64 Visiting Friends 看朋友 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401141579 摄图网_401557402 摄图网_401557402 kàn péng you LI XIN YU 64 摄图网_401141572 呀 ya interjectory particle used to soften a question 64 摄图网_401141572 If someone knocks or you hear the doorbell, you can ask "谁呀"(shéi ya? Who is it?) 谁呀? 64 摄图网_401141572 进 jìn to enter 64 摄图网_401141572 来 lái to come 去 to go qù 64 摄图网_401141572 进来 jìn lái to come in chū qù 出去 to go out 64 摄图网_401141572 老师走进来。(lǎo shī zǒu jìn lái) The teacher came in. > 64 摄图网_401141572 老师走出去。(lǎo shī zǒu chū qù ) The teacher went out.. > 64 摄图网_401141572 快 kuài fast,quick;quickly 慢 màn slow 64 摄图网_401141572 兔子跑的快。 tù zǐ pǎo de kuài Rabbit runs fast 乌龟跑的慢。 wū guī pǎo de màn Tortle runs slowly 64 摄图网_401141572 介绍 jiè shào to introduce 64 摄图网_401141572 一下 yí xi once;a bit 64 摄图网_401141572 点(儿) diǎn(r) a little, a bit; some 64 一下(yí xià) and(一)点儿(yì diǎnr) Moderating the Tone of Voice 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 A:你看一下,这是谁的照片? nǐ kàn yí xià,zhè shì shéi de zhào piàn? Take a look. Whose photo is this? B:这是高文中的照片。 zhè shì gāo wén zhōng de zhào piàn 。 This is a photo of Gao Wenzhong. 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400174846 摄图网_401557402 A:你想吃点儿什么? nǐ xiǎng chī diǎnr shén me ? What would you like to eat? B:我想吃饼干。 wǒ xiǎng chī bǐng gān. I want to eat cookies. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 你进来一下。 nǐ jìn lai yí xià. Come in for a minute. 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400174846 摄图网_401557402 你喝一点儿茶吧。 nǐ hē yì diǎnr chá ba. Have a little tea. 64 摄图网_401141572 高兴 gāo xìng happy,pleased 我今天很高兴。 wǒ jīn tiān hěn gāo xìng I am very happy today. 64 摄图网_401141572 漂亮 piào liang pretty 布拉格很漂亮。 bù lā gé hěn piào liang. Prague is very beautiful. 64 In Chinese, when an adjective functions as a predicate, it is not preceded by the verb 是(shì,to be). It is usually modified by 很(hěn,very), as seen in (1),(2),(3), and (4), 很(hěn,very) 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 1、我今天很高兴。 wǒ jīn tiān hěn gāo xìng. I`m (very) happy today. 2、他妹妹很漂亮。 tā mèi mei hěn piāo liàng. His younger sister is (very) pretty. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 3、那个电影很好。 nà ge diàn yǐng hěn hǎo. That movie is good. 4、你们大学很大。 nǐ men dà xué hěn d Your university is very large. 64 some other adverbial modifier. However, 很(hěn,very) is not as strong as "very" in English. When forming a question with an adjective as the predicate, 很(hěn,very) is not used, as seen in (5) and (6). 很(hěn,very) 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400174846 摄图网_401557402 A:你弟弟高吗? nǐ dì di gāo ma ? Is your younger brother tall? B:他很高。 tā hěn gāo. He is tall. 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400174846 摄图网_401557402 A:你家大吗? nǐ jiā dà ma ? Is your house big? B:我家不大,很小。 wǒ jiā bú dà,hěn xiǎo. My house is not big, it`s small. 64 Chinese adjective without 很(hěn,very) or any sort of modifier before them can often imply comparison or contrast, as seen in (7) and (8) below 很(hěn,very) 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 A:姐姐漂亮还是妹妹漂亮? jiě jie piāo liang hái shi mèi mei piào liang ? Who`s prettier, the older sister or the younger sister? B:妹妹漂亮。 