约时间 LI XIN YU 1 Vocabulary 中 文 zhōng wén Chinese language 1 Vocabulary 文 wén language;script;written language 1 Vocabulary 帮 bāng to help 1 Vocabulary 准 备 zhǔn bèi to prepare 1 Vocabulary 练 liàn xí to practice 1 Vocabulary 说 shuō to say; to speak 1 Vocabulary 下 个 xià ge next one 1 Vocabulary 下 xi below;next 1 下个星期(xià ge xīng qī) literally means “the week below.” By the same token, 上个星期(shàng ge xīng qī ) literally means “the week above.” The measure word 个 can be omitted: 下个星期=下星期;上个星期=上星期. “Last/next month” is 上个月/下个月(shàng ge yuè/xià ge yuè).However, we don`t say “上月/下月” To help you remember, envision a calendar. Next week/month is below(下,xià) this week/month; last week/month is above (上,shàng) this week/month. Time Expressions 1 Time Expressions Involving Month and Week 上上个月 shàng shàng ge yuè the month before last 上上(个)星期 shàng shàng(ge) xīng qī the week before last 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month 上(个)星期 shàng (ge)xīng qī last week 这个月 zhè ge yuè this month 这(个)星期 zhè (ge) xīng qī this week 下个月 xià ge yuè next month 下(个)星期 xià (ge) xīng qī next week 下下个月 xià xià ge yuè the month after next 下下(个)星期 xià xià (ge) xīng qī the week after next 1 一月 yī yuè January 二月 èr yuè February 三月 sān yuè March 四月 sì yuè April 五月 wǔ yuè May 六月 liù yuè June 七月 qī yuè July 八月 bā yuè August 九月 jiǔ yuè September 十月 shí yuè October 十一月 shí yī yuè November 十二月 shí èr yuè December 1 The above expressions with 月(yuè) and 星期(xīng qī) form two parallel serics. “one weeks” is 一个星期(yí ge xīng qī), therefore “one week later” is 一个星期以后(yí ge xīng qī yǐ hòu ). “One month” is 一个月(yí ge yuè), not 一月(yī yuè). “One month later” is 一个月以后(yí ge yuè yǐ hòu) Time Expressions 1 Additional Time Expressions Involving Year and Day 大前天 dà qián tiān three days ago 大前年 dà qián nián three years ago 前天 qián tiān the day before yesterday 前年 qián nián the year before last 昨天 zuó tiān yesterday 去年 qù nián last year 今天 jīn tiān today 今年 jīn nián this year 1 Additional Time Expressions Involving Year and Day 明天 míng tiān tomorrow 明年 míng nián next year 后天 hòu tiān the day after tomorrow 后年 hòu nián the year after next 大后天 dà hòu tiān three days from today 大后年 dà hòu nián three years from now The above expressions with 天(tiān) and 年(nián) form two parallel series except for 昨天(zuó tiān) and 去年(qù nián) 1 Vocabulary 啊 a (a sentence-final particle of exclamation, interrogation, etc) 1 Vocabulary 但 是 dàn shì but 1 Vocabulary 得 děi must; to have to 1 The Modal Verb得(děi) means “need to “ or “must”. The Modal Verb得(děi,must) 1.我现在得去开会,没空儿跟你聊天儿。 wǒ xiàn zài dé qù kāi huì,méi kōng ér gēn nǐ liáo tiānr. I need to go to a meeting right now, and have no time to chat with you. 2.我有事儿,得去学校。 wǒ yǒu shìr,děi qù xué xiào 。 I`ve some business[to attend to]. I must go to school. 1 The negative form of 得(děi,must) is 不用(bú yòng,need not) or 不必(bú bì, need not). not 不得(bú děi). Therefore, the correct way to say “ You don`t have to go to the library” in Chinese is A, not B: The Modal Verb得(děi,must) A:你不用去图书馆。 or 你不必去图书馆。 nǐ bú yòng qù tú shū guǎn nǐ bú bì qù tú shū guǎn B:你不得去图书馆。 nǐ bù děi tú shū guǎn 1 Vocabulary 跟 gēn with 1 Vocabulary 见 面 jiàn miàn to meet up;to meet with 1 Vocabulary 面 miàn face 1 Vocabulary 回 来 huí lái to come back 1 来/去(lái/qù, to come/go) can serve as a directional complement after such verbs as 进(jìn, to enter) and 回(huí, to return). 来(lái, to come) signifies movement toward the speaker, while 去(qù, to go) signifies movement away from the speaker. Directional Complements (I) 来 > 1 来/去(lái/qù, to come/go) can serve as a directional complement after such verbs as 进(jìn, to enter) and 回(huí, to return). 来(lái, to come) signifies movement toward the speaker, while 去(qù, to go) signifies movement away from the speaker. Directional Complements (I) 去 > 1 1、[A is at home, speaking on the phone to B, who is away from home] A:你什么时候回来? nǐ shén me shí hou huí lai ? When are you coming back? B:我六点回去。 wǒ liù diǎn huí qu. I`m going back at six. Directional Complements (I) 1 2、[A is outside, and B is inside. A knocks on the door, and B tells A to come in.] B:进来。 jìn lai. Come in Directional Complements (I) 1 2、[Both A and B are outside. A tells B to go inside.] A:进去。 jìn qu. Go in Directional Complements (I) 1 Compare the two particles 吧(ba) and 吗(ma): 1、你是李友吧? (nǐ shì lǐ yǒu ba?) You are Li You, aren`t you? (I think you`re Li You. Am I right?) 2、你是李友吗? (nǐ shì lǐ yǒu ma?) Are you Li You? (I am not quite sure.) 吧vs吗? 1 酸辣鸡蛋汤 suān là jī dàn tāng 玉米粳yù mǐ jīng 柿茄木须汤 shì qié mù xū tāng 1 凤片纯菜汤 fēng piàn chún cài tāng 清汤三鲜 qīng tāng sān xiān 1 李友:喂,请问,王朋在吗? 王朋:我就是。你是李友吧? 李友:王朋,我下个星期要考中文,你帮我准备一下,跟我 练习说中文,好吗? 王朋:好啊,但是你得请我喝咖啡。 李友:喝咖啡,没问题。那我什么时候跟你见面?你今天晚上有空儿吗? 王朋:今天晚上白英爱请我吃饭。 李友:是吗?白英爱请你吃饭? 王朋:对。我回来以后给你打电话。 李友:好,我等你的电话。 Text 1 1、Why did Li You call Wang Peng? 2、What will Wang Peng do tonight? 3、What will Li You do tonight? Questions Language Practice