ài hào Hobbies 爱好 LI XINYU On October 29, we will review 1-5 lessons. On October 30, we will have a paper-based examination, which includes listening, reading pinyin to write Chinese characters, reorganizing sentences, translating English into Chinese, and reading comprehension. 20% of the final exam questions will be the same as those in this paper. Please don't be absent!!! 小 xiǎo small;little 好久 hǎo jiǔ a long time 好 hǎo very 久 jiǔ long(of time) 你好吗?(nǐ hǎo ma? How are you?) is a question typically asked of people that you already know. The answer is "我很好"(wǒ hěn hǎo, I am fine.) typically Long time no see 好久不见 hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn 不错 bú cuò pretty good 想 xiǎng to want to; would like to; to think 觉得 jué de to feel;to think 意思 yì si meaning 有意思 yǒu yì si interesting The position of negatives in Chinese is not always the same as their counterparts in English. An English speaker would say: "I don`t think going to the movies is a lot of fun," but a Chinese speaker would say 我觉得看电影没有意思(wǒ jué de kàn diàn yǐng méi you yì si ), which literally means, "I think going to the movies is not a lot of fun." 只 zhǐ only 睡觉 shuì jiào to sleep 睡 shuì to sleep 觉 jiào sleep The character 觉 is pronounced in two different ways and has two different meanings: jué as in 觉得(jué de, to feel) and jiào as in 睡觉(shuì jiào, to sleep). 觉得 jué de to feel 睡觉 shuì jiào to sleep 算了 suàn le forget it; never mind 找 zhǎo to look for 别人 bié rén other people; another person 别(的) bié (de) other A:你想听音乐吗? nǐ xiǎng tīng yīn yuè ma ? Would you like to listen to some music? B:我想听音乐。 wǒ xiǎng tīng yīn yuè 。 I would like to listen to music. 白老师想打球,可是王老师不想打。 bái lǎo shī xiǎng dǎ qiú ,kě shì wáng lǎo shī bù xiǎng dǎ. Teacher Bai felt like playing ball, but Teacher Wang didn`t. A:你想不想看中国电影? nǐ xiǎng bu xiǎng kàn zhōng guó diàn yǐng ? Do you feel like going to see a Chinese movie? B:我想看中国电影。 wǒ xiǎng kàn zhōng guó diàn yǐng. I feel like going to see a Chinese movie. A:你想不想听外国音乐? nǐ xiǎng bu xiǎng tīng wài guó yīn yuè ? Do you feel like listening to some foreign music? B:我想听外国音乐。 wǒ xiǎng tīng wài guó yīn yuè. I feel like listening to some foreign music. 想(xiǎng) VS 喜欢(xǐ huan) 想(xiǎng) can be translated as "would like to," "to have a desire to." 喜欢(xǐ huan) is "to like" meaning "be fond of." 想(xiǎng) and 喜欢(xǐ huan) are different, and are not interchangeable. 想(xiǎng) VS 觉得(jué de) Both想(xiǎng) and 觉得(jué de) can be translated as "to think," but the former means "to desire," whereas the latter means "to feel," "to have the opinion," or "to give a comment." Even though 睡觉(shuì jiào, to sleep), 唱歌(chàng gē, to sing), and 跳舞(tiào wǔ, to dance) are treated each as a word, grammatically speaking, they are all verb-object compounds. When there is an attributive element to modify the object, such as an adjective or a number-measure word combination, it must be inserted between the verb and the noun. Verb+Object as a Detachable Compound Verb+adjective/number-measure word+noun 睡觉 shuì jiào to sleep 唱歌 chàng gē to sing 跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance 睡一个好觉 shuì yí ge hǎo jiào have a good sleep 唱英文歌 chàng yīng wén gē sing an English song 跳中国舞 tiào zhōng guó wǔ do a Chinese dance 王 朋:小高,好久不见,你好吗? 高文中:我很好。你怎么样? 王 朋:我也不错。这个周末你想做什么? 想不想去打球? 高文中:打球?我不喜欢打球。 王 朋:那我们去看球,怎么样? 高文中:看球?我觉得看球也没有意思。 王 朋:那你这个周末想做什么? 高文中:我只想吃饭、睡觉。 王 朋:算了,我去找别人。 Question 1、How does Wang Peng greet Gao Wenzhong? 2、Does Gao Wenzhong want to play ball? Why? 3、What does Gao Wenzhong like to do ? Language Practice