mèi mei piào liang The younger sister is prettier. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 妹妹的中文好,我的中文不好。 mèi mei de zhōng wén hǎo,wǒ de zhōng wén bù hǎo. My younger sister`s Chinese is good. My Chinese is not good. 64 摄图网_401141572 坐 zuò to sit 64 摄图网_401141572 在 zài at;in;on 他坐在椅子上。 (tā zuò zài yǐ zǐ shang) He is sitting in a chair. 64 在(zài ,at;in;on) Combined with a noun, the preposition 在(zài) indicates location. When the phrase is placed before a verb, it indicates the location of the action. 摄图网_401141572 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 A:我的书在哪儿? wǒ de shū zài nǎr? Where is my book? B:在那儿。 zài nàr. It`s over there. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 A:你在哪儿工作? nǐ zài nǎr gōng zuò ? Where do you work? B:我在这儿工作。 wǒ zài zhèr gōng zuò I work here. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 3、我在这个大学学中文。 wǒ zài zhè ge dà xué xué zhōng wén. I study Chinese at this university. 4、我不喜欢在家看电影。 wǒ bù xǐ huan zài jiā kàn diàn yǐng. I don`t like to watch movies at home. 64 摄图网_401141572 哪儿 nǎr where 你想去哪儿? nǐ xiǎng qù nǎr ? where do you want to go? 64 哪儿(nǎr,where) 哪儿(nǎr) is a question word meaning "where." Do not confuse it with 那儿(nàr,there). 这儿(zhèr) means" here " in Chinese 摄图网_401141572 64 摄图网_401141572 学校 xué xiào school 64 摄图网_401141572 喝 hē to drink hē shuǐ 喝 水(Drink water) 64 摄图网_401141572 水 shuǐ water 64 摄图网_401141572 杯 bēi (measure word for cup and glass) 一杯水 A cup of water yì bēi shuǐ 64 摄图网_401141572 茶 chá tea 64 摄图网_401141572 咖啡 kā fēi coffee 64 摄图网_401141572 可乐 kě lè (Coke or Pepsi) cola 64 摄图网_401141572 瓶 píng (measure word for bottle);bottle 一瓶可乐 yì píng kě lè a bottle of Cola. 64 摄图网_401141583 摄图网_401557402 A:你想喝点儿什么? nǐ xiǎng hē diǎnr shén me ? What would you like to drink? B:我想喝茶。 wǒ xiǎng hē chá. I would like tea. 水(shuǐ;water) 可乐(kě lè;cola) 咖啡(kā fēi;coffee) 64 吧(ba) is a sentence-final "suggestion" particle, often used at the end of an imperative sentence to soften the tone. 吧(ba) 摄图网_401557402 摄图网_401141579 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400174846 摄图网_401557402 1、你喝咖啡吧。 nǐ hē kā fēi ba. Why don`t you have some coffee? 2、请进来吧。 Come in, please. 3、我们跳舞吧。 Let`s dance. 64 摄图网_401141572 要 yào to want 我要一瓶可乐。 wǒ yào yì píng kě lè. I want a bottle of Cola. 64 摄图网_401141572 给 gěi to give 请给我一杯水,谢谢。 qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi shuǐ,xiè xie. please give me a cup of water,thank you. 64 摄图网_401141572 可以 kě yǐ can;may 我可以迟交作业吗? wǒ kě yǐ chí jiāo zuò yè ma ? Can I hand in my homework late? 64 摄图网_401141572 对不起 duì bu qǐ sorry 64 摄图网_401141572 高文中: 谁呀? 王朋: 是我,王朋,还有李友。 高文中: 请进,请进,快进来!来,我介绍一下,这是我姐姐,高小音。 王朋/李友:小音,你好。认识你很高兴。 高小音: 认识你们我也很高兴。 王朋: 你们家很大,也很漂亮。 高小音: 是吗?请坐,请坐。 王朋: 小音,你在哪儿工作? 高小音: 我在学校工作。你们想喝点儿什么?喝茶还是喝咖啡? 王朋: 我喝茶吧。 李友: 我要一瓶可乐,可以吗? 高小音: 对不起,我们家没有可乐。 李友: 那给我一杯水吧。 Text 64 摄图网_401141572 Question 1、Why did Li You ask for a glass of water? 2、What did Wang Peng want to drink? 3、How is Gao Wenzhong`s house? 64 摄图网_401141572 摄图网_400099601 language practice