ài hào Hobbies 爱好 LI XINYU On October 29, we will review 1-5 lessons. On October 30, we will have a paper-based examination, which includes listening, reading pinyin to write Chinese characters, reorganizing sentences, translating English into Chinese, and reading comprehension. 20% of the final exam questions will be the same as those in this paper. Please don't be absent!!! 周末 zhōu mò weekend 打球 dǎ qiú to play ball dǎ 打 to hit qiú 球 ball A:我喜欢打球,你呢? wǒ xǐ huan dǎ qiú,nǐ ne ? I like to play ball, How about you? B:我也喜欢打球。 wǒ yě xǐ huan dǎ qiú. I like to play ball, too. 跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance tiào 跳 to jump 舞 wǔ to dance 他们喜欢跳舞。 tā men xǐ huan tiào wǔ. They like to dance 唱歌(儿) chàng gē(r) to sing (a song) 唱 chàng to sleep gē 歌 song A:你喜欢不喜欢唱歌(儿)? nǐ xǐ huan bù xǐ huan chàng gē(ér)? Do you like to sing? B:我不喜欢唱歌(儿)。 wǒ bù xǐ huan chàng gē(ér). I don`t like to sing. 听 tīng to listen 音乐 yīn yuè music tīng yīn yuè 听音乐listen to music 看 kàn to watch; to look; to read 电视 diàn shì television kàn diàn shì 看电视 watch TV A:你喜欢看电视吗? nǐ xǐ huan kàn diàn shì ma? Do you like to watch TV? B:我喜欢看电视。 wǒ xǐ huan kàn diàn shì. I like to watch TV. 电 diàn electricity 视 shì vision 他的视觉很敏锐。 tā de shì jué hěn mǐn ruì 。 His vision is very sharp 电影 diàn yǐng movie kàn diàn yǐng 看电影 watch movie 影 yǐng shadow guāng 光 light 书 shū book 对 duì right;correct 错 cuò wrong 有的 yǒu de some 时候 shí hou (a point in)time; moment; (a duration of)time yǒu de shí hou 有的时候 sometimes 那 n in that case;then 常常 cháng cháng often A:你周末常常做什么? nǐ zhōu mò cháng cháng zuò shén me ? What do you often do on weekends? B:我周末常常看电影。 wǒ zhōu mò cháng cháng kàn diàn yǐng. I often watch movies on weekends. 外国 wài guó foreign country 请客 qǐng kè to invite someone (to dinner,coffee,etc.); to play the host 昨天 zuó tiān yesterday 所以 suǒ yǐ so The basic word order in a Chinese sentence is as follow. Subject (agent of the action) Adverbial (time,place,manner,ect) Verb object (receiver of the action) Subj. Adverbial Verb Obj. 王朋 周末/常常 听 音乐 wáng péng zhōu mò / cháng cháng tīng yīn yuè Wang Peng often listens to music on weekends. The basic word order in a Chinese sentence is as follow. Subject (agent of the action) Adverbial (time,place,manner,ect) Verb object (receiver of the action) Subj. Adverbial Verb Obj. 李友 明天 吃 中国菜 lǐ yǒu míng tiān chī zhōng guó cài Li You will have Chinese food tomorrow. The basic word order in a Chinese sentence is as follow. Subject (agent of the action) Adverbial (time,place,manner,ect) Verb object (receiver of the action) Subj. Adverbial Verb Obj. 高文中 昨天下午五点半 去看 外国电影 gāo wén zhōng zuó tiān xià wǔ wǔ diǎn bàn qù kàn wài guó diàn yǐng Gao Wenzhong went to see a foreign movie at 5:30 yesterday aftenoon. Affirmative+Negative(A-not-A) Questions 1、你明天去不去? nǐ míng tiān qù bu qù ? Are you going tomorrow? 2、她今天晚上看不看电视? tā jīn tiān wǎn shang kàn bu kàn diàn shì ? Is she going to watch TV tonight? 6、你想不想跳舞? 你想跳不跳舞?(X) nǐ xiǎng bu xiǎng tiào wǔ ? Do you want to dance? 7、你的同学去不去打球? 你的同学去打不打球?(X) nǐ de tóng xué qù bu qù dǎ qiú ? Does your classmate go to play ball? The Conjunction 那(么)(nà me,then; in that case) In a dialogue, immediately following a statement by speaker A, speaker B can often start with 那(么), which links up the sentences by the two speakers. A:今天晚上没事儿。 jīn tiān wǎn shang méi shìr . We have nothing to do tonight. B:那我们去看电影,怎么样? nà wǒ men qù kàn diàn yǐng ,zěn me yàng ? In that cases, let`s go to see a movie. How`s that? A:好,我请客。 hǎo,wǒ qǐng kè. Okay,my treat! B:是吗?太好了! shì ma ?tài hǎo le ! Really? Great! A:我今天很忙,不想去吃晚饭。 wǒ jīn tiān hěn máng,bù xiǎng qù chī wǎn fàn 。 I`m very busy today.I don`t want to go to dinner. B:那明天呢? nà míng tiān ne ? Then how about tomorrow? A:你喜欢不喜欢吃美国菜? nǐ xǐ huan bu xǐ huan chī měi guó cài ? Do you like to eat American food or not? B:不喜欢。 bù xǐ huān. No,I don`t A:那我们吃中国菜,怎么样? nà wǒ men chī zhōng guó cài,zěn me yàng ? Then let`s cat Chinese food. How`s that? B:我也不喜欢。 wǒ yě bù xǐ huan. I don`t like that either. 1、明天晚上我们去看电影。 míng tiān wǎn shang wǒ men qù kàn diàn yǐng. We are going to see a movie tomorrow night. 2、晚上我不去跳舞。 wǎn shang wǒ bú qù tiào wǔ 。 I will not go dancing tonight. 3、周末我去跳舞,你去不去? zhōu mò wǒ qù tiào wǔ ,nǐ qù bu qù ? I`ll go dancing this weekend. Are you going? 去(qù , to go)+Action Questions with 好吗 (hǎo ma) To solicit someone`s opinion, we can ask 好吗(hǎo ma) after stating an idea or suggestion. You will also hear people say 好不好(hǎo bu hǎo), instead of 好吗(hǎo ma) 1、我们去看电影,好吗? wǒ men qù kàn diàn yǐng ,hǎo ma ? We`ll go see a movie, all right? 2、我们今天晚上吃中国菜,好吗? wǒ men jīn tiān wǎn shang chī zhōng guó cài,hǎo ma ? We`ll eat Chinese food tonight, all right? 高文中:白英爱,你周末喜欢做什么? 白英爱:我喜欢打球、看电视。你呢? 高文中:我喜欢唱歌、跳舞,还喜欢听音乐。 你也喜欢看书,对不对? 白英爱:对,有的时候也喜欢看书。 高文中:你喜欢不喜欢看电影? 白英爱:喜欢。我周末常常看电影。 高文中:那我们今天晚上去看一个外国电影, 怎么样?我请客。 白英爱:为什么你请客? 高文中:因为昨天你请我吃饭,所以今天我 请你看电影。 白英爱:那你也请王朋、李友,好吗? 高文中:...好。 Question 1、What does Gao Wenzhong like to do on weekends? 2、What does Bai Ying ai like to do on weekends? 3、Who is treating this evening? Language Practice