Greetings 第一课 Q&A How do people greet each other when meeting for the first time? Q&A nǐ hǎo 你 好 Greetings Vocabulary nǐ (you) wǒ 我 tā 他 (he) 她 (she) 它 (it) (I;me) Vocabulary hǎo 好 (fine) expression008-ok Attention!!! 你好≠You are fine(good) 你好 is not you are fine(good) 你好 is just a greeting, like hi, hello Vocabulary qǐng 请 (please) polite form of request to treat or to invite(somebody) 请 qǐng Vocabulary wèn 问 (to ask) 请 问 a polite formula to be used to get someone's attention,like"excuse me, may I please ask..." qǐng wèn Vocabulary xiǎo jiě 小 姐 (Miss young lady) Attention!!! 小 姐 When we find a word with two third tone syllables. making the first third tone”小“ a second tone. The second syllable ”姐“ can also be pronounced in the neutral tone xiǎo jiě xiǎo jiě xiáo jiě Vocabulary jiào 叫 (to call to be called) Vocabulary shén me 什 么 (what) Vocabulary míng zi 名 字 (name) A:你叫什么名字?(nǐ jiào shén me míng zi ?) What is your name? B:我叫......(wǒ jiào .... ) My name is .... Vocabulary xiān sheng 先 生 (Mr. husband teacher) Vocabulary guì 贵 (honorable expensive) guì pián yí 便宜(cheap) 贵 images (1) images (1) €500 €10 Vocabulary xìng 姓 (surname) Grammar 1 姓(n/v) The Verb 姓(xìng ) A:你姓什么?(nǐ xìng shén me ?) What is your surname? B: 我姓李。(wǒ xìng lǐ ) My surname is Li. 姓 is both a noun and a transitive verb. When it is used as a verb, it must be followed by an object Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 1 姓(n/v) The Verb 姓(xìng ) A:你姓李吗?(nǐ xìng lǐ ma ?) Is your family name Li? B: 我不姓李。(wǒ bú xìng lǐ ) 我不姓(X) My surname is not Li. 姓 is usually negated with “不“(bù ) Attention!!! 不 When followed by a 4th tone, 不 (bù) changes to 2nd tone (bú). bù bù xìng bú xìng 不姓 Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 1 姓(n/v) The Verb 姓(xìng ) A:你贵姓?(nǐ guì xìng?) What is your surname? B: 我姓王。(wǒ xìng wáng ) 我贵姓王(X) 免贵姓王。(miǎn guì xìng wáng ) My surname is not Wang. 贵姓(guì xìng )is a respectful or polite expression to ask for someone`s surname Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 2 呢 A:请问,你贵姓?(qǐng wèn ,nǐ guì xìng ?) What is your family name,please? B: 我姓李,你呢?(wǒ xìng lǐ,nǐ ne ? ) My family name is Li.How about you? You can use "呢"(ne ) at the end of a question to form a question Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 2 呢 A:你叫什么名字?(nǐ jiào shén me míng zi ?) What is your name? B: 我叫王朋,你呢?(wǒ jiào wáng péng ,nǐ ne ? ) My name is Wang Peng .How about you? When 呢(ne) is used in this way, there must be some context. In each of the two examples about, the context is provided by the preceding sentence Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 3 叫 A:你叫什么名字?(nǐ jiào shén me míng zi ?) What is your name? B: 我叫王朋。(wǒ jiào wáng péng ? ) My name is Wang Peng . The verb 叫(jiào) has several meanings. It means "to be called" in this lesson. Like 姓(xìng), it must be followed by an object Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Grammar 3 叫 A:你叫李生吗?(nǐ jiào lǐ shēng ma ?) Is your name Li Sheng? B: 我不叫李生。(wǒ bù jiào lǐ shēng.) My name is not Li Sheng. 叫(jiào) is usually negated with “不“(bù ) Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Basic word order of Chinese sentences Subject+Verb+Object statements and questions are the same Text Man: 你好! Woman:你好! Man: 请问,你贵姓? Woman:我姓李。你呢? Man: 我姓王。李小姐,你叫什么名字? Woman:我叫李友。王先生,你叫什么名字? Man: 我叫王朋。 Question Please read the text to answer the following questions 2、What is the woman`s family name? 1、What did the man say first to the woman? 3、What is the man`s full name? You can discuss it with your group members Language practice