KSCB902 Chinese in Popular Culture FALL, 2019 ___________________________________________________________ Course Instructor: 洪瓏真 Long-Zhen Hong (Sophie) Time : Mon 8:00–9:40 Place: G11 Email : jelan30530@gmail.com Office Hour : 10:00-11:40 (every Monday) ___________________________________________________________  Description Chinese class for MA. This course is to illustrate various kinds of pop culture of contemporary China, to familiarize students with the latest trend of modern society, with video clips on various cultural events, phenome phenomenon, ideologies, value orientations, and social norms in social, economic, feminist perspectives.  Textbooks Required Text: Chinese in Popular Culture (Please go to IS/ Study Material download)  Course Objectives Through the series of lectures, students are expected to have general knowledge of the pop culture of contemporary China and its background information.  Schedule Week Main Content Notes Week 1 23.September Introduction Week 2 30.September Lesson 1 中国的节日-过年的各种红包 Week 3 7. October Lesson 2 中国的变化-中国进入“邓小平” 时 间 回顾改革开放 Choose a topic for an essay. Week 4 14. October Lesson 3 旅游 出国旅游自助还是跟团好? Week 5 21. October Lesson 4 生活与健康 天天喝酒熬夜 Week 6 28. October Holiday Week 7 4. November Lesson 5 男女平等了吗?〔职场篇〕 First draft presentation Week 8 11. November Lesson 6 环境保护节约能源 中国环境战士 的绝望 Week 9 18.November Lesson 7 理财与投资-养钱 20 招 30 岁小 资女存千万 Week 10 25. November Lesson 8 中国历史 1911 辛亥革命 Week 11 2. December Lesson 9 面试不 NG The last week consult with Teacher Hong. Week 12 9. December Lesson 10 外国人在中国-外国人在台湾 生活过久言行举止越来越台? Week 13 16.December Presentation Hand over the essay.  Evaluation Method  Attendance : 20% 1 unexcused absence allowed during the semester.  Discussion: 30% Please preview the videos before classes (please go to IS/ Study Material). We will conduct topical discussions in the class. Every student must join the discussion and work with their team members.  Essay 20% The essay should write in Chinese. You can choose the topic from Lesson 1 to Lesson 10, extending the content and do your research. The length of the essay is not limited.  First draft presentation: 10% The presentation should speak in Chinese. The length of the presentation should be in 10 minutes. You can choose the topic from Lesson 1 to Lesson 10. The purpose is to tell your thoughts about the essay script. Why do you want to choose the topic? And write down your abstract and script outline.  Presentation: 20% The presentation should speak in Chinese. The length of the presentation is not limited. You can choose the topic from Lesson 1 to Lesson 10. Please present the conclusion of your essay. Consult your presentation with Teacher Hong at least once before 2. December.