you want to ask for leave, please provide the relevant proof, for example, If you want to take sick leave, please provide a doctor's diagnosis certificate.(Please email me before class.then hang in the proof to student's office.) 154 Classroom quiz: There will be a class quiz before each class. The content of the quiz is the vocabulary and text learned in the last class. The form of the quiz is dictation. if you can't take the exam because you're asking for leave, you may take a make-up exam(office hour). If you are unexcused absent, you will not be able to take the make-up exam.If you miss an exam once, you will 3 points were deducted. 154 Homework: Hand in the homework before each class, and did not hand in homework once will deduct 3 points. Those who ask for leave and those who are absent can make up for the homework at the next class (no deduction). Next time you have to hand in your last unpaid homework + this homework (ask your classmates or write a letter to the teacher asking about the assignment.) Example: StudentA asked for leave on October 1, and A had to hand in two homework on October 2, one for September 30 and the other for October 2 . 154 Homework: Copy a new word 10 times ( + pinyin) Copy text 1 time ( + pinyin) To take the final exam, you need to score more than 70 points. In addition,please two notebooks are required for exams and homework (The front of the notebook, used to write homework The back of the notebook, used for the exam) 154 Do you have a Chinese name? If you have a Chinese name, please write your name, your Chinese name and your UČO on paper to me. If you don't have a Chinese name, do you want a Chinese name? If you want to a Chinese name , please write your name, your UČO and your favorite things (such as flowers, weather, animals, etc.) on paper and give them to me, I will give you a Chinese name next class. https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%99%BE%E5%AE%B6%E5%A7%93/194637 154 To introduce myself QH-139 Now please take the stage to make a brief self-introduction, let everyone know you 153 Class is over!