Greetings 第一课 Text Man: 你好! Woman:你好! Man: 请问,你贵姓? Woman:我姓李。你呢? Man: 我姓王。李小姐,你叫什么名字? Woman:我叫李友。王先生,你叫什么名字? Man: 我叫王朋。 Question Please read the text to answer the following questions 2、What is the woman`s family name? 1、What did the man say first to the woman? 3、What is the man`s full name? You can discuss it with your group members Language practice Practice In groups of three practice this conversation Part2:Asking about someone`s nationality 老师 (teacher) lǎo shī 我是你們的老師。 wǒ shì nǐ men de lǎo shī 。 I am your teacher. Part2:Asking about someone`s nationality 学生 (student) xué sheng 你们是我的学生。 nǐ men shì wǒ de xué shēng 。 You are my students. Part2:Asking about someone`s nationality 人 (people person) rén 我是中国人。 wǒ shì zhōng guó rén 。 I am Chinese. 中 国 zhōng guó What is the capital of China? 北 京 běi jīng China Beijing 美 国 měi guó 纽 约 niǔ yuē America New York 捷 克 jié kè What is the capital of Czech? 布拉格 bù lā gé Czech Prague zhōng guó 中 国 China 人 rén people 中 国 人 zhōng guó rén Chinese Chinese people běi jīng 北 京 Beijing 人 rén people 北 京 人 běi jīng rén from Beijing Answer!!! 我是__________人。 For example:我是中国人。 wǒ shì zhōng guó rén 。 I am Chinese. Grammar A:你是老师吗? nǐ shì lǎo shī ma ? Are you a teacher? B:我是老师。 wǒ shì lǎo shī 。 I am a teacher. The Verb 是(shì ) In Chinese,是 is a verb which can be used to link two units that are in some way equivalent. These two units can be noun, pronouns, or noun phrases A:李友是学生吗? Lǐ Yǒu shì xué sheng ma ? Is Li You a student? B:李友是学生。 Lǐ Yǒu shì xué sheng 。 Li You is a student. The Verb 是(shì ) A:王朋是美国人吗? Wáng Péng shì Měiguó rén ma ? Is Wang Peng an American? B:王朋不是美国人。 Wáng Péng bú shì Měiguó rén 。 Wang Peng is not American. The Verb 是(shì ) 是(shì)is usually negated with 不(bù ). Question: 你是老师吗? nǐ shì lǎo shī ma ? Are you a teacher? Affirmative answer:我是老师。 wǒ shì lǎo shī 。 I am a teacher. Negative answer: 我不是老师。 wǒ bú shì lǎo shī 。 I am not a teacher. Questions Ending with 吗(ma) Question: 你姓王吗? nǐ xìng Wáng ma ? Is your family name Wang? Affirmative answer:我姓王。 wǒ xìng Wáng 。 My family name is Wang. Negative answer: 我不姓王。 wǒ bú xìng Wáng 。 My family name is not Wang. Questions Ending with 吗(ma) A:你是北京人吗? nǐ shì Běijīng rén ma ? Are you from Beijing? B:我不是北京人。 wǒ bú shì Běijīng rén 。 I am not from Beijing. The Negative Adverb 不(bù ) A:李友是中国人吗? Lǐ Yǒu shì zhōng guó rén ma ? Is Li You Chinese? B:李友不是中国人。 Lǐ Yǒu bú shì zhōng guó rén Li You is not Chinese. The Negative Adverb 不(bù ) A:老师姓王吗? lǎo shī xìng Wáng ma ? Is the teacher`s surname Wang? B:老师不姓王。 lǎo shī bú xìng Wáng The teacher`s surname is not Wang. The Negative Adverb 不(bù ) A:你叫李中吗? nǐ jiào lǐ zhōng ma ? Are you name Li Zhong? B:我不叫李中。 wǒ bú jiào lǐ zhōng 。 My name is not Li Zhong. The Negative Adverb 不(bù ) 王朋是学生。 Wáng Péng shì xué sheng。 Wang Peng is a student. 李友是学生。 Lǐ Yǒu shì xué sheng。 Li You is a student. The Adverb 也(yě ) The adverb 也(yě)basically means "too" or "also." The adverb 也(yě) cannot be put before the subject or at very end of a sentence. 王朋是学生,李友也是学生。 Wáng Péng shì xué sheng ,Lǐ Yǒu yě shì xué sheng 。 Wang Peng is a student, Li You is a student, too. The Adverb 也(yě ) The adverb 也(yě)basically means "too" or "also." The adverb 也(yě) cannot be put before the subject or at very end of a sentence. 王朋是学生,李友也是学生。 Wáng Péng shì xué sheng ,Lǐ Yǒu yě shì xué sheng 。 Wang Peng is a student, Li You is a student, too. 王朋是学生,李友是学生也。X Wáng Péng shì xué sheng ,Lǐ Yǒu shì xué sheng yě。 王朋是学生,也李友是学生。X Wáng Péng shì xué sheng ,yě Lǐ Yǒu shì xué sheng 。 The Adverb 也(yě ) When the adverb 也(yě) is used together with the negative adverb 不(bù), 也(yě) is placed before 不(bù) 王朋不是纽约人,李友也不是纽约人。 Wáng Péng bú shì niǔ yuē rén ,Lǐ Yǒu yě bú shì niǔ yuē rén 。 (Wang Peng is not from New York,Li You is not from New York,either.) 王朋不是纽约人。 Wáng Péng bú shì niǔ yuē rén 。 Wang Peng is not from New York. 李友不是纽约人。 Lǐ Yǒu bú shì niǔ yuē rén 。 Li You is not from New York. Text Woman:王先生,你是老师吗? Man: 我不是老师,我是学生。李友,你呢? Woman:我也是学生。你是中国人吗? Man: 是。我是北京人,你是美国人吗? Woman:是,我是纽约人。 Question Please read the text to answer the following questions 2、What is Miss Li`s nationality? 1、Is Mr.Wang a teacher? 3、What is Mr.Wang`s nationality? You can discuss it with your group members Language practice Practice In groups of three practice this conversation